Exempt and excludable income, 71.45 (1)
Filing returns, 71.44
General provisions, 71.49
Imposition of tax, 71.43
Penalties, 71.49
Rates of taxation, 71.46
see Information returns, under this subhead
Interest, 71.82
Itemized deductions,
see Credits, under this subhead
Levy, 71.91
Lien, unpaid tax, 71.91
Limited liability companies, 71.19 to 71.21
Treatment as corporations, 71.22 (1)
Magnetic media filing, 71.80 (20)
Mail postmark, timely filing, 71.80
Married couple,
see Individuals, under this subhead
Minimum tax, 71.08
Minnesota income tax reciprocity, 71.10 (7)
Municipality or county cannot levy, 66.0611
Mutual person,
see Individuals, under this subhead
Natural person,
see Individuals, under this subhead
Contractor, surety bond, 71.80
Service on, 71.80
Partnerships, 71.19 to 71.21
Income, computation of, 71.21
See also Information returns, under this subhead

Filing, 71.20
Subject to ch. 71, 71.19
Treatment as corporations, 71.22 (1)
Payments, 71.74
Collection fee, 73.03 (33m)
Not deductible, 71.85
Personal representatives,
see Fiduciaries, under this subhead
Power district securities, 198.18 (2)
see Fiduciaries, under this subhead
Rates of taxation, 71.06, 71.27, 71.275, 71.46
Records, 71.78
State agency debt agreements, 71.93
Taxpayer must keep, 71.80
Refunds, 71.74, 71.75
Setoffs for debt owed to state agency, 71.93
Time limitation, 71.77
See also Information returns, under this subhead
; refer also to entity taxed, e.g. Corporations, under this subhead
Amended, 71.76
Examination of, 71.78
Magnetic media filing, 71.80 (20)
Penalties, 71.83
Preparers, disposal of records containing personal information, 895.505
Refusal to file, 71.80
Secretary of state, attorney for nonresident, 71.80
Debt owed to municipalities, 71.935
Debt owed to state agency, 71.93
Settlement, 71.93
Signature required, 71.80
Situs of income, 71.04, 71.14, 71.25, 71.362
Bank deposits by nonresidents, 226.05
Standard deduction,
see Income, under this subhead
Tax-option corporations, 71.32 to 71.365
Credits not allowed, 71.365
Definitions, 71.34
Depreciation, 71.365
Election, 71.365
General provisions, 71.365
Imposition of additional tax, 71.35
Returns, filing, 71.365
Situs of income, 71.362
Subject to ch. 71, 71.32
Tax-option items, 71.36
Appeals, 71.88
Filing, defined, 71.80
Amended, 71.76
Extensions, 71.24, 71.44
Statute of limitations, 71.77
see Fiduciaries, under this head
Underpayment, 71.84
Urban transit companies, 71.37 to 71.40
Definitions, 71.38
Imposition of tax, 71.39
Property cost and depreciation, 71.385
See also Information returns, under this head

Filing, 71.40
Subject to ch. 71, 71.37
Duplicate filed, 806.115