1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
February 9, 1999 - Introduced by Representatives Skindrud, Jensen, Gard,
Ainsworth, Duff, Freese, Grothman, Hahn, Handrick, Hoven, Kelso, Ladwig,
F. Lasee, Nass, Pettis, Porter, Rhoades, Seratti, Sinicki, Sykora, Vrakas,
and Ward, cosponsored by Senators Drzewiecki, Ellis, Huelsman,
and Lazich. Referred to Committee on Campaigns and Elections.
AB105,1,8 1An Act to amend 7.15 (2) (d), 8.05 (3) (d) and (e), 8.06, 9.20 (4), 24.66 (3) (b), 24.66
2(4), 32.72 (1), 59.08 (7) (b), 60.62 (2), 60.74 (5) (b), 61.187 (1), 61.46 (1), 62.09 (1)
3(a), 64.03 (1), 64.39 (3), 66.01 (8), 66.059 (2m) (b), 66.061 (1) (c), 66.075 (5),
466.504 (2), 66.521 (10) (d), 66.77 (3) (a) 1., 66.94 (4), 67.05 (4) and (5), 67.05 (6a)
5(a) 2. a., 67.05 (6m) (b), 67.10 (5) (b), 67.12 (12) (e) 5., 81.01 (3) (b), 86.21 (2) (a),
6117.20, 119.48 (4) (b) and (c), 119.49 (1) (b) and (2), 121.91 (3) (a), 197.04 (1) (b)
7and (2), 197.10 (2) and 198.19 (1); and to create 8.065 and 15.615 of the
8statutes; relating to: scheduling of referenda by local governments.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, referenda are authorized or required to be held by local
governments under various laws for various purposes. In some cases, these
referenda are authorized or required to be held at special elections when no offices
appear on the ballot. In most cases, there is no limitation upon the frequency that
questions relating to the same subject matter may be submitted.
This bill provides that, unless a more restrictive limitation applies currently,
a referendum by a local government may only be held concurrently with the spring
primary (held in most election districts in each year), the spring election (held in each
year), or on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of an

odd-numbered year (no election is currently held on that date), the September
primary (held in each even-numbered year) or general election (held in each
even-numbered year). The bill also provides that, unless a more restrictive
limitation applies currently, no referendum submitted by the same local government
relating to substantially similar subject matter or relating to authorization for the
borrowing of money may be held more than once in any 12-month period. However,
the bill creates a state referendum appeal board consisting of the governor, the
senate majority leader, the senate minority leader, the speaker of the assembly and
the assembly minority leader or their designees, which is empowered to permit a
local government to hold a referendum on a date that is not otherwise permitted if
the board finds that an emergency exists which requires the referendum to be held
on a date that is not otherwise permitted.
The bill applies to all referenda, including referenda concerning direct
legislation (initiative) in cities and villages.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB105, s. 1 1Section 1. 7.15 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,2,112 7.15 (2) (d) Whenever the governing body of any municipality submits any
3question to a vote of the electors or whenever a proper recall petition and certificate
4are filed under s. 9.10, the municipal clerk shall issue a call for the election and
5prepare and distribute ballots as required in the authorization of submission or as
6provided in s. 9.10. The date of the referendum shall be established in accordance
7with s. 8.065, and shall be
fixed by the municipal clerk or board of election
8commissioners unless otherwise provided by law or unless the governing body fixes
9a date. The ballot for any referendum shall conform to s. 5.64 (2). If there is already
10an official municipal referendum ballot for the election, the question may appear on
11the same ballot.
AB105, s. 2 12Section 2. 8.05 (3) (d) and (e) of the statutes are amended to read:
18.05 (3) (d) The question of adoption of the nonpartisan primary under this
2subsection may be submitted to the electors at any regular election authorized under
3s. 8.065
held in the town or at a special election called for the purpose. When a
4petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 signed by at least 20 electors of the
5town is filed with the town clerk so requesting, the question shall be submitted to a
AB105,3,117 (e) Petitions requesting a vote on the question at a regular town election shall
8be filed no later than 5 p.m. the last Tuesday in February. When the petition is filed,
9the clerk shall check its sufficiency. Whether at a regular or special election, the The
10clerk shall give separate notice by one publication in a newspaper at least 5 days
11before the election.
AB105, s. 3 12Section 3. 8.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,3,16 138.06 Special elections may be called. Towns, cities, villages and school
14districts may call special elections for any purpose whenever such action is
15authorized or required by law. If an election is called for a special referendum, the
16election shall be called and noticed under as provided in s. 8.55.
AB105, s. 4 17Section 4. 8.065 of the statutes is created to read:
AB105,3,19 188.065 Scheduling of referenda. (1) In this section, "local governmental
19unit" has the meaning given in s. 16.97 (7).
AB105,4,3 20(2) Unless otherwise required by law or unless authorized under sub. (3), a
21referendum held by any local governmental unit that is authorized or required by
22law to hold a referendum may only be held concurrently with the spring primary,
23spring election, September primary or general election, or on the first Tuesday after
24the first Monday of November of an odd-numbered year. Unless otherwise required
25by law or unless authorized under sub. (3), no referendum submitted by the same

