Bonding, 46.28
Bonding by housing and economic development authority, 234.61
Respite care program for abused, neglected and special needs persons, 46.986
Restaurants, Ch. 254
Food protection practices certificate required, 254.71
Sanitation rules, 125.68 (5)
Rules and regulations:
, 250.04
Adoption information exchange and adoption center,, 48.55
Adult family home, 50.02 (2)
Child welfare agencies, etc., 48.67
Communicable diseases, 252.02
Developmental disabilities services, 51.437 (16)
Health services regulation, 150.03
Infectious agents, toxic substance, 101.598
Interstate placement of children, 48.98 (5)
Medical assistance program, administration, 49.45 (10)
Mental health records, 51.30 (12)
Permanency planning in child placement, 48.38 (5)
Rights of patients, 51.61 (9)
Uniform regulation and licensing, 46.03 (25)
Rural health care,
Sale of land, 46.06
School nutrition programs, certifying children, 115.347
Bonds for certain employees, may require, 15.04
Budget compilation, 15.04
Community action agencies, approve, 46.30 (2)
Deputy, 15.04 (2), (3)
Developmental disabilities services, duties, 51.437 (14m)
Establish rules for administering department, 15.05 (1) (b)
General provisions, 15.05
Institutions, inventories, visitations, 46.014 (1), (2)
Mental health compact administrator, 51.76
Nursing home administrators examining board, member, 15.405 (7m)
Oath, 15.05 (4)
Powers and duties, 15.04, 46.014 (3)
Report to governor and legislature, 15.04
Reports, 46.014 (4)
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Selection, 15.05 (1)
Senior citizens, programs for, 46.85
Sex crime offenders, commitment:
Pre-1980 commitments, 975.06
Sexually transmitted diseases, 252.11
Shelter care facilities, 48.66 to 48.77
Provisions of, 48.70
Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Skilled nursing facilities, requirements for, 49.498
Social services, supervision, 46.206
Special fund for girls' industrial school, 25.31
Specialized programs for persons with disabilities, 47.03
State adoption center, 48.55
Structures, additional power to provide, 46.035
Suicide, assistance to schools for prevention programs, 115.365
Suits, 46.017
Support obligation, review, 767.32 (4)
Tattooist, regulation, 252.23, 252.245
Telecommunication aid for hearing impaired, 46.297
Tobacco control:
Appropriation, 20.436
Creation, membership, 15.195 (1)
Definitions, 254.911
Program, 255.15
Fund, 25.66
Sales to minors; dept. authority, duties, 254.916
Youth tobacco prevention and education program, 255.10
Toxic substances, information requirements, 101.587
Traffic accident victims, keep blood specimen record, 346.71 (2)
Transportation of certain employees, 20.916 (3)
Trauma advisory council, 15.197 (25), 146.56
Trustee duty, 46.03 (3)
Trusts to bar dept. recovery of aid unlawful, 701.06
Tuberculosis, cases reported to, 252.07
Urinals, flushing devices for, rules, 146.22
Vending machines, Ch. 254
Vending stands, 46.03 (14)
Visitorial powers, private institutions, 58.05
Visitorial powers and duties, 46.16, 46.17
Vital statistics:

Powers and duties, 69.02
Vocational rehabilitation program for persons with disabilities, 47.02
Contract with nongovernmental agencies, 47.04
Fiscal agent for persons with disabilities, 47.035
Wassermann tests, 46.13
Winnebago county, water and sewerage service, 46.37
Wisconsin resource center: