Home health agencies:
Delinquent taxpayers, denial and revocation of licences, 50.498
Licensing and regulation, 50.49
Workshops for, fees, 50.495
Home health aides, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Homebound persons, vocational rehabilitation, 47.03 (11)
Homeless persons, health services for, 46.972
Hospice aides, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Workshops for, fees, 50.981
Hospital capacity and rates, department to provide information for health care liability, 655.019
Hospital loan program, rural, 146.62
Hospital regulation and approval act, 50.32 to 50.39
Conduct plan reviews of construction or remodeling, fees, 50.36 (2)
Standards, 50.36 (1)
Workshops for, fees, 50.495, 50.57
Hotels and restaurants, Ch. 254
Human services, interstate contracts, 51.87
See also Food, under this head

Department duties, 46.76
Illegitimate children,
see Nonmarital children, under this head
Improvements, additional power to provide, 46.035
Income augmentation receipts, expenditures, 46.46
Independent living center grants, 46.96
Independent review board:
Creation, membership, 15.195 (9)
Duties, 153.67
Rule-making, 153.76
see American Indians, under this head
Infectious agents, information requirements, 101.587
Information from officials and physicians, 146.15
Injunction against child welfare agency, foster home, group home or day care center, 48.77
Inpatient health care facilities, licensing and fees, 50.135
Inspection and investigation of child welfare agencies, day care centers, group homes and foster homes, 48.73, 48.74
Inspection of county institutions, 46.16, 46.17
Accounts, purchases, audits, 46.09
Charges for employee's meals and services, 46.03 (13)
Children and adult expectant mothers in department custody, 48.52
Costs of maintenance on residents:
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Liability, 46.10
Employment allowance for inmates, 46.064
Freedom of worship, 46.066
Governor may investigate and inspect, 14.05
Inventories, visitations, 46.014 (1), (2)
Legislative committee to visit, 13.47
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685, 50.065
Inspection, 46.16, 46.17
Officers and employees, 46.058
Property of patients and residents, 46.07
Report to department, 46.14
Roads on grounds and to highways, 84.27
Supervision, generally, 46.03
Violating law or rule governing, 946.73
Interstate compact on mental health, 51.75 to 51.80
Interstate compact on placement of children, 48.988, 48.989
Involuntary commitment of mentally ill persons, 51.20
Juvenile delinquency, study, demonstration projects, 46.03 (4)
Juveniles justice programs:

Alcohol and drug abuse program, 938.547
Juvenile classification system, 938.549
Multidisciplinary screen and assessments, 938.548
Kidney disease:
Aid for treatment, 49.68
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Lands, condemnation, easements, leases, sales, purchases, 46.06
Lead exposure and lead poisoning,
Leases and easements, 46.06
Legal actions, 46.017
Legal services, justice dept. to furnish, 165.25 (4)
Licenses and permits, denial or suspension:
Delinquent support obligors, 49.857, 250.041
Delinquent tax obligors, 252.241, 254.115
Long-term care insurance, 146.91
Long-term care program:
Care management organizations, 46.284, 46.285
Creation, membership, 15.197 (5)
Powers and duties, 46.282
Definitions, 46.2805
Family care benefit, 46.286
Hearings, 46.287
Family care district, 46.2895
Removal of officer, 17.13
Powers and duties of dept. and secretary, 46.281