Telecommunication terminal for law enforcement, 59.54 (9)
Timber sales, 28.11 (6)
see Public transportation, under this subhead
University extension program, 59.56 (3)
Urban green space, aids for acquisition of, 23.09 (19)
Urban homestead programs, 66.1013
Vending machines,
See also Veterans

, 59.535
Burial expenses, 45.16 to 45.18
Monuments and memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Service commission, 45.11 to 45.15
Service officer, 45.13, 45.43
Powers and duties, 45.11 (2). 45.14 (3)
Veterans' relief, 45.14
Warrants, special inspection, for real or personal property, 66.0119
see Pollution, under this subhead
Water pollution prevention and abatement:

Financial assistance, 281.51 to 281.72
Water pollution and conservation ordinances, 92.11
Waters, navigable,
Weed control, 59.70 (17)
Weeds declared noxious, 66.0407
Wells, code ordinances, optional, 59.70 (6), 280.21
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
Venison processing grants from DNR, 29.89
Wind energy systems,
see Solar and wind energy systems, under this subhead
Wisconsin development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
Women, advocacy for, appropriation, 59.56 (16)
Counties 2. Actions and Claims Against2. Actions and Claims Against
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Attorney for county:
Corporation counsel, 59.42 (1)
Private attorney, 59.42 (3)
Dogs, damage done by; claims for, 174.11, 174.12
Highway defects, claims for, 81.15
Judgment against county, how collected, 66.0117
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
Officers and employees, actions against:
Damages, costs, 895.46
Expenses, 895.35
Notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Orders, action on:
Demand, required, 66.0121
Judgment on, 67.26
Procedure, 59.07, 59.64, 893.80
Examination and settlement, 59.52 (12)
Recreational activities liability, immunity, 895.52
Settlement authority; board, corporation counsel, 59.52 (12)
Statute of limitations:
Adverse possession, 893.29
Payments on contracts, bonds and other obligations, 893.61
Sheriff, coroner, medical examiners, action against, 893.70
Wildlife damage claim program, 29.889
Venison processing grants from DNR, 29.89
Accounts and claims, examination and settlement, 59.52 (12)
Accounts of officers, prescribe form for keeping, 59.52 (2)
Aid for dependent children, appropriation required, 49.19

Appropriation of money, authority, 59.51 (2)

Audits and reports, requiring, 66.0605
Bail bond moneys, forfeitures, remission, 59.52 (27)
Bonds of officers:
Approval, 59.21
Blanket bonds, provide for, 59.52 (11)
Appoint airport commissioners, 114.14 (2)
Board vacancies, filling, 59.10 (3) (e)
Election and powers, 59.12
Menominee county, may be town chairperson, 59.10 (5)
Soldiers' burial expense, 45.18
Circuit court seal, furnish, 753.05
City or village planning map, approval of inclusion of county facilities, 62.23 (6) (h)
Against county; review, action upon, 59.64
Settlement, 59.52 (12)
, 59.13
Agriculture and extension education, 59.56 (3)
Grievance committee, deputy sheriffs, 59.26 (8), (9)
Land conservation:

Creation, organization, 59.70 (19), 92.06
Farmland preservation, 91.05 (1), 91.13 (2), 91.35 (1)
Lake protection and rehabilitation, 33.14, 33.16
Land and water resource management planning program, 92.10
Notified of highway changes, 80.05
Ordinances proposed, 92.11