Employment relations department:
Affirmative action council, 15.177, 230.46
Appropriation, 20.512
Collective bargaining responsibility, 111.815
Creation, 15.17
Merit recruitment and selection division:
Audit payrolls, 230.08 (8)
Career advancement, provide for, 230.19
Certifications, rules, 230.25
Enforce limited term employee rules, 230.26 (5)
Ethics code, promulgate rules to implement, 19.45 (11) (a)
Exceptional employment situations, rules, 230.08 (7)
Failure of authorities to make appointments, issue orders, 230.25 (2)
Political activity by employees, administration of restrictions, 230.40
Powers and duties, 230.05
Project positions and appointments, rules, 230.27
Revise employing unit structure, 230.30
Correctional institution employees, 301.16 (1o)
Creation, 15.173
Prison industries classifications, 230.21 (3)
Affirmative action, duties, 230.04 (9)
Allowances for legislators, recommend, 20.916 (8)
Contractual services, review, 16.705 (3)
Day care facility plans for state buildings, report, 13.48 (2) (j)
Establishing and abolishing positions, 230.09 (2)
Establishing separate classifications for career executive positions, 230.09 (3)
Extra compensation plan, establish, 230.12 (1) (c) 2.
Filling new or vacant position, notify secretary of administration, when, 230.09 (2) (g)
Labor proposals, 111.915
Moving expenses, 20.917 (2), (6)
Powers and duties, 230.04
Reclassification, 230.09 (2)
Rules, entry professional program, 230.22
State employee grievance procedure, establish, 230.04 (14)
State employees uniform travel schedule amounts, recommend, 20.916 (8)
Temporary lodging allowance, 20.917 (6)
Entry professional program, 230.22
Examinations, 230.16
Applicants may be barred, 230.17
Obstruction, falsification, 230.43 (1)
Unskilled and service positions, 230.21
Fact-finding in disputes, 111.88
Fair-share and maintenance of membership agreements, 111.85
Flexible-time employment scheduling, 230.215
Grievance arbitration, 111.86
Handicapped applicant:
Assistance, 230.16 (6)
Report on qualifications and job requirements, 230.17
Hazardous employment, injuries, salary continued, 230.36
Holiday pay, 230.35 (4)
Hours of work, leaves, 230.35
Interchange of government employees, 230.047
Internships in-service training, 230.046 (7)
Invalid appointments, 230.41
Joint committee on employment relations:
Compensation plan, 230.12
Membership, duties, 13.111
Layoff, 230.34
Leave of absence, 230.35
From classified to unclassified, 230.33
Participation in political campaign, 230.40 (4)
Project positions, 230.27 (3)
Limited term appointments, 230.26
Management rights, 111.90
Mediation, 111.87
Military service, leave, reinstatement, 45.50, 230.32, 230.35 (3) (a)
Examination open to, when, 230.16 (2)
Project positions, restrictions, 230.27 (1m)
Part-time employment, 230.215
Payroll certificate, mandamus action, 16.415
Performance evaluation program on employees, 230.37
Policy statement, 230.01
Political activity, restrictions, 230.40
Prison industries classifications, 230.21 (3)
Probationary period, 230.28
Project positions and appointments, 230.27
Promotions, 230.15, 230.19
Reclassification, 230.09 (2)
Rights of employee, 230.43 (4)
Closed, 230.13
Of training program participation, 230.046 (4)
Recruitment, 230.14
Reinstatement, 230.31