I am very concerned that Assembly Bill 827 will reduce railroad safety in the Fox Valley due to its impact on "push-pull" trains. This type of train format utilizes locomotives at both ends of the train each staffed by one engineer. This approach has been approved by the Federal Railroad Administration for operation between Green Bay and Stevens Point, through Neenah, and has been in service since 1994. Use of this approach has reduced the switching operation in Neenah from one hour to 10 minutes. Considerable traffic delays and disruption of traffic patterns have been eliminated due to this change.
The bill would force Wisconsin Central to discontinue "push-pull" service on this line due to prohibitive costs. According to local elected and law enforcement officials and experts from the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, use of a standard train set (a locomotive at one end of the train) will cause the return of traffic delays and backups that could lead to increased accidents and diminished traffic safety.
Supporters of this bill identified the size of train crews associated with freight rail service in northern Wisconsin as a reason for enacting these provisions. I have been assured by Wisconsin Central that it will begin to provide two person crews on that line within the next few weeks. I believe this action will address some of the concerns expressed by the railroad operating engineers union. In order to ensure implementation of this commitment, I will personally monitor the actions of Wisconsin Central on this issue in consultation with the Office of Commissioner of Railroads
While there are procedures under current law that would allow the provisions in Assembly Bill 827 to be waived by the Office of the Commissioner of Rails. I do not believe it is sound government to adopt a requirement and then provide a series of waivers to address multiple conditional uses. Current law provides a safety standard that exceeds the rest of the country. I am requesting the Office of Commissioner of Railroads to monitor railroad safety issues over the next several months and provide a report to me by January 1, 2001. That report will serve as the basis for identifying any additional safety issues and the need for action in the next legislative session. I will also confer with the Office of Commissioner of Railroads, the United Transportation Union, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the railroad industry in reviewing that report and providing input on the need for additional legislative action.
My goal is to ensure a thriving passenger and freight rail system in Wisconsin with a safety record that is second to none. That goal can be achieved by continuing to dialogue on infrastructure needs, service opportunities and safety issues. The measures outlined in this message will provide a framework for evaluating railroad safety issues in concert with capitalizing on Wisconsin's passenger and freight rail service opportunities.
Tommy G. Thompson
A965 Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number Act Number Publication Date
Assembly Bill 471177June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 561178June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 137179June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 751180June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 700182May 24, 2000
Assembly Bill 742183June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 968184June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 967185June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 969186June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 942187June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 402189June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 504190June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 538191June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 778192June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 841193June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 860194June 1, 2000
Assembly Bill 796197June 2, 2000
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
May 12, 2000
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
The attached combined report is submitted to the Legislature pursuant to s. 46.27 (11g) and s. 46.277 (5m) of state statutes. State statutes require the Department of Health and Family Services to submit an annual report for the Community Options Program (COP) and for a combined report on the Home and Community Based Waivers (COP-W/CIP II). The attached report describes the persons served, program expenditures, and services delivered through the COP, COP-Waiver and CIP II programs in calendar year 1998.
The Community Options Program provides services to all target group populations. COP is closely coordinated with all of Wisconsin's Medicaid Home and Community Based Waivers. With the Department's oversight county agencies are able to ensure that a comprehensive and individualized care plan is provided, while maintaining program flexibility and integrity and maximizing federal matching funds.
Joe Leean
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
May 15, 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Included with this correspondence, I am submitting the report of the Department of Administration, Division of Gaming (Gaming), for the quarter ended March 31, 2000. As required by s. 562.02(1)(g), Wis. Stats., the attached materials contain pari-mutuel wagering and racing statistical information, as well as the revenues for the program areas of Racing, Charitable Gaming and Indian Gaming. Please note that Bingo revenues are now captured in a new appropriation (836) and therefore are shown on a separate chart from the rest of Charitable Gaming.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (608) 270-2560.
F. Scott Scepaniak
Referred to committee on State Affairs.
Agency Reports
Southeast Wisconsin
Professional Baseball Park District
May 18, 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed please find the Miller Park Monthly Progress Report for the month of April 2000 for your review and consideration. As the enclosed report indicates, Miller Park continues to develop with the District Board's objectives of building the premier baseball facility in the country; scheduled for play on Opening Day 2001; within budget; and with meaningful community participation.
As always, please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed report.
Very truly yours,
Michael R. Duckett, P.E., R.l.s.
Executive Director