Members, 613.40
Voting and quorum, 613.40 (2)
Merger, 613.72
Name, reserving and registering, 613.10
Officers, 613.52
Liability and indemnification, 613.62
Restricted transactions, 613.60
Optometric care, Wis. vision services, inc., 449.15
Permitted insureds, 631.03
Policyholders' committee, 613.58
Powers, 613.07 (1)
Principal officers, 613.12 (3)
Professional services, preservation of professional relationships, 628.37
Providers' contracts, 613.19 (3)
Purposes of law, 613.02 (2)
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (5)
Scope of law, 613.02 (1)
Authorized, 613.33
Prohibited transactions, 613.33 (3)
Regulation, 613.31
Segregated accounts, 613.24
Shares of stock prohibited, 613.63 (2)
Special accounts, 613.24
Subsidiaries, 613.26
Capital requirements rule, 613.19 (5m)
Initial expendable, 613.19 (2)
Minimum permanent, 613.19 (1)
Reduction of minimum, 613.19 (5)
Transfer of business or assets, 613.78
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Ultra vires acts, 613.07 (2)
Vicarious liability, 613.90
Voluntary dissolution, 613.74
Voting, members' meetings, 613.40
Waiver of notice, 613.07 (4)
Bonds need not be under seal, 632.14
Certificate of authority, 601.51
Indemnity and security agreements, 627.15
Insolvency notices sent by commissioner, 601.53
License fee, 76.63
Premium taxes, 76.63
Public employee bonds, premiums, 19.01 (8)
Rustproofing warranties insurance, 100.205, 632.18
Traffic arrest bonds, 345.61
Validity of surety bonds, 632.17
INSURANCE 29. Town Mutuals29. Town Mutuals
, Ch. 612
Affiliates, transactions with, 612.18
Agents, licensing, 612.61, 628.05
Articles of incorporation:
Amendments, 612.04
Contents, 612.02 (2)
Assessments, 612.54
Regulation, 612.34
Assets, transfer to be approved by commissioner, 612.24
Borrowing and repayment, 612.35
Business, authorized, 612.31
Business plan, amendments, 612.04
Bylaws, amendments, 612.04
Certificate of authority:
Application for, 612.02 (4)
Commissioner shall issue, 612.02 (6)
Contents, 612.02 (7)
Effect of, 612.02 (8)
Contract forms, 612.51
Conversion into mutual insurance corporation, 612.23
Directors, 612.13
Transactions in which interested, 612.18
Dissolution, voluntary, 612.25
Exclusive agency contracts prohibited, 612.16
Fees to commissioner, exempt, exception, 601.31 (2)
Informal action by members or directors, 612.70
Initial surplus, 612.02 (5)
Investments, 612.36
License, fee, 76.61
Licensing of agents, 612.61
Loss adjustment, rules, 612.53
Mail voting, 612.12 (4) (c)
Management changes, supervision by commissioner, 612.15
Management contracts prohibited, 612.16
Mandatory advance premiums, 612.34 (3)
Meetings of members, notice, 612.11
Membership, creation, duration, 612.10
Merger, 612.21, 612.22
Model articles, commissioner shall promulgate, 612.02 (3)
Mortgage of assets, report to commissioner, 612.24