To the Honorable, the Assembly:
We are pleased to submit to you, the Recycling Market Development Board Quarterly Report for April through June 1999. In accordance to the statutory requirement, the Recycling Market Development Board is submitting the Quarterly Report to the Senate Chief Clerk and the Assembly Chief Clerk, for your review.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to update you on the Recycling Market Development Board activities. We hope this report will answer any questions you may have, as well as demonstrate the accomplishments we have made in our constant efforts to develop and sustain recycling markets in Wisconsin.
If you have any further questions or comments, please contact me at (608) 267-9360.
Gail Miller Wray
Executive Director, Recycling Market Development Board
Referred to committee on Environment.
Agency Reports
Southeast Wisconsin
Professional Baseball Park District
July 22, 1999
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed please find the Miller Park Monthly Progress Report for the month of June 1999 for your review and consideration. As the enclosed report indicates, Miller Park continues to develop with the District Board's "four for four" objectives of building a quality facility, on time, within budget and with strong community participation.
As always, please feel free to contact me if you should have any question or comments regarding the enclosed report.
Very truly yours,
Michael R. Duckett, P.E., R.l.s.
Executive Director
Reference Bureau Corrections
Assembly Bill 380
1. Page 59, line 12: substitute "s." for "s.".
2. Page 59, line 13: delete "757.68 (1)" and substitute "757.68 sub. (1)".
Assembly Resolution 11
1. Page 2, line 9: after "federal" insert a comma.
2. Page 2, line 10: delete "state," and substitute "state".
A289 Adjournment
Representative Underheim moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, July 29.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:01 A.M.