AB493,6,2016 3. Annually, evaluate and report to the prevention coordination council on the
17progress of recipients of prevention planning grants under par. (b) in developing and
18implementing prevention plans, developing uniform systems of data collection and
19establishing systems for evaluating prevention services in the areas specified by
20those recipients under subd. 2.
AB493,6,2421 4. Serve as or identify another entity to serve as a state clearinghouse to make
22available information about prevention programs and approaches that have been
23proven to be effective and information about methods for evaluating prevention
15. Determine whether the waiver of any federal funding restriction or other
2restriction under federal law or regulation is necessary for the implementation of the
3prevention planning grant under this subsection and subs. (4) to (6) and, if so, seek
4a waiver of that restriction.
AB493,7,85 (b) Administration of grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (3) (fr),
6the department of health and family services, beginning on January 1, 2001, shall,
7with assistance from the department of public instruction, provide 2-year
8prevention planning grants for the purposes specified in sub. (4).
AB493,7,109 (c) Staff. The secretary and the superintendent of public instruction each shall
10designate a staff person to carry out the duties under this subsection.
AB493,7,16 11(4) Purpose and use of grant funds. The purpose of a grant awarded under
12sub. (3) (b) is to develop and implement a plan for the coordination of local prevention
13services and funding in the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2.,
14develop a uniform system of data collection among providers of prevention services
15in that area and establish a system for evaluating prevention services in that area.
16The grants awarded under this section shall be used for all of the following purposes:
AB493,7,1817 (a) To establish and maintain the local prevention consortium under sub. (5)
18(a), including the cost of the designated staff person under sub. (5) (b).
AB493,7,2219 (b) To pay expenses incurred in the development and implementation of a
20prevention plan for the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2. under
21which comprehensive prevention services are provided in the area using the
22available prevention resources in the area.
AB493,7,2523 (c) To pay expenses incurred in developing a uniform system of data collection
24by the county or counties, other appropriate political subdivisions and prevention
25service providers in the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2.
1(d) To pay expenses incurred in developing a system for evaluating prevention
2services in the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2., which shall be
3used to improve the delivery of those prevention services.
AB493,8,7 4(5) Criteria for awarding grants. In addition to any other criteria developed
5by the department of health and family services and the department of public
6instruction, an applicant shall meet all of the following criteria in order to receive a
7planning grant under sub. (3) (b):
AB493,8,148 (a) The applicant shall demonstrate in the grant application that it has
9established or has plans to establish a local prevention consortium consisting of
10members who reside or provide services in the area specified by the applicant under
11sub. (3) (a) 2. To the extent possible, the consortium shall consolidate existing
12prevention councils or committees in the area specified by the applicant under sub.
13(3) (a) 2. To the extent possible, the consortium shall consist of the following
AB493,8,1615 1. A representative of one or more county departments under s. 46.215, 46.22
16or 46.23.
AB493,8,1717 2. A representative of a county department under s. 51.42 (3).
AB493,8,1818 3. A representative of one or more public school districts.
AB493,8,2019 4. A representative of one or more local health departments, as defined in s.
20250.01 (4).
AB493,8,2121 5. A member of one or more county boards of supervisors.
AB493,8,2222 6. A representative of a health care provider.
AB493,8,2323 7. A representative of a law enforcement agency.
AB493,8,2424 8. A representative of the United Way.
19. Any other members whom the applicant identifies as having a demonstrated
2interest in prevention services, including private citizens and representatives of city,
3town or village government, private prevention service agencies, local businesses,
4agencies that provide funding for prevention services and religious organizations.
AB493,9,75 (b) The applicant shall demonstrate in the grant application that it has
6designated or has plans to designate a staff person to facilitate the activities of the
7local prevention consortium.
AB493,9,98 (c) The applicant shall provide an explanation of its plan to use the grant funds
9received for the purposes specified in sub. (4).
AB493,9,12 10(6) Duties of local prevention consortium. A recipient of a planning grant
11under sub. (3) (b) shall ensure that the local prevention consortium established
12under sub. (5) (a) does all of the following:
AB493,9,1313 (a) Designates the leadership for the local prevention consortium.
AB493,9,1414 (b) Convenes at least quarterly.
AB493,9,1815 (c) Develops goals specific to the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3)
16(a) 2. that are consistent with the statewide goals developed under sub. (2) (b) and,
17to the extent possible, uses measures identified under sub. (2) (b) to measure the
18progress of prevention services toward meeting those goals.
AB493,9,2119 (d) Identifies prevention services available in the area specified by the
20applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2. and sources of funding available for prevention
AB493,9,2422 (e) Develops a plan for the coordination of those identified prevention services
23and sources of funding with the goal of providing comprehensive prevention services
24in the area specified by the applicant under sub. (3) (a) 2.
Note: The newly created s. 46.505 does the following:

1. Defines "prevention services", "rural area" and "urban area".
2. Sets forth the duties of the prevention coordination council.
3. Requires DHFS, with the assistance of DPI, to do the following:
a. Develop a request-for-proposals for prevention planning grants and notify
counties of the opportunity to apply.
b. Serve as or identify another entity to serve as a state prevention clearinghouse.
c. Seek waivers of federal funding restrictions and other restrictions under federal
laws and regulations as necessary to implement the prevention planning grant program.
d. Administer and evaluate the prevention planning grant program.
e. Each designate a staff person to carry out the duties under items a. to d., above.
4. Sets forth the purpose of the prevention planning grants and the activities for
which the grants may be used.
5. Sets forth the criteria an applicant must meet in order to receive a prevention
planning grant.
6. Sets forth the duties of the local prevention consortium that must be established
in order to receive a prevention planning grant.
AB493, s. 9123 1Section 9123. Nonstatutory provisions; health and family services.
AB493,10,92 (1) Prevention coordination council; initial appointments. Notwithstanding
3the length of term specified in section 15.197 (3) (b) of the statutes, as created by this
4act, the initial terms of the member appointed under section 15.197 (3) (a) 12. of the
5statutes, as created by this act, the member appointed under section 15.197 (3) (a)
613. of the statutes, as created by this act, and one of the members appointed under
7section 15.197 (3) (a) 14. of the statutes, as created by this act, expire on July 1, 2001;
8and the initial terms of 2 of the members appointed under section 15.197 (3) (a) 14.
9of the statutes, as created by this act, expire on July 1, 2000.
Note: Provides for staggered initial terms of certain appointed members of the
prevention coordination council so as to provide continuity in the membership of the
AB493,10,1010 (End)