1local governmental unit relating to substantially similar subject matter or relating
2to authorization for the borrowing of money may be held more than once in any
312-month period.
AB105,4,17 4(3) If a local governmental unit wishes to hold a special referendum on a date
5that is not concurrent with an election specified in s. 5.02 (5), (18), (21) or (22) or on
6a date other than the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of an
7odd-numbered year, the local governmental unit may petition the referendum
8appeal board for a determination that an emergency exists with respect to a
9particular question. The referendum appeal board shall make a determination
10within 10 days after receipt of a petition under this subsection. If the referendum
11appeal board finds, with the concurrence of at least 4 members, that an emergency
12exists which requires a special referendum to be held by a local governmental unit
13on a date that is not concurrent with an election specified in s. 5.02 (5), (18), (21) or
14(22) or on a date other than the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of
15an odd-numbered year, the board may permit a referendum relating to the question
16specified in the petition to be held on a date determined by the local governmental
AB105, s. 5 18Section 5. 9.20 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,5,519 9.20 (4) The common council or village board shall, without alteration, either
20pass the ordinance or resolution within 30 days following the date of the clerk's final
21certificate, or submit it to the electors at the next spring or general election
22authorized under s. 8.065, if the election is more than 6 weeks after the date of the
23council's or board's action on the petition or the expiration of the 30-day period,
24whichever first occurs. If there are 6 weeks or less before the election, the ordinance
25or resolution shall be voted on at the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or

1an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3)
thereafter. The council or board by a
2three-fourths vote of the members-elect may order a special election for the purpose
3of voting on the ordinance or resolution at any time prior to the next election, but not
4more than one special election for direct legislation may be ordered in any 6-month
AB105, s. 6 6Section 6. 15.615 of the statutes is created to read:
AB105,5,12 715.615 Same; attached boards. (2) Referendum appeal board. There is
8created a referendum appeal board which is attached to the elections board under
9s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the governor, the senate majority leader, the
10senate minority leader, the speaker of the assembly and the assembly minority
11leader or the designees of these persons. Members of the board shall serve for
12indefinite terms.
AB105, s. 7 13Section 7. 24.66 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,5,2014 24.66 (3) (b) For long-term loans by unified school districts. Every application
15for a loan, the required repayment of which exceeds 10 years, shall be approved and
16authorized for a unified school district by a majority vote of the members of the school
17board at a regular or special meeting of the school board. Every vote so required shall
18be by ayes and noes duly recorded. In addition, the application shall be approved for
19a unified school district by a majority vote of the electors of the school district at a
20special election referendum as provided under sub. (4).
AB105, s. 8 21Section 8. 24.66 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,6,422 24.66 (4) Popular vote, when required. If any municipality is not empowered
23by law to incur indebtedness for a particular purpose without first submitting the
24question to its electors, the application for a state trust fund loan for that purpose
25must be approved and authorized by a majority vote of the electors at a special

