Classification, 700.02
Lease of, effect of life tenant's death, 704.40
Life of third party, interest for, 700.06
Partition action, 842.10, 842.11
Sale of in infant heir proceedings, 786.18, 786.19
Termination, 865.20
Marital property,
Minerals, interests in, lapse and reversion, 706.057
Multiple-party and agency accounts,
Nominal conditions of transfer, not enforced, 700.15
Present interests, classification, 700.03
Savings and loan associations, deposits, rules of joint tenancy-tenancy in common do not apply, 700.22
Shelley's case, abolition of rule, 700.10
Solar access, obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Tenancy in common,
Alienation of, restraint on limited, 700.16
Classification, 700.03, 700.04
Contingent future interest, indestructibility of, 700.14
Creation limited, 700.16
Death without issue, interest contingent on, 700.09
Application for disposal, 786.27
May be made, practice, 786.26
Proceedings as to, are in rem, 786.35
Placed in trust, 786.34
Rights in, 786.33
Referee required, 786.28
Agreement required, 786.31
Examination, report, on application, 786.29
Order for, 786.30
Referee's deed as evidence of title, 786.32
Transferability, 700.07
Validation of sales prior to June 7, 1913, 786.28
Ejectment action, rights, 843.04
Estate tail becomes fee simple, 700.08
Gift over after attempted estate tail, effect, 700.08
Interest for life of another, succession, 700.06
Nominal conditions not enforceable, 700.15
Perpetuities, restricted, 700.16
Posthumous child, shares in, 700.12
Acceleration, 700.13
Classification, 700.05
Defined, 700.04 (2)
Life estate leased, remainderman's remedies on termination, 704.40
Presumed not to shorten prior interest, 700.13
Remainder to heirs of owner of life interest, Shelley's case rule abolished, 700.10
Restraint on alienation, 700.16
Reversionary interest:
, 700.04 (1)
Abandoned roads, 80.32
Life estate leased, reversioner's remedies on termination, 704.40
Mineral interests, 706.057
see Disposition, under this subhead
Shelley's case, rule abolished, 700.10
Summary action to alien, 786.29
Transferability, 700.07