Acquisition of utilities, 198.13
Corporate powers, 198.12 (6)
Eminent domain, 198.17
Annexation of territory, 198.19
Appointment, 198.145 (3)
Duties, 198.165
Authority and debt limit, 66.0621, 198.14 (9), (10)
Bond issues, 198.18
Procedure for issuance, 67.05
General provisions,
Levying tax, 198.10
Loan from municipality, 198.17 (8)
Obligations inviolate, 198.21
Boundary changes, 198.14 (16)
Appointment, 198.145 (3)
Duties, 198.165
Condemnation procedure, 198.17
Consolidation of districts, 198.20
Corporate existence and powers, 198.02, 198.12
Creation of districts, 198.02
Organization, procedure, 198.03 to 198.05
Plan, public service commission to assist, 198.025
Referendum, 198.06
Definitions, 198.01
Directors, 198.07
Appointment, oath, term, 198.08
Board of:
Corporate power, 198.12
Legislative power, 198.145
Powers, 198.14
Procedure, 198.15
Taxation power, 198.10
Compensation, 198.11
Vacancies, 198.09
Dissolution of districts, 198.13 (3) to (5)
Financing, 66.0621
See also Borrowing, under this subhead

Franchise to utility within district restricted, 198.13 (2)
General manager, appointment, powers, 198.16
Investments, 198.18 (4)
Organization, procedure, 198.03 to 198.06
Board of directors, 198.14
Corporate, 198.12
General, 198.02
Taxation, 198.10
Public utility chapter applicable, 198.12 (5)
Streets, use of, 198.12 (6)
Subdistricts, boundaries, 198.05, 198.07
Taxation powers, 198.10
Appointment, 198.145 (3)
Duties, 198.165
Acquisition, generally, 197.01 to 197.09
Assessments for commission expenses, 196.855
Authorized, 66.0803
Necessity of taking, jury, when waived, 196.54 (4)
Procedure, Ch. 197
Agreements for mutual aid, 66.0813 (6)
Appraisal by commission, expenses, 196.855
Borrowing, 66.0621
Charges, 66.0809, 196.06 (3)
Contracts by, for services, 196.71
Definitions, 66.0801 (1)
Division of municipality, allocation of property, 66.0235 (4)
Electric, 66.0825
Excess income, how invested, 66.0811 (2), (3)
Financing, 66.0621
First class cities, 62.69
Franchises, 66.0815, 182.017 (6), 196.54
Intergovernmental cooperation, 66.0301
Joint operation with private company, 66.0807
Management, 66.0805
Municipal water districts, 198.22
Officers, malfeasance, 196.68
Regulation, 196.58
Restriction upon construction, 196.50 (4)
Revenues, 66.0811
Sale or lease of plant, 66.0817
Service outside of limits, 66.0813 (6)
Special assessments, 66.0723
State regulatory authority, effect of ch. 66, 66.0801 (2)
Utility districts, 66.0827, Ch. 198