1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
September 28, 1999 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to
Committee on Government Operations.
AB493,1,3 1An Act to create 15.197 (3), 20.435 (3) (fr) and 46.505 of the statutes; relating
creating a prevention coordination council and a prevention planning grant
3program and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the joint legislative council in
the bill.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Prefatory note: This bill was prepared for the joint legislative council's special
committee on programs for prevention services. The bill creates a prevention
coordination council in the department of health and family services (DHFS). The bill
also creates a pilot prevention planning grant program for counties, other political
subdivisions and nonprofit agencies, to be administered by DHFS with assistance from
the department of public instruction (DPI).
More detailed descriptions of the provisions of the bill are contained in the Notes
following each Section of the bill.
AB493, s. 1 4Section 1. 15.197 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
115.197 (3) Prevention coordination council. (a) There is created in the
2department of health and family services a prevention coordination council. The
3council shall consist of the following members:
AB493,2,44 1. The secretary of health and family services or his or her designee.
AB493,2,55 2. The state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee.
AB493,2,66 3. The secretary of workforce development or his or her designee.
AB493,2,77 4. The secretary of corrections or his or her designee.
AB493,2,88 5. The attorney general or his or her designee.
AB493,2,109 6. One majority party representative of the assembly appointed as are the
10members of assembly standing committees.
AB493,2,1211 7. One minority party representative of the assembly appointed as are the
12members of assembly standing committees.
AB493,2,1413 8. One majority party senator appointed as are the members of senate standing
AB493,2,1615 9. One minority party senator appointed as are the members of senate standing
AB493,2,1917 10. One employe of the University of Wisconsin System or the University of
18Wisconsin-Extension with expertise in the area of prevention services for children,
19youth and families appointed by the president of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB493,2,2120 11. One employe of the office of justice assistance appointed by the secretary
21of administration.
AB493,2,2222 12. One member appointed by the child abuse and neglect prevention board.
AB493,2,2423 13. One member appointed by the adolescent pregnancy prevention and
24pregnancy services board.
114. Four other members representing diverse geographical areas of the state,
2at least one of whom is a provider of medical services, and one of whom is a member
3of a taxpayers' association, appointed by the governor.
AB493,3,54 (b) The members appointed under par. (a) 10. to 14. shall be appointed for
53-year terms.
Note: Creates a prevention coordination council in DHFS and specifies the
membership and terms of certain members of the council.
AB493, s. 2 6Section 2. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
7the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
AB493, s. 3 8Section 3. 20.435 (3) (fr) of the statutes is created to read:
AB493,3,109 20.435 (3) (fr) Prevention planning grants. The amounts in the schedule for
10prevention planning grants under s. 46.505.
Note: Makes an appropriation to DHFS for prevention planning grants.
AB493, s. 4 11Section 4. 46.505 of the statutes is created to read:
AB493,3,13 1246.505 Prevention coordination council and prevention planning
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB493,3,1714 (a) "Prevention services" means services or programs whose primary purpose
15is to provide children, youth and families with the knowledge, skills and other
16resources necessary to address stressful conditions and avoid harmful behaviors in
17order to prevent the onset or worsening of social, behavioral or health problems.
1(b) "Rural area" means an area that is not an urban area.
AB493,4,42 (c) "Urban area" means an area that includes a federal metropolitan statistical
3area or a primary metropolitan statistical area, as designated by the federal office
4of management and budget.
AB493,4,6 5(2) Duties of prevention coordination council. The prevention coordination
6council shall do all of the following:
AB493,4,87 (a) Promote the coordination and evaluation of prevention services that achieve
8the following:
AB493,4,99 1. Children who are healthy.
AB493,4,1010 2. Children who are ready for and who succeed in school.
AB493,4,1111 3. Youth who engage in positive behaviors and avoid risky behaviors.
AB493,4,1212 4. Families that are economically self-sufficient and in which children are safe.
AB493,4,1313 5. Communities that promote healthy and safe children and families.
AB493,4,1514 (b) Develop statewide goals for prevention services and identify measures of
15progress of prevention services toward meeting those goals.
AB493,4,2016 (c) Identify duplication in the provision of prevention services; develop
17recommendations, state budget proposals and proposed legislation to consolidate
18funding for prevention services and to coordinate the provision of prevention
19services; and develop strategies to eliminate duplication in the provision of
20prevention services.
AB493,4,2321 (d) Determine whether any federal funding restrictions or other restrictions
22under federal law or regulation impede the effectiveness or coordination of any
23prevention services and, if so, develop requests for waivers of those restrictions.
AB493,5,224 (e) Identify sources of data and methods for collection of data relating to
25prevention services and make recommendations to the department of health and

1family services and the department of public instruction for a uniform statewide
2system of data collection.
AB493,5,53 (f) Review the evaluation of the planning grant program under sub. (3) (a) 3.
4and advise the department of health and family services and the department of
5public instruction on the eventual statewide implementation of the program.
AB493,5,196 (g) Submit to the governor, the secretary, the superintendent of public
7instruction and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the
8appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), the initial statewide goals and
9measures of progress towards meeting those goals developed and identified under
10par. (b) and the initial recommendations, state budget proposals and proposed
11legislation developed under par. (c) by no later than July 1, 2000. Upon establishing
12benchmarks under par. (h), adopting any change to the statewide goals or
13benchmarks or developing any additional recommendations, state budget proposals
14or proposed legislation, the prevention coordination council shall prepare a report
15summarizing the benchmarks, changes, recommendations, state budget proposals
16or proposed legislation for submission to the governor, the secretary, the
17superintendent of public instruction and the chief clerk of each house of the
18legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172
AB493,5,2420 (h) Establish benchmarks that set forth the expected level of progress of
21prevention services toward meeting the statewide goals developed under par. (b),
22when sufficient data are available on the appropriateness of the measures identified
23under par. (b) for measuring the progress of prevention services toward meeting
24those goals.
1(3) Prevention planning. (a) Duties of departments. The department of health
2and family services, with the assistance of the department of public instruction, shall
3do all of the following:
AB493,6,54 1. Notify counties by April 1, 2000, of the opportunity to apply for a prevention
5planning grant under this subsection.
AB493,6,156 2. Develop and distribute by July 1, 2000, a request for proposals from counties,
7other political subdivisions and nonprofit agencies to apply for a prevention planning
8grant. The request for proposals shall require the applicant to specify the county or
9multicounty area, or another area approved by the department of health and family
10services and the department of public instruction, to which a prevention plan
11developed under sub. (4) (b) will apply. Applications for prevention planning grants
12shall be submitted to the department of health and family services by November 1,
132000. In the 1999-2001 state fiscal biennium, no more than 4 applicants from rural
14areas and 4 applicants from urban areas may be selected to receive prevention
15planning grants.
AB493,6,2016 3. Annually, evaluate and report to the prevention coordination council on the
17progress of recipients of prevention planning grants under par. (b) in developing and
18implementing prevention plans, developing uniform systems of data collection and
19establishing systems for evaluating prevention services in the areas specified by
20those recipients under subd. 2.
AB493,6,2421 4. Serve as or identify another entity to serve as a state clearinghouse to make
22available information about prevention programs and approaches that have been
23proven to be effective and information about methods for evaluating prevention
15. Determine whether the waiver of any federal funding restriction or other
2restriction under federal law or regulation is necessary for the implementation of the
3prevention planning grant under this subsection and subs. (4) to (6) and, if so, seek
4a waiver of that restriction.