Interstate compact on mental health, 51.75 to 51.80
Interstate compact on placement of children, 48.988, 48.989
Involuntary commitment of mentally ill persons, 51.20
Juvenile delinquency, study, demonstration projects, 46.03 (4)
Juveniles justice programs:

Alcohol and drug abuse program, 938.547
Juvenile classification system, 938.549
Multidisciplinary screen and assessments, 938.548
Kidney disease:
Aid for treatment, 49.68
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Lands, condemnation, easements, leases, sales, purchases, 46.06
Lead exposure and lead poisoning,
Leases and easements, 46.06
Legal actions, 46.017
Legal services, justice dept. to furnish, 165.25 (4)
Licenses and permits, denial or suspension:
Delinquent support obligors, 49.857, 250.041
Delinquent tax obligors, 252.241, 254.115
Long-term care insurance, 146.91
Long-term care program:
Care management organizations, 46.284, 46.285
Creation, membership, 15.197 (5)
Powers and duties, 46.282
Definitions, 46.2805
Family care benefit, 46.286
Hearings, 46.287
Family care district, 46.2895
Removal of officer, 17.13
Powers and duties of dept. and secretary, 46.281
Resource centers, 46.283, 46.285
Rule-making, 46.288
Transition provisions, 46.289
Long-term support community options program, 46.27
Long-term support pilot projects, 46.271
Low-income pregnant women, outreach to, 253.085
Lyme disease, treatment, information and research, 254.52
Maintenance of inmates or outpatients:
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Collection, 46.10
Maintenance payments, order payment to department, 767.29 (3)
Manufactured homes, 101.94 (1)
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Media photo of child, use in finding adoptive parents, 46.03 (29), 48.57 (1) (j), 48.78
Medical assistance, presumptive eligibility, 49.465
Medical assistance program, 49.43 to 49.499
For detailed analysis,

Medicare, enrollment cards distribution, 146.885
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Menominee Enterprises, Inc., bonds, acquisition as relief, 49.70
Mental health:
Community services, 51.42 (7), 51.423
Receiver appointed to perform functions, 51.42 (3) (d)
Systems change grants, assistance, 46.52
Council on, 15.197 (1), 51.02
Funds, allocation to counties, 46.266
Funds for treatment, 46.266
Interstate compact, 51.75 to 51.80
Outpatient clinic certifications, 51.038
Delinquent taxpayers, denial and revocation, 51.032
Protection and advocacy system, 51.62
Relocation services for mentally ill, 46.268
Self-help and peer-support programs, 46.54
Services funds, 46.485
Study, demonstration projects, 46.03 (4)
Treatment provider training, 46.53
Mental health authority, federal aid, 46.50
Mental patients:
Outpatient clinic services, established, 51.07
Treatment facility, certification to receive medical assistance funds, 51.04
Delinquent taxpayers, denial and revocation, 51.032
Mental retardation facilities and community mental health centers construction:
, 150.963
Applications, 150.975
Construction programs, 150.965
Funds, receipt and disbursement, 150.983
Hearing, forwarding of applications, 150.977
Inspection of projects, 150.98
Maintenance and operation standards, 150.97
Priority of projects, 150.973
State plans, 150.967
Mentally ill persons:
Alcoholic or drug dependent veteran, transfer, 45.30
Care and custody of, 51.22
Community support programs, duties, 51.421
Transfer of discharge, 51.35 (4m)
Involuntary commitment of, 51.20