Smoking regulations, violations, 101.123 (9)
Soil and water conservation, 92.11
Sundays, granting and serving on, 813.04
Supreme court or justice may allow, 751.07
Surveyor, unauthorized practice, 443.18 (2) (b)
Against heir or legatee, 813.026
Bond required, 813.06
By whom granted, 813.02 (4)
Dealerships, 135.065
Disorderly house, keeping, 823.10
Drug and gang houses, 823.113 to 823.115
Telephone conference prior to granting, 813.02 (1)
Time, grounds for, 813.04
To defendant, 813.03
When granted, 813.02
Time of stay, excepted from limitation, 893.23
Time-share ownership, 707.57
Trade secrets, uniform act violations, 134.90 (3)
Trademarks, unlawful use, 132.02, 132.033
Transmission facilities, engaging in excavation or demolition near, regulations violated, 182.0175 (5)
Tribal court orders, enforcement, 813.12 (9)
Ultra vires acts of corporation, 813.02
University regents may obtain to enforce rules, 36.11 (4)
Unplatted lands, sale, 236.31 (2)
Vessel hulls and parts, illegal duplication, 134.34 (5)
Vulnerable adult, interference with services, 813.123
Warehouse keeper or grain dealer, dept. may petition for, 127.17 (3)
Warehouse law violations, 99.06
Waste restrained, 813.02 (2)
Water pollution discharge elimination law, violations, 283.91
Weights and measures law violations, 98.26 (2)
Writ, abolished, 813.01
City, prevent violations, 62.23 (7), (8)
Ordinance enforcement, 59.69 (11)