Advocacy activities, governor may authorize, 14.19
Affirmative action,
Business incubator grants, 560.039
Certification, rules, 560.036
Contracts, 16.75, 84.075
Disadvantaged demonstration and training program, 84.076
Nonprofit corporation grants, 560.038
Recycling loans and grants, 560.835
Training program under the combined sewer overflow abatement program, 200.49
Health and education facilities authority, financial interests, 231.27
Investment analysis and bond brokerage commissions, 25.185
Minority civil engineer scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program, 85.107
Pupil scholarships, 115.43
Pupils, special transfer programs, 121.85
Dental education contracts, 39.46 (2) (g)
Undergraduate grants, 20.235 (1) (fg), 39.44
Teacher loan program, 39.40
Technical college system student participation and retention plans, 38.04 (8)
Grants, 38.26
Underwriting of public debt, 18.16
Underwriting of state operating notes, 18.77
Underwriting of state revenue obligations, 18.64
U.W. students:
Grant programs, 36.34
Minority and disadvantaged programs, 36.25 (14m)
Wisconsin educational opportunity program, 115.28 (23), 115.44