Breeding service, 779.49
Pasture or care, 779.43
Meat for animal feed, identification, registration of buyers, 97.44
Misrepresenting breed, 95.13
Possession or training prohibited, when, 951.08 (2m)
Predatory, DNR may give to public zoos, 29.881
Race animals, humane treatment, 562.001
Running at large, distraint, 172.01 to 172.08
Sale, insurable interest, 402.501 (1)
Secured transactions involving, 409.109 (3)
Skunks, possession, sale, release, destruction, 29.855
Slaughter, humane requirement, 95.80
See also Animal Health

Slaughterhouses, license, inspection, 97.42
Strays, 170.01 to 170.065
For detailed analysis,

Taking from pounds or damage to, penalty, 172.57
Theft, penalty, 943.20 (3)
Treatment without veterinarian's license, 453.05
Unauthorized release:
Damages and immunity, 895.57
Penalty, 943.75
Waste management:
, 92.14, 92.16, 281.20
Legislative approval of rules, 13.565, 160.31
Local regulation, 29.038
Parks may have, 29.857
Propagation of, 29.741
Title to, 29.011
Wildlife exhibit, 29.861
ANIMALS 2. Municipal Authority2. Municipal Authority
Abatement of violations, 173.11
Animals running at large:
Distraint, 172.01 to 172.08
Exemption of municipalities from sections 172.01 to 172.08, 172.012
Cruelty complaints:
Investigation, 173.10
Reimbursement of expenses, 173.24
Custody of animals:
Appeal of seizure or withholding, 173.22
Care, treatment and disposal, 173.15
Disposition of animals, 173.23
Immunity for euthanizing, 173.25
Fighting animals, 173.12
Holding animal for cause, 173.21
Records, 173.17
Taking, 173.13
Treating as unclaimed, 173.19
Damage caused by animals, 172.51 to 172.57
Humane officers:
Appointment, 173.03
Certification required, 173.05
Investigations, 173.09
Powers and duties, generally, 173.07
Rules, training, certification, registry, 173.27
Strays, 170.01 to 170.06
Exemption of municipalities from chapter 170, 170.065