Assignment by, 863.07
Indebted to estate, offset, 863.15
Abatement, 863.11
Money or other property where payment is prohibited, 863.37
Order in which assets appropriated, abatement, 854.18, 863.11
Partial before final judgment, 863.01
Specific property before final judgment, 863.01
Valuation, 863.19
Dormant estates, 863.35
Escheats, IX, 3; 863.39
Exchange by distributee and surviving spouse, 863.08
Execution by creditors of distributees prohibited, 863.05
Exoneration of encumbered property, 854.05, 863.13
Fees, 851.74
Final judgment:
Conclusiveness, 863.31
Contents, 863.27
Recording, 863.29
Fractional shares, value used in distribution, 863.16
Garnishment by creditors of distributees prohibited, 863.05
Graves, allowance for care, 863.09
Heirship, proof required, notice, 863.23
Inactive estates, summary discontinuance, 863.49
Income earned during administration, 701.20 (5)
Incompetent, distribution to, notice of share to court appointing guardian, 863.43
Injunction against heirs, 813.026
Judgment assigning estate:
Conclusiveness, 863.31
Contents, 863.27
Petition, 863.25
Recording, 863.29
Legacies and shares, unclaimed, 863.39
Marital property,
Distribution to, notice of share to court appointing guardian, 863.43
Transfers to Minors Act, 880.61 to 880.72
Motor vehicle transfer, 342.17 (4)
Construction of will, 863.21
Heirship, determination and proof, 863.23
Offset, when distributee indebted to estate, 863.15
Order in which assets appropriated, abatement, 854.18, 863.11
Partial distribution, before final judgment, 863.01
Partition, by final judgment, 863.17
Petition for final judgment, 863.25
Receipts from guardians, 863.45
Receipts to be filed, 863.41
Receiverships for heirs, 813.026
Remedies, creditors of certain heirs and legatees, 863.46
Right of retention, 863.15
Small estates:
Summary assignment, 867.02
Summary settlement, 867.01
Transfer by affidavit, 867.03
Ward's summary closing, 880.28
Specific property, distribution before final judgment, 863.01
Summary assignment, claims procedure not to impede, 859.51
Summary discontinuance of inactive estates, 863.49
Summary settlement, claims procedure not to impede, 859.51
Tombstone, allowance for, 863.09
Valuation used in distribution of assets, 863.19
Value used in distribution of fractional shares, 863.16
Ward, distribution to, notice of share to court appointing guardian, 863.43
Advance, allowance may be charged as, 861.31 (4)
Allowance for spouse and dependent children, 861.35
Allowance to family during administration, 861.31
Assignment of property to surviving spouse, exemption from creditors, 861.41
Allowances for spouse and dependent children considered, 861.35 (3)
Exemption of property to be assigned to surviving spouse, 861.41
Exemption from creditors of property to be assigned to surviving spouse, 861.41
Fraud of surviving spouse, transfer of rights in property, 861.17
Guardian, conservator or agent; authority and power to make election, 861.43
Marital property:

Augmented deferred marital property estate, 861.03, 861.04, 861.05
Deferred marital property elective, 861.02
Definitions, 861.018
Home, assignment to spouse, 861.21
Ownership at death, 861.01
Personal liability of recipients, 861.07
Procedure for electing, 861.08
Right to elect, 861.09
Satisfaction of , 861.06
Third-party payers, liability, 861.11
Waiver of election, 861.10
Personalty, selection by surviving spouse or children 861.33