AB551,11,76 644.05 (1) Powers. Section 181.04 Subject to s. 644.19 (2) and (3), s. 181.0302
7(intro.), (1) to (15), (18) and (19)
applies to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 25 8Section 25. 644.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,11,119 644.05 (2) Effect of unauthorized corporate acts. Section 181.057 (1) and
181.0304 applies to mutual holding companies , except that, for purposes of this
11subsection, "attorney general" used in s. 181.0304 (3) means "commissioner"
AB551, s. 26 12Section 26. 644.05 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB551, s. 27 13Section 27. 644.05 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,11,1714 644.05 (4) Waiver of notice and informal action by members or directors.
15Sections 181.70 and 181.72 181.0704, 181.0706, 181.0821 and 181.0823 apply to
16mutual holding companies. For purposes of this subsection, "board" used in s.
17181.0821 includes "committee of the board of a mutual holding company".
AB551, s. 28 18Section 28. 644.08 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,11,20 19644.08 Reservation of corporate name. Section 181.07 applies Sections
20181.0402 and 181.0403 (2), (3) and (3m) apply
to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 29 21Section 29. 644.09 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,11,2322 644.09 (1) Articles. (intro.) Section 181.31 181.0202 applies to the articles of
23a mutual holding company, except that all of the following apply:
AB551, s. 30 24Section 30. 644.09 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1644.09 (1) (a) The name of the mutual holding company shall include the word
2"mutual" and shall comply with s. 181.06 (3) 181.0401 (2) to (4).
AB551, s. 31 3Section 31. 644.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,12,204 644.09 (2) Amendment of articles. A mutual holding company may amend its
5articles in the manner provided in ss. 181.35 to 181.37 and 181.39 181.1001,
6181.1002 (1), 181.1003, 181.1005 and 181.1006, except that papers required by those
7sections to be filed with the department of financial institutions shall instead be filed
8with the commissioner. The articles may be amended
in any desired respect,
9including substantial changes of its original purposes, except that no amendment
10may be made that is contrary to sub. (1). In addition to the requirements of s. 181.37
11181.1005, the articles of amendment of a mutual holding company shall, if mail
12voting is used, state the number of members voting by mail and the number of such
13members voting for and against the amendment. No amendment may become
14effective until the articles of amendment have been filed with the commissioner. No
15amendment shall affect any existing cause of action in favor of or against such
16mutual holding company, any pending suit civil, criminal, administrative or
17investigatory proceeding
to which the mutual holding company is a party or the
18existing rights of persons other than members. In the event that the corporate name
19is changed by amendment, no suit brought by or against such mutual holding
20company under its former name shall abate for that reason.
AB551, s. 32 21Section 32. 644.09 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,222 644.09 (3) Bylaws. The bylaws of a mutual holding company shall comply with
23this chapter. A copy of the bylaws and any amendments to the bylaws shall be filed
24with the commissioner within 60 days after adoption. Subject to this subsection, s.

1181.13 applies
ss. 181.0206, 181.0207 and 181.1021 apply to mutual holding
AB551, s. 33 3Section 33. 644.09 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,54 644.09 (4) Principal officers. Section 181.25 (1) and (2) applies Sections
5181.0840 and 181.0841 apply
to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 34 6Section 34. 644.14 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,97 644.14 (1) Communication to members; member voting. Subject to this section,
8ss. 611.41, 611.42 (1), (1e), (1m), (2), (3), (4) (a) and (5), 611.43 and 611.53 (2) apply
9to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 35 10Section 35. 644.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,1711 644.16 (1) Board of directors. Subject to this section, ss. 181.18, 181.21
12181.0801 (1) and (2), 181.0802, 181.0811, 611.51 (2), (3), (5) and (8) and 611.53 (1) and
13(3) apply to mutual holding companies. Section 181.22 181.0824 applies to the board
14of a mutual holding company except as modified by s. 181.225 611.10. The board
15shall manage the business and affairs of the corporation and may not delegate its
16power or responsibility to do so, except to the extent authorized by ss. 181.23 and
17181.25 (2)
181.0825 and 181.0841.
