Noes: 1 - Representative Ladwig.
To committee on Rules.
Stephen Freese
Committee on Campaigns and Elections
State of Wisconsin
Revisor of Statutes Bureau
DATE: September 1, 1999

TO: Charles Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk

Donald J. Schneider
Senate Chief Clerk
A312 FROM: Gary L. Poulson
Deputy Revisor of Statutes

SUBJECT: Rules published in the August 31, 1999, Wisconsin Administrative Register, No. 524.
The following rules have been published:
Clearinghouse Rule 98-081 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 98-156 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 98-157 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 98-159 effective 9-1-99
part eff. 1-1-00
Clearinghouse Rule 98-179 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 98-194 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 98-201 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-004 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-010 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-011 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-026 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-036 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-052 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-058 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-059 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-060 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-061 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-062 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-074 effective 9-1-99
Clearinghouse Rule 99-077 effective 9-1-99
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
September 7, 1999
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
The enclosed report has been sent to you pursuant to sec. 1.11(2)(j), Stats. This statute states:
"Annually, no later than September 15, submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172(2), including the number of proposed actions for which the agency conducted an assessment of whether an impact statement was required under par. (c) and the number of impact statements prepared under par. (c)."
This report addresses the activities of the Department of Transportation for Fiscal Year 1998, the period from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999.
Charles H. Thompson
Referred to committee on Transportation.
Representative Foti moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, September 14.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:01 A.M.