Charter schools, 118.40
Duties of operators of certain schools, 115.775
Child labor permit officer, designation, 103.245, 103.695
Classifications of schools, 115.01
Community action agencies, assisting, 118.28
Conservation camps, 118.05
Creation of districts; free, X, 3
Definitions, 115.01
Discrimination in education, prohibited, 106.58
Epidemics, health and family services department may close school, 252.02 (3)
Food service for elderly, 36.51, 115.345
Historical society services to schools, 44.04
Interstate education compact, 39.75
Commission delegation, 39.76
Public records, retention time, 16.61 (3) (e)
Recreation department, 66.0123
School day:
Defined, 115.01 (10)
Hours, setting, 120.12 (15)
School year:
Commencement, 118.045
Length, requirement for state aid, 121.006
Sectarian instruction forbidden, X, 3; 115.28 (2)
Standards development council, 14.017 (3), 14.23
U. S. flag; display, pledge, 118.06 (1)
Schools, Public 2. Buildings, Facilities, Equipment and Grounds2. Buildings, Facilities, Equipment and Grounds
Acquisition of real estate, structures and facilities:
Agricultural, vocational or ecological instruction, property for, 120.13 (18)
Annual meeting authorization, 120.10 (5m)
Condemnation powers, 32.03
See also Condemnation

Options to purchase, board may enter, 120.13 (20)
Adverse possession against; prohibition, exception, 893.29
Alcohol beverages, possession on grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Architects and engineers, employment authorized, 120.13 (9)
Asbestos management, 254.20, 254.21
Historic, rights and obligations, 44.42, 120.12 (21)
Inspection, 115.33
Joint civic buildings with nonprofit corporations; authorized, financing, 66.0921
Maintenance, 120.12 (5)
Persons entering, regulation, 120.13 (35)
Sale of good and services, regulation 118.12
Site selection and tax, 120.10 (5), (6)
Use by civic, religious or charitable organizations, I, 24
Use by public, 120.12 (9), 120.13 (17)
Bus loading safety zones, 118.09
Construction contracts:
Contractor's liability, bond, 779.14
How let, 66.0901
Contraceptive articles, sale prohibited, 450.16
Controlled substances, distribution at or near school, 961.49
Dangerous weapons on premises, 948.61
Destruction or injury to property, rewards, 120.13 (8)
Equipment, books and material; power to purchase or acquire, 120.13 (5)
Fences around grounds, 118.11
Fire drills:
Fire prevention course of study, 101.14 (1) (c)
Report forms, 101.14 (1) (d)
Requirement, report, 118.07 (2)
Firearm possession prohibited, 948.605
First aid kit required, 118.07 (1)
Forests; management, sales, income, 28.20 to 28.23
Historic properties, rights and obligations, 44.42, 120.12 (21)
Hunting near, restricted, 29.301 (1)
Insurance, 120.12 (6)
Local government property fund, coverage through, Ch. 605
Joint ownership, contracts with other districts, 120.25
Leasing surplus property, 120.13 (25)
Libraries, Ch. 43
For detailed analysis,

Common school fund, use to purchase of library materials, 43.70 (3)
Interlibrary exchanges, 43.72
Public library facilities, school districts maintaining, 43.54 (1), 43.58 (2)
Road supplies, purchase from county, 83.018
Sale of goods and services on property, regulation 118.12
Sale of property, authorization by annual meeting, 120.10 (12)
Smoking regulated, 101.123, 120.12 (20)
Special assessments, district property subject to, 66.0705
Telecommunications and technology programs, 44.70 to 44.73
Traffic control:
On school premises, 118.105
Safety patrols, 118.10
Safety zones for loading and unloading students, 118.09
School zones, traffic signs, 118.08