Aid recipients, employment of, 230.147
Appeal procedures, 230.44
Discretionary performance award, 230.12 (5) (e)
Applications and examinations, 230.16
See also Appointments, Examinations, under this subhead

Eligibility, 230.17
Appointing authorities, powers and duties, 230.046 (2), 230.06
Appointments, 230.15, 230.25
Applications and examinations, 230.16
Bonds may be required, 230.17 (3)
Invalid, 230.41
Limited term, 230.26
Permanent part-time, 230.215 (3)
Probationary period, 230.28
Prohibited, 230.43 (2)
Recommendations, 230.20
Recruitment, 230.14
Board of examiners, 230.16 (3)
Career executive:
Classifications, 230.09 (3)
Selection, 230.24
Certifications of eligibles:
Administrative rules, 227.10 (3) (e)
From register of eligibles, 230.25
Changes in classified service, 230.15
Classification, generally, 230.08
Classified service roster, 230.04 (12)
Closed records, 230.13
Collective bargaining:
Agreements, 111.92
Civil service rules, applicability, 111.93
Declaration of policy, 111.80
Duties of state, 111.815
Management rights, 111.90
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Representatives and elections, 111.83
Strikes prohibited, 111.89
Subjects, 111.91
Units, 111.825
Comparable worth, 230.01 (2), 230.09 (2) (b), 230.12 (1), (3)
Compensation plan, 230.12
Coverage, 230.10
Holiday pay, 230.35 (4)
Construction of statutes to be liberal, 230.02
Critical recruitment selection, 230.21
Definitions, 230.03
Demotion, 230.34
Rights of employee, 230.43 (4)
Discharge, 230.34
Disclosure by employees,
see Employee disclosure, under this head
Discrimination forbidden, 230.18
Division administrators, classification, 230.08 (4)
Employee disclosure:
, 230.81
Arbitration award, 230.88
Court action, commencement, 230.88
Enforcement by personnel commission, 230.85
Judicial review of commission's findings, 230.87
Order, effect, 230.88 (2)
Payment to employee, 230.88 (1)
Processing of information, 230.82
Reporting to legislature, 230.89
Retaliatory action prohibited, 230.83, 895.65
Rule making, 230.89
State policy to encourage, 230.01 (2)
Employee performance evaluation program, 230.37
Employees' rights, corrections or parole, 230.337
Employing unit, establishment and revision, 230.30
Employment registers, 230.25 (3), (4)
Employment relations commission, executive assistant, 230.08 (2) (m)
Employment relations department:
Affirmative action council, 15.177, 230.46
Appropriation, 20.512
Collective bargaining responsibility, 111.815
Creation, 15.17
Merit recruitment and selection division:
Audit payrolls, 230.08 (8)
Career advancement, provide for, 230.19
Certifications, rules, 230.25
Enforce limited term employee rules, 230.26 (5)
Ethics code, promulgate rules to implement, 19.45 (11) (a)
Exceptional employment situations, rules, 230.08 (7)
Failure of authorities to make appointments, issue orders, 230.25 (2)
Political activity by employees, administration of restrictions, 230.40
Powers and duties, 230.05
Project positions and appointments, rules, 230.27
Revise employing unit structure, 230.30
Correctional institution employees, 301.16 (1o)