Annexation, review by department, 66.0217 (6)
Appropriations, 20.505
Blue Book, duties, 35.24
Boundary area commission, advisory committee representation, 14.82 (1)
Bovine tuberculosis testing equipment, sale, 95.25 (3)
Bradley center sports and entertainment corporation, 16.005

Budget schedule and summaries, revising, 20.004
Building commission:
Assistance to, 13.48 (5)
Plans, leases, approval, 13.482
Dept. controlled; maintenance and use, rules, 16.846
Surplus, dept. may obtain and transfer, 16.375
Certification standards review council:
Creation, membership, 15.107 (12)
Duties, 299.11 (3)
Child and spousal support paternity establishment program, certification re vendors, 49.855 (4m)
Child care, leasing or providing space for, 16.841
Claims board:
Duties, recommendation, 16.007
Function, 775.05
Membership, 15.105 (2)
State employees charged with abusing inmates, payment of attorney fees, 775.11
State law enforcement officers, relief from judgments, 775.06
Clean water fund program, 281.58, 281.59
Cooperation of state agencies, 16.004 (5)
County mining investment fund, 25.65
Creation, 15.10
Definitions, 16.002
Distribution of revenue to local units of government, Ch. 79
Divisions, 15.103
Drafts, canceled, new draft, 20.912 (2), (3)
Drinking water programs:
Loan guarantee program, 281.625
Safe drinking water loan program, 281.59, 281.61
Water quality activities, 281.62
Editorial service, provide, 35.03 (4)
Emergency government, roads, marking, 84.03 (9) (b)
Emergency statewide telephone number, advisory authority, 146.70 (4)
Environmental improvement fund, financial management, 281.59
Escheats, audit claims, 863.39 (3)
Exchange of documents, duties, 35.86
Federal surplus property, subdivision regulation, 236.45 (5)
Fine arts, accept, maintain, 16.84 (10)
Forms review, 16.971 (2), (2m)
Gaming division,
see Gaming
Gifts to state, separate accounts, 20.907 (2)
Health care fraud and abuse council:
Creation, membership, 15.107 (6)
Functions, 146.36
Hearings and appeals division:
Administrator's duties, 301.035
Parole, extended supervision and probation revocation hearings, 302.335
Parolees, 302.11 (7), 304.06 (3)
Probation revocation, 973.10 (4)
Transportation dept. administrative hearings, 85.013
Highway contracts, transportation dept. to report on awarding to minority businesses, 84.075
Highway map, distribution and sale, 84.02 (5)
Review of bills and rules affecting, 13.099, 227.115
State-owned, secretary to maintain rental policies, 16.004 (8)
Incorporation of cities and villages:
Function of department, 66.0203 (9)
Review of action, 66.0209
Standards to be applied, 66.0205
Insurance commissioner, provide offices, supplies, 601.14
Interagency coordinating council:
Creation, membership, 15.107 (7)
Duties, 16.03
Investigative and adjustment services, authority to contract for, 16.865 (7)
Judgment against state, audit, 775.04
Justice assistance office,
Land council, 15.107 (16), 16.023
Geographic information systems, 16.966
Land information board, 15.105 (16), 16.967
Land recycling loan program, 281.59, 281.60
Literacy improvement program, 14.20
Local government pooled-investment fund, duties, 25.50
Local government property insurance fund, inadequacy of fund, 605.30
Low-level radioactive waste council, duties, 16.135
Management audits, 16.004 (6)
Maps of congressional and legislative district boundaries, 16.96
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Motor carrier tax wrongfully collected, 194.51
National and community service board:
Creation, membership, 15.105 (24)
Powers and duties, 16.22
Nursing home hearings and appeals division, creation, administrator, 15.103