Monday, March 8, 1999
Ninety-Fourth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Relating to Wisconsin-Michigan boundary waters.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, March 1, 1999.
To committee on Natural Resources
Referred on March 8, 1999
Relating to commercial fishing for whitefish in Green Bay and Lake Michigan.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, March 1, 1999.
To committee on Natural Resources
Referred on March 8, 1999
Relating to the annual adjustment of the minimum estimated project costs for the application of the requirement to obtain a determination of prevailing wage rates for workers employed on state or local public works projects.
Submitted by Department of Workforce Development.
Report received from Agency, March 4, 1999.
To committee on Labor and Employment
Referred on March 8, 1999
Relating to the registration and renewal of registration fees for mortgage bankers, loan originators and mortgage brokers; the transfer fee for loan originators; and the registration periods for all registrations and renewals of registrations.
Submitted by Department of Financial Institutions.
Report received from Agency, March 4, 1999.
To committee on Financial Institutions
Referred on March 8, 1999
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 170
Relating to: school uniforms.
Representatives Jensen, Colon, Riley, Handrick, Ainsworth, Staskunas, Ziegelbauer, Olsen, Owens, Ladwig, Grothman, Sykora, Urban, Vrakas, Huebsch, Kedzie and Kestell; cosponsored by Senators Fitzgerald, Zien and Darling.
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 171
Relating to: prisoner reimbursement to a municipality.
Representatives Foti, Hundertmark, Jensen, Steinbrink, Hahn, Huebsch, Kedzie, Klusman, Ladwig, La Fave, F. Lasee, J. Lehman, M. Lehman, Montgomery, Musser, Olsen, Ott, Owens, Porter, Powers, Seratti, Sykora, Vrakas, Ward, Ziegelbauer and Kreuser; cosponsored by Senators Fitzgerald, Roessler, Cowles, Lazich, Schultz, Huelsman, Welch and Drzewiecki.
To committee on State Affairs.
Assembly Bill 172
Relating to: allowing a "Class A" licensee to provide wine free of charge for consumption on the licensee's premises.
Representatives Pettis, Handrick, Hundertmark, Kestell, Albers, Ladwig, Freese, Carpenter, Grothman, Gunderson, Hoven, Huebsch, Kaufert, Nass, Powers, Seratti, Staskunas, Sykora, Underheim, Vrakas and Walker; cosponsored by Senators Breske, Shibilski, Burke, George, Moen, Erpenbach, Zien, Grobschmidt, Darling and Rude.
To committee on State Affairs.
Assembly Bill 173
Relating to: youth options program.
Representatives M. Lehman, Huebsch, Owens, Goetsch, Reynolds, Hahn, Gunderson, Brandemuehl, Musser and Kelso; cosponsored by Senator Fitzgerald
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 174
Relating to: exceptions for peace officers to certain prohibitions Relating to firearms.
Representatives Kreuser, Kaufert, Nass, Kedzie, Plale, Steinbrink, Hasenohrl and Ryba; cosponsored by Senators Wirch, Erpenbach, Zien and Drzewiecki.
To committee on Urban and Local Affairs
Relating to: requiring that personal flotation devices be worn by certain underaged persons in certain boats.
Representatives Staskunas, Hasenohrl, Musser, Bock, Miller, Ryba, Sinicki, Sykora, Goetsch, Turner, Colon, Stone, Lassa and Jeskewitz.
To committee on Natural Resources
Assembly Bill 176