AB551, s. 36 18Section 36. 644.16 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,2019 644.16 (2) Committees of directors. Section 181.23 181.0825 applies to
20mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 37 21Section 37. 644.16 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,13,2322 644.16 (3) (a) Section 611.51 (9) (a) (am) and (b) applies to mutual holding
AB551, s. 38 24Section 38. 644.16 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1644.16 (4) Director conflicts of interest. Section 181.225 611.60 applies to
2mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 39 3Section 39. 644.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,14,5 4644.17 Removal of officers. Section 181.26 applies Sections 181.0843 and
5181.0844 apply
to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 40 6Section 40. 644.18 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,14,9 7644.18 Directors' and officers' liability and indemnification. (1)
8Liability. Sections 181.283 to 181.29 181.0850 to 181.0855, except s. 181.0855 (2) (c),
9apply to mutual holding companies.
AB551,14,11 10(2) Indemnification. Sections 181.041 to 181.051 181.0871 to 181.0881 and
apply to mutual holding companies.
AB551,14,12 12(3) Insurance. Section 181.053 181.0883 applies to mutual holding companies.
AB551,14,14 13(4) Derivative actions. Section 181.295 applies Sections 181.0740 to 181.0747
to mutual holding companies.
AB551, s. 41 15Section 41. 644.19 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,14,17 16644.19 Executive compensation. (1) General. Sections 181.19 and Section
17611.63 (4) and (5) apply applies to mutual holding companies.
AB551,15,2 18(2) Approval by members. A benefit plan or amendment to a benefit plan that
19proposes to provide benefits in the form of stock or stock options of a converted
20insurance company or any intermediate stock holding company to the directors or
21officers of the converted insurance company, intermediate stock holding company or
22mutual holding company may not take effect unless it is submitted to a vote of the
23members of the mutual holding company and approved by a majority of the members
24voting. Notice of a meeting at which a vote under this subsection will be taken shall

1be given in accordance with s. 181.15, as provided in s. 644.14 (1), or in accordance
2with s. 644.14
AB551,15,7 3(3) Notice to commissioner. The commissioner may by rule require that any
4action taken by the board of a mutual holding company, or the board of any
5intermediate stock holding company, on any of the subjects specified in ss. 181.04 (15)
6and 181.19
s. 181.0302 (11) to (14) be reported to the commissioner within 30 days
7after the action is taken.
AB551, s. 42 8Section 42. 644.26 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB551,15,17 9644.26 Transfer of business or assets of mutual holding companies. (1)
10A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of less than substantially all of the
11property and assets of a mutual holding company, and the mortgage or pledge of any
12or all property and assets of a mutual holding company, whether or not made in the
13usual and regular course of its affairs, may be made upon the terms and conditions
14authorized by the mutual holding company's board of directors. Unless otherwise
15provided by the articles of incorporation, consent of the members is not required for
16a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of property, or for a mortgage or pledge
17of property, authorized under this subsection.
AB551,15,20 18(2) A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the
19property and assets of a mutual holding company may be made upon such terms and
20conditions as may be authorized in the following manner:
AB551,16,1321 (a) If the articles of incorporation give members the right to vote on the sale,
22lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the mutual holding
23company's property and assets, the board of directors shall adopt a resolution
24recommending the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition and directing that it be
25submitted to a vote at an annual or special meeting of the members. Written notice

1stating that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the sale,
2lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the property and
3assets of the mutual holding company shall be given to each member entitled to vote
4at the meeting, within the time and in the manner provided by this chapter for
5providing notice of member meetings. At the meeting, the members may authorize
6the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition and may authorize the board of
7directors to fix any or all of the terms and conditions of the sale, lease, exchange or
8other disposition. The authorization shall be by the affirmative vote of at least
9two-thirds of the members present or represented by proxy at the meeting. After the
10authorization by a vote of the members, the board of directors, nevertheless, in its
11discretion, may abandon the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition, subject to the
12rights of 3rd parties under any contracts relating thereto, without further action or
13approval by the members.
AB551,16,1714 (b) If the articles of incorporation do not give members the right to vote on the
15sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of a mutual
16holding company's property and assets, the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition
17may be authorized by the vote of the majority of the directors in office.
