Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reporting or disclosing information regarding, immunity, 48.981 (4), (7) (cr)
Alcohol beverages:
Furnishing, civil liability exemption, 125.035
Municipalities, civil liability exemption, 125.037
Retention of proof of age,125.039
All-terrain vehicles, landowners' liability, 23.33 (10)
Blood transfusion activities, 146.31 (2)
Bradley center sports and entertainment facilities, liability limited, 232.09
Common carriers, to passengers, absolute, 192.43
Contaminated lands:
Civil immunity, former local government owned property, 292.26
Exemption, 292.15
Lender liability 292.16
Liability clarification and technical assistance, 292.55
Off-site discharge, exemption from liability, 292.13
Responsibility of investigators, 292.19
Cooperatives, directors and officers, 185.367
Credit unions, directors and officers, 186.096
Crime victims, aid to, civil liability exemption, 940.34
Declaration to physician, following; immunity, 154.07
Defibrillator use, civil liability exemption, 895.48 (4)
Dental societies, directors and officers, 447.38
Disaster relief, exemption from liability, 166.03 (10)
Do-not-resuscitate orders, 154.23
Dog owner's liability for damage, 174.02
Dogs, killing, 174.01 (3)
Drug product equivalent, using in dispensing prescriptions, 450.13 (4)
Emergency care, civil liability exemption, 895.48 (1)
Ski patrol, 895.482
Emergency detention of mentally ill persons, 51.15 (11)
Employment references, employer immunity, 895.487
Environmental repair, 289.31
Fee, 289.67
Lien for cost, 292.81
Exemption for safety inspection by insurers or state, 895.44
Fireworks, use by minors, parental liability, 167.10 (7)
Food product donations, exemption, 895.51
Forest products, civil liability for unlawful cutting, removal and transport, 26.09
Foster and family-operated group home parents:
Civil liability exemption, 895.485
Insurance for, 48.627
Glass safety glazing, liability of employers, 101.125 (4)
Groundwater protection, response no admission of, 160.32 (1)
Hazardous substances, civil liability exemption for, 895.48 (2), 895.483, 895.55
Health care information violations, 153.85
Horses and other equines, immunity, 895.481
Hospital personnel providing paternity information, immunity, 895.48 (3)
Hotelkeepers, 254.80
Immunity, deferred prosecution program, 971.38 (2), 973.05 (3) (c), 973.09 (7m) (b)
Insurance fraud, immunity, 895.486
Intoxication, tests for, exemption, 895.53
Joint obligations act, Ch. 113
Landfills, governmental liability, 289.12
Civil immunity, former local government owned property, 292.26
Municipal acquisition of closed landfill, 292.16
Responsibility of investigators, 292.19
Landowners, 350.19, 895.52
Municipal acquisition of closed landfill, 292.16
Law enforcement officer, seizure of property derived from crime and certain vehicles, 973.077 (3)
Limited partnership:
False statement in certificate, 179.17
General partners, 179.33
Liability to third parties of limited partners, 179.23, 179.24
Return of contribution, 179.58
Maintenance of relatives in public institutions, 46.10
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Medical societies, directors or officers, liability limited, 148.23
Mineral exploration data reports to state geologist, 107.15 (4) (e)
Mining companies, liability of, 107.32
Mining damage appropriation, recovery on claims under strict liability, 107.31 (3)
Minor drivers, negligence imputed to parents, 343.15
Euthanizing animals, immunity, 173.25
Limitation, 893.80
Natural resources board and wardens, immunity, 29.944
Nonprofit associations, 184.06
Parental liability for acts of minor children, 895.035
Shoplifting, 943.51
Parked vehicle, immunity to persons removing and storing, 349.13 (5)
Public shelters, immunity, 166.09
Public works projects, exemption for use of certain solid wastes, 895.58
Pupils referred to police or removed from school, liability, 118.257
Radioactive waste emergencies, 166.15 (2)
Recreational activities, limitation of property owners, 895.52
Recycling facilities, immunity for donation of materials, 895.517
Relief recipients, health care services, 49.02 (5), (6g)
Rented vehicle damage, 344.574