Altering or removing, penalty, 943.37
Anti-freeze solutions, 100.38
Barrels and other containers, filing, 132.04
Beverage receptacles, recording, fee, 132.11
Blind-made goods, 47.03 (3)
Butter, 97.176
Certificate of filing, 132.031
Cheese, 97.177
Wisconsin logotype, 100.057
Branded, filing description, 132.04
Branded, unlawful use, 132.05 to 132.07
Corn shredders, 167.14
Counterfeiting, 132.20
Counterfeit, trafficking in, 132.02
Defacing, branded receptacles, 132.05
Definitions, food regulation, 97.01
Feeding stuffs, 94.72
Fertilizers, 94.64 (2)
With register of deeds, fees, 132.04
With secretary of state, fees, 132.01, 132.04
Flaxseed oil, 100.186
Labeling requirements, 97.03
Misbranding prohibited, 97.10 (1)
Misleading, interpretation, 97.07
Organic, 97.09 (5)
Forgery, 943.38
Fraudulent filing, damages, 132.032
Fur garments, 100.35
Gaseous compounds in containers, 132.18
Gasoline and petroleum products, 168.11
Hazardous substances, 167.11
Hazardous substances act, 100.37
Horsemeat, 97.45
Industrial alcohol shipments, 125.62
Industrial wine shipments, 125.63
Injunction against use, 132.02, 132.033, 132.08
Intoxicating liquors, 125.68 (9)
Kosher meats and foods, 97.56
Lead, 100.186
Linseed oil, 100.186
Livestock brands, use, recording, 95.11
Lubricating oils, lubricants, 168.14
Malt beverages, 125.32 (7)
Matches, 167.07
Medicinal alcohol shipments, 125.61
Merchantability requirements, 402.314
Milk and milk products, 97.24
Bovine growth hormone labeling, 97.25
Milk test bottles, 98.14
Gold articles, 134.25, 134.30, 134.32
Silver articles, 134.26 to 134.29, 134.31, 134.32
Nondairy food products, 97.48
Nursery stock shipments, 94.10 (5)
Oleomargarine, 97.18
Paints, 100.186
Pesticides, 94.67 to 94.71