Adults, apply for voluntary treatment, 51.45 (10)
Alcohol and drug abuse council, state:
General provisions, 15.09
Membership, 14.017 (2)
Powers and duties, 14.24
Review of legislation, 13.098
Alcohol and drug abuse program:
Assistance to schools, 115.36
Citation procedure for violation of laws regulating sale of liquor to underage persons, 778.25
Driver, assess abuse by, 343.30
Fees of department, 46.03 (18)
Jurisdiction over minors, 938.17 (2)
Juvenile violations, disposition, 938.344
Penalties for sales of alcohol beverages to underage and intoxicated persons, 125.07
Possession of alcohol beverages on school grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Prevention and intervention programs in schools, 115.361
Treatment for minors, 51.45, 51.47
Boating intoxication law:
Chemical tests, requirement, admissibility, refusal, 30.684
Defenses, 30.681
Evidence re chemical tests, 30.684
Implied consent to chemical tests, 30.683
Officer's action after arrest, release, 30.687
Preliminary breath screening tests, 30.682
Prosecution, 967.055
Report arrest to dept., 30.686
Bus drivers, employment, 346.64
Care and custody, 51.22
Children, drug abuse pilot program, 938.547
Children's code proceedings, referral for civil commitment, 48.135
Civil rights of patients, 51.45 (15)
Community alcoholism services, 51.42
Grants-in-aid, 51.423
Persons receiving treatment, grants for services, 46.55
Community support program, treatment through, 51.35 (1) (a)
Defense to criminal liability, 939.42
Discharge, 51.35 (4)
Drivers licenses, 343.06
Patients, competency to hold, 51.59
Driving while intoxicated,
Emergency commitment to public treatment facility, 51.45 (12)
Fetal alcohol syndrome pamphlets, distribution to marriage licensees, 46.03 (34)
Guardianship, 880.03
Habeas corpus, 782.01
Home visits and leaves authorized, notice requirements, 51.35 (8), 51.37 (10)
Immunity from liability regarding notice, 895.54
Insurance, mandatory benefits, 632.89
Interstate contracts for services, 51.87
Involuntary commitment, 51.45 (13)
For treatment, 51.20
Juvenile justice code proceedings, 938.135
Juveniles and adult expectant mothers, abuse program, 48.547
Medical assistance:
In-home and community services, 49.45 (45)
Residential services, 49.45 (46)
Alcohol and drug testing, parental consent, 51.48
Children's code proceedings, referral for civil commitment, 48.135
Furnishing alcohol beverages, civil liability exemption, 125.035
Juvenile justice code proceedings, 938.135
Take into custody, 51.45 (11)
Transferred from correction or secured child caring facility, 51.35 (3)
Patients' rights, 51.45 (15), 51.61, 55.07
Payment for treatment, 51.45 (16)
Prevention and control of alcoholism, 51.45
Prisoner, transferred to treatment facility, 51.37
Protective services, 51.67, Ch. 55
Publicly financed treatment, 51.45 (10)
Pupils, referral to police, liability, 118.257
Access, 51.30
Treatment facilities and programs, 51.45 (14)
Sale of alcohol beverages to underage and intoxicated persons, 125.07
Subject to guardianship, 880.03
Tests for:
Liability exemption, 895.53
No privilege, 905.04 (4) (f)
Transfers between treatment facilities, 51.35
Treatment alternative program, 46.65
Treatment and services, 51.45 (11)
Community-based treatment programs, 46.86
Expectant mothers, 48.203 (6)
Grants for persons receiving, 46.55, 49.167
Priority for pregnant women for private treatment, 51.46
Unauthorized absence, returned to facility, 51.38, 51.39
Voluntary treatment of alcoholics, 51.45 (10)