Removal by governor, 17.09
Service of process:
Duty, liability, 59.27 (9)
When to act, 59.34 (1)
Who to act when absent, 59.37
Sheriff, acting for, 59.27 (9), 59.34
Cremation, regulations, permit, 979.10
Death records, 69.18
Disinterment, authorization, 69.18 (4)
Embalming, granting permission, 445.12 (1), 979.01
Emergency vehicle, use, 340.01 (3) (h)
Funeral director, when not allowed to act as, 59.39
Duty, 59.34
Procedure, 979.05
Witnesses, 979.06
Medical examiner:
, 59.38
Autopsies and toxicological services, fees, 979.22
Inquest proceedings, duties, 59.34 (1)
Replacement of coroner, VI, 4
Motor vehicle accident deaths, responsibilities, 346.71 (1)
Notification of death, action required, 979.01
Snowmobile deaths, requirements, 350.155
Subpoena for documents on death cause, 979.015
Unclaimed property of certain deceased persons, 59.66 (3)
Accounting, receipts and deposits, 59.61
Accounts, auditing, 59.52 (12)
Appropriations, restrictions, 66.0601
Auditor, 59.47
Audits and reports, 66.0605
Board, general authority, 59.51 (2)
Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Administrative regulations, 67.10
Authorization, XI, 3; 67.03
Conditions on, 67.045, 73.028
Form and contents, 67.06
Issues, procedure, 67.05
Payment and maturity, 67.07
Protest; issuance stayed, 67.22
Certification of obligations, 67.025
Debt limit, XI, 3; 67.03
Debt service fund, 67.11
Definitions, 67.01
Diversion of funds, liability, 67.17
Execution and sale of obligations, 67.08
Joint city-county projects, 66.0913
Public improvement bonds, 66.0619, 66.0713, 67.16
Public utilities, transportation; financing acquisition, improvement, operation, 66.0621
Purposes for borrowing, 67.04
Refunding, pre 1922 bonds, 992.04
Registration of obligations, 67.09
Regulations generally, 67.10
Sale of obligations, 67.08
Tax-exempt private activity bonds, allocation of volume cap, 560.032
Temporary borrowing, 67.045, 67.12
Validation of debt, 67.02, 67.24, 67.25
Pre-1922 debts, 67.02 (1), 992.04
Variable rate obligations, 67.15
Budget requirements, 65.90
Budgetary procedure in populous counties, 59.60
Cooperative contracts with other municipalities, 66.0301
Court costs and fees, county liability, claims, 59.64 (1)
Debt, statement of; delivery to secretary of state, 69.68
Dependent children, aid, 49.19 (7)
Depositories, 59.61
Duty to designate depository, 34.05 (1)
Disbursements, 59.25 (3), 59.64 (4), 66.0607
Public deposits, 34.105
Financial reports:
Delivery to revenue dept., 73.10
Publication, 59.65
Fiscal year, 59.60 (3)
Grants to certain counties for management assistance, 16.18
Investments, 66.0603, Ch. 219
See also Investments

Drainage district bonds, 59.70 (10)
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Mining tax receipts, state investment fund for, 25.65
Payment orders, cancellation after 2 years, 59.64 (1)
Payments by treasurer, 59.25 (3)
Payments in lieu of taxes, 59.52 (16)
Payments to county; worthless, overpayments, underpayments; treatment, 59.54 (24)
Public works contracts:
Bidding, exceptions, 59.52 (29)
Energy savings performance contracting, 66.0133
Liability of contractor, bond, 779.14