AB551, s. 43 18Section 43. 644.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,16,2119 644.28 (1) Plan of dissolution. Subject to this section, ss. 181.50 to 181.54 and
181.1401 to 181.1407 apply to mutual holding companies, except that the
21last sentence of s. 181.555 does not apply
AB551, s. 44 22Section 44. 644.28 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,17,723 644.28 (2) (a) At least 60 days prior to the submission to members of any
24proposed voluntary dissolution of a mutual holding company under s. 181.50
25181.1401, the plan shall be filed with the commissioner. The commissioner may

1require the submission of additional information relevant to the effect of the
2proposed dissolution on the solvency of the converted insurance company. The
3commissioner shall approve the dissolution unless, after a hearing, the
4commissioner finds that dissolution of the mutual holding company would cause the
5converted insurance company to become insolvent, would be unfair or inequitable to
6the members of the mutual holding company or would not be in the best interests of
7the policyholders of the converted insurance company or the public.
AB551, s. 45 8Section 45. 644.28 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,17,129 644.28 (3) Revocation of voluntary dissolution. If the mutual holding
10company revokes the voluntary dissolution proceedings under s. 181.53 181.1404, a
11copy of the resolution revoking the voluntary dissolution proceedings adopted under
12s. 181.53 181.1404 shall be filed with the commissioner.
AB551, s. 46 13Section 46. 644.28 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,17,2114 644.28 (4) Filing and recording articles of dissolution and effect thereof.
15Upon approval by the commissioner under sub. (2) and by the members under s.
16181.50 181.1401, the mutual holding company shall file articles of dissolution with
17the commissioner. When the articles are filed, the existence of the mutual holding
18company shall cease, except for the purpose of suits, other proceedings and
19appropriate corporate action of members, directors and officers as provided in this
20chapter and in ss. 181.50 to 181.54 and 181.555 181.1401 to 181.1407. Upon the
21filing of the articles, the commissioner may issue a certificate of dissolution.
AB551, s. 47 22Section 47. 644.29 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,18,6 23644.29 Involuntary dissolution of domestic mutual holding companies.
24A mutual holding company may at any time during a voluntary dissolution under ss.
25181.51 to 181.555 181.1401 to 181.1407 apply to the commissioner to have

1dissolution continued under the commissioner's supervision , in which case, subject
2to this section, s. 181.56 (1) and (2) applies to the mutual holding company except
3that for purposes of this section "attorney general" means the commissioner
. Any
4distribution to members shall be limited in the same manner as under s. 644.28 (5)
5and any excess over such amounts shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit
6of the common school fund.
AB551, s. 48 7Section 48. 645.68 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,18,23 8645.68 Order of distribution. (intro.) The order of distribution of claims
9from the insurer's estate shall be as stated in this section. The first $50 of the amount
10allowed on each claim in the classes under subs. (2) (3) to (6), except for claims of the
11federal government under subs. (3) and (3c),
shall be deducted from the claim and
12included in the class under sub. (8). Claims may not be cumulated by assignment
13to avoid application of the $50 deductible provision. Subject to the $50 deductible
14provision, every claim in each class shall be paid in full or adequate funds retained
15for the payment before the members of the next class receive any payment. No
16subclasses shall be established within any class. That portion of any loss for which
17indemnification is provided by other benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable
18by the claimant shall not be included in the classes under subs. (3) and (3m), other
19than benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable in discharge of familial
20obligations of support or by way of succession at death or as proceeds of life
21insurance, or as gratuities. No payment made by an employer to an employe shall
22be treated as a gratuity. The claims described in s. 645.69 are among the claims not
23subject to subs. (3) and (3m).
AB551, s. 49 24Section 49. 645.68 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 645.68 (3r).
AB551, s. 50 25Section 50. 645.68 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1645.68 (3) Loss claims. All claims under policies for losses incurred, including
2third party claims, and all claims against the insurer for liability for bodily injury or
3for injury to or destruction of tangible property which are not under policies
4federal, state and local government claims
, except the first $200 of losses otherwise
5payable to any claimant under this subsection other than the federal government.
6All claims under life insurance and annuity policies, whether for death proceeds,
7annuity proceeds or investment values, shall be treated as loss claims. Claims may
8not be cumulated by assignment to avoid application of the $200 deductible
9provision. That portion of any loss for which indemnification is provided by other
10benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable by the claimant shall not be included
11in this class, other than benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable in discharge
12of familial obligations of support or by way of succession at death or as proceeds of
13life insurance, or as gratuities. No payment made by an employer to an employe shall
14be treated as a gratuity. The claims described in s. 645.69 are among the claims not
15subject to this subsection.
