Power to make, modify, vacate, 807.02, 807.03
Rendering and entry, 807.11
Proceedings, where held, 807.02, 807.04
Realty suits, unknown owner, 807.12
Records and files of court, borrowing, 807.08
Remedies, civil and criminal not merged where both available, 895.28
Made on behalf of minor or ward, 807.10
Offer of, effect, 807.01
Special proceedings, applicability of rules, 801.01
Stay of proceedings:
Court commissioner authority, 807.02
Foreign judgment, uniform enforcement act, 806.24 (4)
Judgment, stay of enforcement, 806.08
Judicial review of administrative orders, stay of enforcement, 227.54
Notice requirement, 807.02
Pending motion to modify order, 807.03
Securities law, 551.62
Time excepted from limitation statute, 893.23
Traffic regulation actions, 345.52
Trial in foreign forum, stay to permit, 801.63
Costs, 814.49 (2)
Stipulations, when binding, 807.05
Survival of actions,
Telephone and audio-visual proceedings,
Time computations, 801.15
CIVIL PROCEDURE 2. Depositions2. Depositions
, Chs. 804, 887
Health and family services dept. may take, 46.16 (9)
Commerce dept. investigations, 101.02 (5) (c), (14) (c)
Insurance commissioner may take, 601.61
Justice dept. authority, trusts and monopolies, 133.10
Powers of, 887.23
Public service commission, railroad matters, 195.045
Public service commission may take, 196.33
Revenue dept. may take, 73.03 (10)
Appellate courts, use of depositions, 887.18
Arbitration proceedings, 788.07
Failure of, 804.12 (4)
Refusal to appear, sanctions, 885.11 (5)
Costs, 814.04 (2)
Disqualification to take, 804.03 (3)
Examination and cross-examination, 804.05 (4)
Foreign actions, 887.24
Hearsay, unavailable witness, 908.045
Municipal court, 887.20
Objections to admissibility in court, 804.07 (2)
Oral examination procedure, 804.05
Outside state, actions in, 887.24, 887.26
Procedure, generally, 804.05
Reciprocity among states, 887.24
Stipulation regarding procedure, 804.04
Subpoena, 805.07
See also Subpoenas

Reciprocity, 887.24
Tax appeals commission may take, 73.01
Time for taking, 804.02, 804.05 (1)
Use, in court proceedings, 804.07
, 885.40
Availability, 885.42
Costs, 885.45
Custody and preservation, 885.46
Definitions, 885.41
Notice, 885.43
Playback equipment, 885.47
Procedure, 885.44
Who may take:
In foreign countries, 804.03 (2)
Within U.S., 804.03 (1)
Written questions, examination upon, 804.06
Admissions, requests for, 804.11
Anti-trust actions, 133.13
Creditors' actions, discovery of property, 128.16
Documents, custody of, 804.01 (6)
Failure to make, sanctions, 804.12
General provisions governing, 804.01
Documents and property generally, 804.09
Medical documents, 804.10
, 804.08
Failure to serve answers to, 804.12 (4)
Judgment debtor, examination of, 816.03, 816.06
Methods, 804.01 (1)