Special counsel, 93.22
Staff, appointment, 93.02
Statistics, collection of, 69.66, 93.07 (7)
Penalties under ch. 93, 93.21
Warning notice, 93.06 (10)
Agribusiness, international marketing center, 93.42
Agrichemical management fund, 25.17 (1) (ad), 25.465
Agricultural chemical cleanup fund, 25.17 (1) (af), 25.468
Agricultural diversification program, 93.46
Agricultural marketing act:
, Ch. 96
, 96.11
Application of funds, 96.16
Collection, 96.12
Enforcement, 96.17
Refunds, 96.13
Reports and accounting, 96.14
Definitions, 96.01
Marketing agreements, 96.04, 96.05, 96.08 (2)
Agreement council, 96.09
Marketing boards, 96.10
Marketing orders, 96.03, 96.05, 96.08 (1)
Policy statement, 96.02
Price fixing, prohibited, 96.18
Public records, 96.20
Restraint of trade, compliance with act as a defense, 96.19
Rulemaking, 96.15
Agricultural societies, supervision, 93.23 (1)
Animal diseases,
Aquaculture promotion, 93.46
Inspection, diseases, 93.07 (13)
Inspection, regulation, fees, 94.76
Biological products, rules regarding sale and distribution, 94.03 (2), 95.39 (3)
Chemical and container collection demonstration grants, 93.55
Chemical cleanup program, 94.73
Condemnation, agricultural impact statement, 32.035
Conservation reserve enhancement program participation, 93.70
Cooperative associations, assist, investigate, 93.06 (5), (6)
Dairy industry:

Bovine growth hormone labeling, rules, 97.25
Cheese logotype, design, 100.057
Farmer exit-entry program, 93.52
Milk and milk products regulation, 97.24
Milk payments, audits, funds, 100.07
Milk producer security program, 100.06
Milk purchase:
Cheese and butter manufacturers, 100.05
Discrimination, 100.22
Statistics, collection of, 93.07 (21)
Unfair trade practices, 100.201, 100.202
Dairy promotion:
Duties, services, advertising, 93.40
World dairy center, 93.07 (25)
World dairy expo, 93.30
See also Animal Health

Farm-raised, registration, 95.55
Farms, 29.871
Promotion program, 93.46 (1) (am)
Drainage districts:
Assistance to, 88.11
Grants to, 88.15
Enforcement actions, costs, 93.20
Exhibits of work of department, 93.07 (6)
Exposition center grants, 93.29
Aid to county fairs, supervision, 93.23
State fair park board cooperation, 42.10
Farm mediation and arbitration program, 93.50
Farm products:
Inspectors, 93.11
Marketing, promotion, 93.07 (17)
Procurement, financial security, grading and tare, 100.03
Requested inspection, grading, 93.06 (1m)
Standards established, 93.09
Farmer assistance, 93.51
Communications privileged, 904.15
Dairy farmer exit-entry program, 93.52
Stray voltage program, 93.41, 196.857
Assessments against utilities, 196.856
Farmers' institutes, conventions, 93.07 (6)
Farmland preservation:
Agreements, powers and duties, 91.13
Income tax credit,
Interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
Preliminary agricultural areas delineation, 91.05