referendum called, in accordance with s. 8.065, and noticed and held in the
2manner provided for other special elections referenda. The notice of the election
3referendum shall state the amount of the proposed loan and the purpose for which
4it will be used.
AB105, s. 9 5Section 9. 32.72 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,6,126 32.72 (1) Sections 32.50 to 32.71 do not take effect in any city until the following
7question is submitted to the electors of the city at a special election referendum called
8in accordance with s. 8.065
and adopted by a majority vote of the electors voting:
9"Shall subchapter II of chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes, be effective in the city of
10................, thus allowing the city to acquire and condemn property for street
11widening and similar purposes, financed through assessments of benefits and
AB105, s. 10 13Section 10. 59.08 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,6,2314 59.08 (7) (b) The question of the consolidation of the counties shall be submitted
15to the voters at the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an election
16authorized under s. 8.065 (3)
to be held on the first Tuesday in April, or the next
17regular election, or at a special election to be held on
a date specified in the order
18which shall be no sooner than 45 days after
the day fixed in date of the order issued
19under par. (a), which day date shall be the same in each of the counties proposing to
20consolidate. A copy of the order shall be filed with the county clerk of each of the
21counties. If the question of consolidation is submitted at a special election, it shall
22be held not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days from the completion of the
23consolidation agreement, but not within 60 days of any spring or general election.
AB105, s. 11 24Section 11. 60.62 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
160.62 (2) If the county in which the town is located has enacted a zoning
2ordinance under s. 59.69, the exercise of the authority under sub. (1) is subject to
3approval by the town meeting or by a referendum vote of the electors of the town to
held at the time of any regular or special election in accordance with s. 8.065.
AB105, s. 12 5Section 12. 60.74 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,7,166 60.74 (5) (b) A petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 signed by
7qualified electors of the district equal to at least 20% of the vote cast for governor in
8the district at the last gubernatorial election, requesting a change to appointment
9of commissioners, may be submitted to the town board, subject to sub. (5m) (a). Upon
10receipt of the petition, the town board shall submit the question to a referendum at
11the next regular spring election or general election, or shall call a special election for
12that purpose
authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065
13(3) to be held not sooner than 45 days after receipt of the petition
. The inspectors
14shall count the votes and submit a statement of the results to the commission. The
15commission shall canvass the results of the election and certify the results to the
16town board which has authority to appoint commissioners.
AB105, s. 13 17Section 13. 61.187 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,8,218 61.187 (1) Procedure. Whenever a petition conforming to the requirements
19of s. 8.40, signed by at least one-third as many electors of any village as voted for
20village officers at the next preceding election therefor, shall be presented to the
21village board praying for dissolution of the village corporation, such board shall
22submit to the electors of such village, for determination by ballot in substantially the
23manner provided by ss. 5.64 (2) and 10.02, at a general election or at a special election
24called by them for that purpose
the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an
25election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be held not sooner than 45 days after

1presentation of the petition
, the question whether or not such village corporation
2shall be dissolved.
AB105, s. 14 3Section 14. 61.46 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,8,154 61.46 (1) General; limitation. The village board shall, on or before December
515 in each year, by resolution to be entered of record, determine the amount of
6corporation taxes to be levied and assessed on the taxable property in such village
7for the current year. Before levying any tax for any specified purpose, exceeding one
8percent of the assessed valuation aforesaid, the village board shall, and in all other
9cases may in its discretion, submit the question of levying the same to the village
10electors at any general or special the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or
11an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be held no sooner than 45 days after
by giving 10 days' notice thereof prior to such election by publication in
13a newspaper published in the village, if any, and if there is none, then by posting
14notices in 3 public places in said village, setting forth in such notices the object and
15purposes for which such taxes are to be raised and the amount of the proposed tax.
AB105, s. 15 16Section 15. 62.09 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,9,317 62.09 (1) (a) The officers shall be a mayor, treasurer, clerk, comptroller,
18attorney, engineer, one or more assessors unless the city is assessed by a county
19assessor under s. 70.99, one or more constables as determined by the common
20council, a local health officer, as defined in s. 250.01 (5), or local board of health, as
21defined in s. 250.01 (3), street commissioner, board of police and fire commissioners
22except in cities where not applicable, chief of police, chief of the fire department,
23board of public works, 2 alderpersons from each aldermanic district, and such other
24officers or boards as are created by law or by the council. If one alderperson from each
25aldermanic district is provided under s. 66.018 (1), the council may, by ordinance

