Administrative contested case hearings, 227.43
Admissions, of mentally ill persons, 51.22
Choices projects grants, 46.995 (4m)
Milwaukee county, brighter futures initiative, 46.99
Pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board,
Programming recommendations, 46.03 (39)
Tribal self-sufficiency and pregnancy prevention, 46.995
Adoption information exchange and adoption center, 48.55
Assistance, 48.975
Fees for services, report to joint finance committee, 46.03 (18) (a)
Foreign children, 48.839
Interstate agreements, 48.9985
Interstate placement, 48.98
Petition, withdrawn, maintain custody, 48.95
Placement, 48.833
Investigations, charge and collect cost of, 46.03 (18) (am)
With nonrelatives, 48.837
Recommendation, when required, 48.89
Records, 48.433, 48.93
Adult family home, authority, 50.02 (1)
Advisory bodies, 15.04
Affirmative action, juvenile corrections positions, 230.213
Benefit specialist program, 46.81
County aging units, 46.27, 46.82
Duties of department, 46.80
Program for older persons, 46.85
AIDS virus,
Air pollution standards, department to assist department of natural resources, 46.34
Alcohol and drug abuse:
Drivers, establish assessment standards and driver safety programs, 343.30 (1q)
Duties of department, 51.42 (7)
Grant and funding program, 46.975
Grants for persons receiving treatment, 46.55
Grants-in-aid, 51.423
Juvenile and adult expectant mothers program, 48.547, 48.548
Managed care system, 49.45 (26)
Standards for public and private treatment facilities, enforcement procedures, 51.45 (8)
Treatment, 51.45
Alternative program, 46.65
Community-based treatment programs, 46.86
Community support programs, treatment through, 51.35 (1) (a)
Alzheimer's disease:
Family and caregiver program, 46.87
Training and information grants, 46.856
Ambulance service providers:
Delinquent support obligors, denial or suspension, 146.51
Delinquent tax obligors, denial or suspension, 146.52
Licensing, 146.50
American Indians:
Consolidation of allocated funds, 46.03 (41)
Cooperative health projects, 146.19
Drug abuse prevention and education, 46.71
Relief, 46.03 (33)
Services to, 46.70
Apply for guardianship of incompetent in institution, 880.295
Appropriation, 20.435
Capital improvement authorization, 20.866 (2)
Artificial insemination records, 891.40
Under children's code, 48.48
Under state mental health act, 51.03
AZT and pentamidine reimbursement program, 49.686
Badger care program, 49.665
Birth defect prevention and surveillance council:
Creation, membership, 15.197 (12)
Duties, 253.12 (4)
Business enterprises program, 47.03 (4)
Businesses in state buildings, 47.03 (4) to (7)
Specialized services for, 46.293
Blind-made goods, labels, 47.03 (3)
Blindness council, 47.03 (9)
General provisions, 15.09
Membership, terms, qualifications, 15.197 (2)
Blood specimen records of traffic accident victims, keep record, report, 346.71 (2)
Body piercing and piercing establishment regulation, 252.24, 252.245
Delinquent support obligors, denial or suspension, 252.241
Boundary area commission, advisory committee representation, 14.82 (1)
Brighter futures initiative, 46.99
Cancer cases reported, 255.04
Care and services:
Liability and collections, 46.03 (18)
Purchase of, 46.03 (17), 46.036
Uniform fee schedule, 46.03 (18)
Center for developmentally disabled, establishing, 46.048
Chaplains in state institutions, housing allowance, 46.03 (13)