Grants to, 16.964
Marshal, 61.28
Discontinuance of office, 61.195
Mutual aid agreements, adjacent state agencies, 175.46
Notification of release of mentally ill prisoners, 51.37 (9)
Death and disability benefits:
Killed in action, 102.475
Public insurrection, death or injury, 106.25
Worker's compensation, 102.07
Political activity, 164.015
Electoral office, right to run, 164.06
Recrimination, prohibited, 164.03
Rights, not to be reduced by villages, 164.04
Police commissioners board, 61.65
Powers and department operation, 61.65 (3g) (d), 62.13
Constables' powers, 61.29
General powers,
Grant of, 61.31 (2)
Marshals' powers, 61.28
Protective services:
Placement, detention of person for, 55.06 (11)
Vulnerable adults, investigation of abuse, 55.043 (2)
Service of process, fees, 814.70, 814.705
State facilities, providing service to, charges, 16.008
Traffic academy for patrol officers, 110.065
Training; standards, programs, 165.85, 165.86
Village president and trustees, peace officer powers, 61.31 (1)
Animals doing damage, appraisers, fees, 172.51
Animals running at large, duties, 172.04, 172.05
Board, duties, 61.32
Combined office with county supervisor, 66.0503
Duties and powers, 61.24
Election, term, 61.197
Emergency powers, 166.23
Execution of written instruments, 61.50
Peace officer powers, 61.31 (1)
Review board, membership, 70.46
Vacancy, trustee eligible to fill, 61.325
Weeds, notice to destroy, 66.0407
Contract service with metropolitan sewerage district commission, 200.39
Financial assistance program, 281.56
Joint systems:
Connection to 1st and certain 2nd class city systems, 62.175
Construction in 1st class city metropolitan sewerage district, 200.63
Multiple municipalities, 281.43
Trust fund loans, 24.61 (3), 24.66 (2p)
Private sewage system ordinance, 59.70 (5), 145.01
Exemption from state nitrate rules, 160.255
Septage on land, ordinance regulating, 281.48 (5m)
Service charges, 66.0821
Financial assistance, 281.51 to 281.72
Natural resources dept., water authority, generally, 281.12
Plan approval, 281.41
Storm water:
Combined, sanitary and storm, overflow abatement, 281.63
Construction site erosion control, 281.33
Discharge fee, 283.33 (9)
Discharge permits, 283.33
Combined with waterworks, 66.0819
Refunding bonds, 66.0623
Connection mandatory, 281.45
Service charges, 66.0821
All-terrain vehicles:
Regulating, 23.33 (11)
Routes and trails, 23.33 (8)
Bicycles, power to regulate, 349.18, 349.23
Blocking for play, 66.0429 (1)
Board powers, 61.36
See also Bridges

Construction and maintenance permits, exemption, 30.123
Construction and repair, 81.38 (6)
Drawbridges owned jointly, 86.23
Local program, 84.18
Standards, 84.01 (23)
Swing or lift, reimbursement for operation, 86.32 (2)
Common carriers, regulation of routes, 194.33
Construction and maintenance by counties, contracts for, 83.035
County aid highways:
Extra width for streets, city liability, 83.05
Maintenance, 83.06