Sky, owner's rights in, 114.03
Slander of title, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Solar access and energy systems,
Special inspection warrants, 66.0119
State land,
Territorial, title in state, IX, 2
Time-share ownership,
U.S. owned, certain property taxed, 70.177
U.S. survey, entry upon for, damages, 1.06
Utilities, real estate activities regulated, 196.795
Waterfront property,
see Zoning

Adverse possession:
Claims, possession required, time:
No written instrument, 893.25
Recorded instrument, 893.26
State or political subdivisions, claims against, 893.29
Taxes paid on recorded instrument, 893.27
Interruption of adverse possession, 893.32
Prescriptive rights by adverse use, 893.28
Presumption of possession from legal title, 893.30
Conveyance not voided by adverse claim, 706.10 (2)
Section lines, judgment does not affect, 893.24
Tax deed, title subject to adverse claims, 75.144
Tenant's possession that of landlord, 893.31
Civil procedure rules, applicability, 840.02
Claims barred, when based on interest outside chain of title, 706.09
Criminal actions:

Proving title to realty, 891.36
Damages to, action for injury to, limitation, 893.52
Declaration of interest in real property:
Answer, 841.04
Complaint, 841.02
Costs, 841.06
Defendants, 841.03
Judgment, 841.10
Plaintiffs, 841.01
State as party defendant, 775.10
Default judgments, generally, 840.07
see Possession, action for, under this subhead
Execution against,
In rem and in personam actions, may be joined, 840.05
Injury to and interference with property:
Abatement, 844.21
Complaint, 844.16
Damages, 844.19
Defendants, 844.17
Defined, 844.01, 844.10
Intervenors, 844.18
Judgment, 844.20
Plaintiffs, 844.15
Waste, 844.05, 844.06
Interest in property, defined, 840.01
Judicial sales:
Incapacity and death of sheriff, 840.17, 840.18
Land contract foreclosure, redemption period, 846.30
Lis pendens:
, 840.10
Condemnation proceedings, 32.05 (4), 32.06 (3), (7)
Highways, parks, etc., citizen application for action, 840.11
Mortgage foreclosure judgment, condition precedent, 846.01
Nuisances, actions to abate, 823.14
Register of deeds keeps record, 59.43 (11)
Restrictive covenants, removal, 847.03
Slander of title:
By filing, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Mortgage foreclosure,
Necessary parties, joinder, 840.06
Notice of interest required, or action barred, 706.09
Possession, action for:
Complaint, what to allege, 843.03
Conveyance after commencement, effect, 843.02
Cotenants, 843.12
Counterclaims, for improvements and taxes paid, 843.09, 843.10
Damages, measure of, 843.13
Death of parties, 843.06
Defendants, 843.05
Defenses, how pleaded, 843.07, 843.08