Final plat:
Form and content, 236.20
Submission, approval, rejection, 236.11
Lake and stream shore plats, 236.16 (3), (4)
Land use planning and controls,
see Zoning
Lots, width and area, 236.16 (1)
Monuments, 236.15
Disturbing or not placing, 236.32
Municipal review,
see Approvals required, under this subhead
Owner's certificate, 236.21 (2)
Parks, municipality or town may lease land to subdivision association, 236.29 (3)
Partition actions, 842.08
Penalties and remedies, 236.30 to 236.33, 236.35
Personal representatives, authority to plat, 857.29
Public lands, appraisal, sale, 24.06
Public square, unused, vacation or alteration, 236.43
Purpose of platting law, 236.01
Recording certified survey maps, 236.34
Surveyor's signature required, 59.43 (8)
Recording plats:
, 236.25
Certificates required, 236.12 (4), 236.21
Copy to be filed with municipality, 236.27
Dedications, effect of recording plat, 236.29
Improper recording, penalty, 236.30
Municipal and county approvals,
see Approvals required, under this subhead
Notification of approving authorities, 236.26
Surveyor's signature required, 59.43 (8)
Replats, 236.36
Reproducing upon destruction of record, 891.43 (4)
Restrictions in plats:
For public benefit, 236.293
Void where conflict with ice age trail, 236.292
Change to highway by town, 80.38
Defects, curative provisions, 80.01 (4)
Vacation or altering, 236.43 (4)
Width, 236.16 (2)
Control, 236.45
Division of land into small parcels in Milwaukee, penalty, 236.33
Plat required, 236.03
Prohibited subdivisions, penalty, 236.335
Regulation of federal surplus land, 236.45 (5)
Unplatted subdivision, sale of lots prohibited, 236.31
Survey and plat, when required, 236.03
Surveying requirements, 236.15
Surveyor's certificate, 236.21
Expressing bearings, subdividing sections, 59.73
Perpetuating and relocating section corners, landmarks, 59.74
Taxes paid, certificate, 236l.21 (3)
Transportation projects, 84.095
Inapplicability of ch. 236, 236.015
Trustees' powers, 701.19 (8)
Vacating or altering plats:
Application, 236.40
Areas dedicated to public, 236.43
Hearing and order, 236.42
Notice, 236.41
Recording order, 236.44
Village review,
see Approvals required, under this subhead
Villages, revised and consolidated plats, 61.71
Ward's lands, before sale, 786.13
see Zoning
