Scott R. Jensen
Assembly Speaker
July 1, 1999
The Honorable Tommy G. Thompson
Governor - State of Wisconsin
Room 125 South, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53702
Dear Governor Thompson:
It is my pleasure to present you the final report of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture. The Task Force and I take great pride in submitting a report we feel will benefit Wisconsin Aquaculture for the next decade.
The Governor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture was instructed to analyze, review and report on Wisconsin aquaculture and to suggest courses of action to assist and improve Wisconsin's aquaculture industry. The recommendations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture come from a yearlong evaluation of past, current and future conditions necessary for the continued expansion of aquaculture in Wisconsin.
Aquaculture is an important part of agricultural diversity in Wisconsin and is expected to grow more than sixty percent in the next five years. Wisconsin does commit time and resources towards private aquaculture, but more needs to be done to expand production, marketing and new income sources. To accomplish this goal, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture identified three issues critical to the survival of the aquaculture in Wisconsin.
First, the Task Force strongly endorses "The Poff Report" and believes it is important to implement its recommendations to further benefit aquaculture. In June of 1997, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources released "The Role of Private Fish Hatcheries in Wisconsin," better known as "The Poff Report." The report was compiled by interested parties, including private industry, government agencies and educational institutions, as guidance for private aquaculture in Wisconsin. The report identified the critical needs for Wisconsin Aquaculture's growth in the future; however, the recommendations have not been implemented.
Second, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture realizes the growing need for continued and increased funding for applied research and development of aquaculture technologies. Wisconsin is fortunate to have many technologically advanced facilities operating at capacity, but to remain competitive for the next decade, the State must consider investing time and funding for aquaculture advancement.
A304 The third issue identified by the Task Force and deemed critical for the growth of aquaculture in Wisconsin is a statewide marketing strategy. Individually, many of Wisconsin's private producers currently have markets for their product, but no statewide identification of Wisconsin Aquaculture exists. The Task Force's view of the future includes the establishment of a marketing presence and an overall image for Wisconsin's aquaculture products, including the establishment of an effective brand name for itself.
As mentioned earlier, the Task Force identified many issues worthy of consideration, but agreed to prioritize the list to the top three concerns. The final section of the report, entitled "Other Important Recommendations," describes additional initiatives and ideas which would benefit private aquaculture.
The Task Force and I wish to thank you for this unique opportunity to explore the status of aquaculture in Wisconsin. Should you have any questions regarding this report, do not hesitate to contact me or Task Force members.
Joseph E. Tregoning, chair
Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aquaculture
Representative Kedzie moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, August 26.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:01 A.M.