1adopted by a two-thirds vote of all its members and approved by the electors at a
2general or special
any election authorized under s. 8.065, provide that there shall be
32 alderpersons from each aldermanic district.
AB105, s. 16 4Section 16. 64.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,9,105 64.03 (1) Every ordinance or resolution for the adoption of ss. 64.01 to 64.15,
6and every petition for a special election referendum on the same, shall state the
7number of members of which the council herein provided for shall be composed, the
8term of office of its members, which term shall not exceed 2 years, whether they shall
9be nominated and elected from aldermanic districts or from the city at large, and the
10compensation, if any, which they shall receive.
AB105, s. 17 11Section 17. 64.39 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,9,1712 64.39 (3) Upon filing such petition, the mayor shall, by proclamation, submit
13the questions prescribed in sub. (1) at a special the next election authorized under
14s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3)
to be held at a time specified
15therein and within 2 months
not sooner than 45 days after such petition is filed. The
16election upon such question shall be conducted, the vote canvassed, and the result
17declared in the same manner as provided by law for other city elections.
AB105, s. 18 18Section 18. 66.01 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,9,2519 66.01 (8) Every charter, charter amendment or charter ordinance enacted or
20approved by a vote of the electors shall control and prevail over any prior or
21subsequent act of the legislative body of the city or village. Whenever the electors
22of any city or village by a majority vote have adopted or determined to continue to
23operate under either ch. 62 or 64, or have determined the method of selection of
24members of the governing board, the question shall not again be submitted to the
25electors, nor action taken thereon within a period of 2 years. Any election to change

1or amend the charter of any city or village, other than a special an election as
2provided in
called under s. 9.20 (4), shall be held at the time provided by statute for
3holding the spring election.
AB105, s. 19 4Section 19. 66.059 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,10,115 66.059 (2m) (b) If a referendum is to be held on a resolution, the municipal
6governing body shall direct the municipal clerk to call a special election for the
7purpose of submitting
submit the resolution to the electors for approval of the
8electors at
a referendum on approval or rejection. In lieu of a special election, the
9municipal governing body may specify that the election be held at the next
10succeeding spring primary or election or September primary or general election

11called in accordance with s. 8.065.
AB105, s. 20 12Section 20. 66.061 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,10,2313 66.061 (1) (c) No such ordinance shall be operative until 60 days after passage
14and publication unless sooner approved by a referendum. Within that time electors
15equal in number to 20 per cent of those voting at the last regular municipal election,
16may demand a referendum. The demand shall be in writing and filed with the clerk.
17Each signer shall state his or her occupation and residence and signatures shall be
18verified by the affidavit of an elector. The referendum shall be held at the next
19regular municipal election, or at a special election within 90 days of the authorized
20under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be held not sooner
21than 45 days after
filing of the demand, and the ordinance shall not be effective
22unless approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon. This paragraph shall not
23apply to extensions by a utility previously franchised by the village or city.
AB105, s. 21 24Section 21. 66.075 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
166.075 (5) The provisions of this section shall apply only to such counties, cities,
2villages and towns as shall have adopted the same at any general or municipal
3election at which the question of the establishment of such county or municipal
4slaughterhouse shall have been submitted to the voters of such county, city, village
5or town. Such question shall, upon the filing of a petition conforming to the
6requirements of s. 8.40 by electors of such county, city, village or town equal in
7number to at least 10% of all the votes cast in such county, city, village or town for
8governor at the last preceding general election, be submitted to the electors of such
9county, city, village or town at the next ensuing election authorized under s. 8.065 (2)
10or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be held not sooner than 45 days after
11filing of the petition
, and if a majority of votes cast shall be in favor of the
12establishment of such slaughterhouse, the provisions of this section shall apply to
13such county, city, village or town.
AB105, s. 22 14Section 22. 66.504 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,11,2115 66.504 (2) Facilities authorized. A municipality may enter into a joint
16contract with a nonprofit corporation organized for civic purposes and located in the
17municipality to construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain
18a facility to be used for municipal and civic activities if a majority of the voters voting
19in a referendum at a special election or at a spring primary or election or September
20primary or general
an election authorized under s. 8.065 approve the question of
21entering into the joint contract.
AB105, s. 23 22Section 23. 66.521 (10) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,12,923 66.521 (10) (d) The governing body may issue bonds under this section without
24submitting the proposition to the electors of the municipality for approval unless
25within 30 days from the date of publication of notice of adoption of the initial

1resolution for such bonds, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40, and
2signed by a number of electors of the municipality equal to not less than 5% of the
3registered electors of the municipality, or, if there is no registration of electors in the
4municipality, by 10% of the number of electors of the municipality voting for the office
5of governor at the last general election as determined under s. 115.01 (13), is filed
6with the clerk of the municipality requesting a referendum upon the question of the
7issuance of the bonds. If such a petition is filed, the bonds shall not be issued until
8approved by a majority of the electors of the municipality voting thereon at a general
9or special election
referendum called in accordance with s. 8.065.
AB105, s. 24 10Section 24. 66.77 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: