Sentence, criminal conduct; contribution to crime fighting organization, 753.40, 755.20, 757.17
Unpaid forfeitures:
Refusal to issue license or permit, 66.0115
State income tax setoff, 71.935
Pesticide regulation, 94.701
Regulation, 145.04
Supervision, 145.05
Population, use of federal census, 61.191
Property; conveyances, contracts, how executed, 61.50
Public transportation:
Bonding, 66.0625
Bus system, acquisition, operation, 66.0803
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Planning grants from state, 16.9651
Finance, 66.0621
Joint operation, 66.0807
Transit commission:
Establishment, 66.1021
Joint with county, 59.58 (2), (3)
State aid, infrastructure loan program, 85.52
Wis. retirement system for employees, 66.1023
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Urban rail transit systems, 85.063
Public utilities:
Franchises and service contracts, 66.0815
Municipal utilities,
Regulation by village, 196.58
Rabies control, local programs, 95.21 (9)
Records, generally, 19.21 to 19.39

Personal information protection, 19.62 to 19.80
Retention time, 16.61 (3) (e), 19.21 (4)
Recycling, generally,
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, 61.345, 61.57, 287.23
Reinvestment neighborhoods, 66.1107
Rendering plants, regulation, 254.58
Rent control, prohibited, 66.1015
Reorganization of city as village, 66.0213 (6)
Restaurants, authority, 66.0417
Retail food establishments, licensing and inspections, 66.0417, 97.41
Reward for capture of criminals, 61.75

Projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.0315
Smoke nuisance, prohibit, 254.57
Soft drinks, 66.0433
Solar and wind energy systems:
Regulation, 66.0401
Solar access permits, 66.0403
Solar energy flow, may require easement in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Soldiers' graves, care, 45.185
Solid waste management:

Disposal facility, local approval, 289.22, 289.33
Dumping areas, local and extraterritorial regulation, 66.0415 (2)
Garbage and rubbish removal, 66.0405
see Hazardous waste management, under this subhead
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.947
Special assessments,
Special laws, IV, 31
Administration department to provide services, 16.58
Aid to municipalities in lieu of property taxes, 70.113, 70.114
Main street improvement program, 560.081
Payments for municipal services, 70.119
Television, cable; regulation, 66.0419
Tobacco products sales license, 134.65
Transient merchants, regulation authorized, 66.0423
Truancy and dropout ordinances, 118.163
Urban green space, aids for acquisition of, 23.09 (19)
Urban homestead programs, 66.1013
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Urban rail transit systems, 85.063
Urban renewal, 66.1107, 66.1331 to 66.1337
Village powers, 66.1339
Vending machines, state agent for permits or inspections, 254.69 (1)
Waste management,
see Solid waste management, under this subhead
Water, clean drinking,
Water pollution prevention and abatement:
See also Pollution

Financial assistance, 281.51 to 281.72
Water pollution and conservation ordinances, 92.11
Waters, navigable:

Resource projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.0315
Safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Watercourses, improvement, 61.36
Wharves and piers, orders to remove, 30.13 (5m)
Wind energy systems,
see Solar and wind energy systems, under this subhead
Wisconsin development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
Villages 2. Actions and Claims Against2. Actions and Claims Against