AB551, s. 51 16Section 51. 645.68 (3c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB551,19,2217 645.68 (3c) Federal government claims and interest. Claims of the federal
18government not included under sub. (3), and interest at the legal rate compounded
19annually on all claims in the class under this subsection, and on all claims of the
20federal government in the class under sub. (3), from the date of the petition for
21liquidation or the date on which the claim becomes due, whichever is later, until the
22date on which the dividend is declared.
AB551, s. 52 23Section 52. 645.68 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
1645.68 (3m) Certain injury claims. Claims against the insurer that are not
2under policies and that are for liability for bodily injury or for injury to or destruction
3of tangible property.
AB551, s. 53 4Section 53. 645.68 (3r) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB551,20,75 645.68 (3r) (c) Notwithstanding pars. (a) and (b) and subs. (3), (3c) and (3m),
6if there are no claims of the federal government, the claims in the class under this
7subsection shall have priority over all claims in the classes under subs. (3) to (11).
AB551, s. 54 8Section 54. 645.68 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,20,169 645.68 (5) Residual classification. All other claims, including claims of the
10federal or
any state or local government, not falling within other classes under this
11section and claims described in s. 645.69. Claims, including those of any state or local
12governmental body, for a penalty or forfeiture, shall be allowed in this class only to
13the extent of the pecuniary loss sustained from the act, transaction or proceeding out
14of which the penalty or forfeiture arose, with reasonable and actual costs occasioned
15thereby. The remainder of such claims shall be postponed to the class of claims under
16sub. (8).
AB551, s. 55 17Section 55. 645.68 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,20,2518 645.68 (7) Interest on claims already paid. Interest at the legal rate
19compounded annually on all claims in the classes under subs. (1) to (6), except for
20claims of the federal government in the classes under subs. (3) and (3c),
from the date
21of the petition for liquidation or the date on which the claim becomes due, whichever
22is later, until the date on which the dividend is declared. The liquidator, with the
23approval of the court, may make reasonable classifications of claims for purposes of
24computing interest, may make approximate computations and may ignore certain
25classifications and time periods that are trifling.
AB551, s. 56
1Section 56. 645.68 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,42 645.68 (8) (a) The Except for claims of the federal government under subs. (3)
3and (3c), the
first $50 of each claim in the classes under subs. (2) (3) to (6)
4subordinated under this section;.
AB551, s. 57 5Section 57. 645.68 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,66 645.68 (8) (b) Claims under s. 645.63 (2); .
AB551, s. 58 7Section 58. 645.68 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,88 645.68 (8) (c) Claims subordinated by s. 645.90;.
AB551, s. 59 9Section 59. 645.68 (8) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,1010 645.68 (8) (d) Claims filed late;.
AB551, s. 60 11Section 60. 645.68 (8) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,1212 645.68 (8) (e) Portions of claims subordinated under sub. (5);.
AB551, s. 61 13Section 61. 645.68 (8) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB551,21,1514 645.68 (8) (f) Claims or portions of claims payment of which is provided by other
15benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable by the claimant; and.
AB551, s. 62 16Section 62. 646.13 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 646.13 (1) (b)
17and amended to read:
AB551,21,2218 646.13 (1) (b) Stand in the position of the insurer in the investigation,
19compromise, settlement, denial and payment of claims under s. 646.31 and the
20defense of 3rd party claims against insureds, subject to the limitations of s. 645.43.
21The board shall consult and cooperate with the liquidator in carrying out these
22duties. The board has no duties or liabilities with respect to any claim filed as follows:
AB551, s. 63 23Section 63. 646.13 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 646.13 (3) (a) and
24amended to read:
1646.13 (3) (a) With the liquidator under s. 645.61 after the date for filing
2specified by the liquidator under s. 645.47 (2), unless the liquidator determines that
3the claim is considered to have been timely filed under s. 645.61 (2) and the claim
4participates fully in the same every distribution to the same extent as other timely
5filed claims in the same class.
AB551, s. 64 6Section 64. 646.13 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 646.13 (3) (b) and
7amended to read:
AB551,22,128 646.13 (3) (b) With a liquidator or court under the laws of any other state after
9the date for filing specified by the liquidator or court, unless the liquidator or court
10determines that the claim is considered to have been timely filed under a law
11substantially similar to s. 645.61 (2)
and the claim participates fully in the same
12every distribution to the same extent as other timely filed claims in the same class.
AB551, s. 65 13Section 65. 646.13 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB551,22,1514 646.13 (2) (e) Pursue salvage and subrogation with respect to paid covered
15claims obligations and retain any amounts recovered.