Budget and contract, 46.031
Licenses, special provisions, 48.70
Populous counties, 46.215
Probationary license, 48.69
Rules, forms and records, 48.67
County human services dept., 46.23
County infirmaries:
Audits, cost accounting, 49.726 (4)
Forms for admission or commitment, 49.723 (5)
Powers and duties, 49.723, 49.726
County institutions:
Supervision and inspection, 46.16, 46.17
System of accounts, 46.18 (8)
County social services administration, 46.22
Creation, 15.19
Criminal history search, computer link to justice department, 165.825
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.683
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Data processing projects, report on, 46.03 (26)
Day care centers:
Inspection and investigation, 48.73, 48.74
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685
License, regulation, 48.65 to 48.77
Parental access, 48.655
Parental right to know, 48.656
Probationary license, 48.69
Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Day care providers:
Certification of, 48.651
Information for, 48.653
Deaf and hard of hearing council, 15.197 (8)
Deferred prosecution agreements, 971.39
Depositions concerning institutions, 887.23
Developmental disabilities council:
Duties, 51.437 (14r)
Terms, 15.197 (11n)
Developmental disabilities services:
Grants-in-aid, 51.423
Plan, 51.437 (14p)
Developmentally disabled:
Community integration program for residents of state centers, 46.275
Community support programs, treatment through, 51.35 (1) (a)
Protective placement, notice, testimony, 55.06 (5)
Residential facilities for, state-operated, 46.047
Disabilities, persons with:
Specialized programs for, 47.03
Vocational rehabilitation:
Fiscal agent for, 47.035
Program, 47.02, 47.04
Disbursement of funds, 46.018
Education program for foster homes operators, 48.675
Disease aids, patient liability, 49.687
Domestic abuse, distribution of grants, 46.95
Domestic abuse council, 15.197 (16), 46.95 (3)
Drug abuse,
see Alcohol and drug abuse, under this head
Drug dependence program, 46.973
Drug dependent adolescents, inpatient assessment and treatment program, 46.04
Child abuse or neglect, 48.981 (8)
Recreation and convenience of patients, inmates, employees, 46.03 (14)
Education program for foster homes operators, 48.675
Elder abuse, duties, 46.90 (8)
Emergency medical services, state activities, 146.53
Emergency medical services board, 15.195 (8), 146.58

Emergency service classification, 146.55
Employee counseling referral programs, 46.33
Disciplined for wrongful disclosure, 51.30
Health services regulation law, administer, 150.09
Immoral conduct by teachers in institutions, duty to report to education dept., 115.31
Epileptic, grants for services to, 46.57
Exchange of documents, 35.86
Additional power to provide, 46.035
Care of children and adult expectant mothers in custody, 48.52
Family coverage, badger care program, 49.665
Family day care homes, licensing, 66.1017
Family support program for disabled, 46.985
Federal income augmentation receipts, expenditures, 46.46
Fee for drug assessment, 46.03 (18) (fm)
Fee for operating under intoxicant, 46.03 (18) (f)
Fetal alcohol syndrome pamphlets, acquire and distribute, 46.03 (34)
Fitness centers:
First aid instruction, duties, 46.03 (37)
Staff requirements, 100.178
Food distribution administration, 46.77
Food distribution grants, 46.75
Foreign adoption fees, 48.838