1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
October 27, 1999 - Introduced by Representatives Jeskewitz, Rhoades, Kelso,
Ward, Riley, F. Lasee, Huebsch, Plale, Jensen, Kestell, Ladwig, Staskunas,
Montgomery, Hahn, Spillner, Owens, Ziegelbauer, Vrakas, Gronemus,
Stone, Duff, Kedzie, Miller, Hoven, Leibham, Olsen, Hundertmark,
Reynolds, Suder, Pettis, Walker, Klusman, Sykora, Grothman, Kreibich
Lassa, cosponsored by Senators Moore, Fitzgerald, Welch, Darling,
Rosenzweig, Lazich, Rude, Drzewiecki, Farrow
and Zien. Referred to
Committee on Financial Institutions.
AB563,1,5 1An Act to amend 220.04 (9) (a) 2.; and to create chapter 222 of the statutes;
2relating to: the creation of a new type of financial institution; the powers of and
3requirements applicable to these financial institutions; providing an
4exemption from emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the division of savings and loan regulates savings banks and
savings and loan associations and the division of banking regulates state banks. This
bill allows savings banks, savings and loan associations and state banks (financial
institutions) to apply to the division of banking to become certified as a universal
bank. If certified as a universal bank, the financial institution may exercise certain
powers, in addition to those that are granted under the statutes under which they
are organized. Universal banks retain their status as savings and loan associations,
savings banks or state banks and remain subject to existing regulatory and
supervisory requirements, except to the extent that these requirements are
inconsistent with the requirements applicable to universal banks. Universal banks
are subject to the following provisions:
A financial institution may apply to become certified as a universal bank by
filing a written application with the division of banking. In order to be certified as

a universal bank, the financial institution must meet all of the following conditions:
1) the financial institution is chartered or organized, and regulated, as a Wisconsin
financial institution and has been in existence and continuous operation for at least
three years; 2) the financial institution must be "well-capitalized" or "adequately
capitalized"; 3) the financial institution must not exhibit moderately severe or
unsatisfactory financial, managerial, operational and compliance weaknesses; and
4) the financial institution must not have been the subject of any enforcement action
within the 12 months preceding the application. If these requirements are met, the
division of banking must certify the financial institution as a universal bank. The
financial institution may be decertified only if it elects to terminate its certification
and the election is approved by the division. As a precondition to decertification, the
universal bank must terminate the exercise of all universal banking powers.
Organization and regulation
A financial institution that is certified as a universal bank remains subject to
all of the requirements and duties, and remains able to exercise all of the powers, that
applied to the financial institution prior to its certification as a universal bank,
except to the extent that such requirements, duties and powers are inconsistent with
the powers and duties of universal banks. After a financial institution becomes
certified as a universal bank, the division of banking becomes solely responsible for
establishing the capital requirements applicable to the universal bank.
A universal bank continues to operate under the articles of incorporation and
bylaws in effect prior to the certification and these articles and bylaws may be
amended in accordance with the law governing savings banks, savings and loan
associations or state banks, whichever is applicable to the financial institution.
Current law generally prohibits savings banks and savings and loan associations
from using use the term "bank" in their corporate name, without also using the term
"savings". Notwithstanding these provisions, the bill allows all financial institutions
that become certified as a universal bank to use the term "bank" in their corporate
name without using the word "savings", subject to certain limitations relating to the
distinguishability of the name. Under current law, the division of banking regulates
mergers and acquisitions of state banks and the division of savings and loan is
responsible for regulating the mergers and acquisitions of savings banks and savings
and loan associations. Under the bill, the division of banking assumes responsibility
for reviewing and approving the mergers and acquisitions of all financial institutions
that have been certified as universal banks, including savings banks and savings
and loan associations. The standards to be used by the division of banking track the
standards currently applicable to the various financial institutions that may become
certified as universal banks, except that universal banks may generally acquire or
merge with any type of financial institution.
The bill expands the powers of financial institutions that become certified as
universal banks. Currently, savings banks, savings and loan associations and banks
have differing powers. Under the bill, a universal bank is authorized to engage in
any activity authorized for any savings bank, savings and loan association or state
bank on the first day of the third month beginning after the bill's publication. In

addition, the bill specifically provides that universal banks may exercise the
following powers:
Federal powers: The bill grants all universal banks the authority to exercise all
powers that may be exercised, directly or indirectly through a subsidiary, by certain
federally chartered financial institutions, such as a national bank or a federally
chartered savings and loan association, or by an affiliate of such an institution. The
division of banking may require that a federal power be exercised by a subsidiary of
the universal bank in order to limit the risk exposure of the universal bank.
Lending powers: Under current law, the lending powers of a financial institution
depend on whether the financial institution is organized as a savings bank, savings
and loan association or state bank. The lending powers granted to universal banks
are most similar to the powers granted to state banks under current law. Current
law imposes some restrictions on the types and purposes of loans that savings banks
and savings and loan associations may make. Under the bill, a universal bank may
make, sell, purchase, arrange, participate in, invest in or otherwise deal in loans or
extensions of credit for any purpose. Like state banks, the limitations imposed on
a universal bank's lending generally focus on the total amount of liabilities of any one
lender at any one time. Although the limit varies depending on the lender and on
the type of security pledged for the loan, the general rule is that the total liabilities
of any one person to a universal bank may not exceed 20% of the capital of the
universal bank. These lending limits for universal banks are generally the same as
for state banks, except that universal banks are granted additional authority to lend,
through the universal bank or its subsidiaries, an amount to all borrowers from the
universal bank and all of its subsidiaries, an aggregate amount not to exceed 20%
of the bank's capital, provided that the loans to any one borrower may not exceed 20%
of the bank's capital. Loans made under this additional authority are not subject to
rules regarding bad debts or classification of losses, for a period of three years from
the date of the loan. This additional authority may be suspended by the division of
banking; among the factors that may be considered by the division of banking in
suspending this authority are a universal bank's capital adequacy, management,
earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk.
Investment powers: To the extent consistent with safe and sound banking powers,
a universal bank may purchase, sell, underwrite and hold investment securities in
an amount up to 100% of the universal bank's capital. Investment securities include
commercial paper; banker's acceptances; marketable securities in the form of bonds,
notes and debentures; and similar instruments. A universal bank may not invest
greater than 20% of its capital in any one obligor or issuer. A bank may purchase,
sell, underwrite and hold equity securities, consistent with safe and sound banking
principles, in an amount up to 20% of the capital of the universal bank, unless the
division of banking approves a greater percentage. Universal banks may also invest
in certain housing properties and projects, except that the total investment in any
one project may not exceed 15% of the universal bank's capital and except that the
total amount invested in housing properties and projects may not exceed 50% of the
universal bank's capital. A universal bank may take equity positions in
profit-participation projects, including projects funded through loans from the

universal bank, in an aggregate amount not to exceed 20% of capital. The division
of banking may suspend the authority to invest in profit-participation projects.
The bill provides that the universal banks may invest without limitations in
certain types of securities, including: 1) obligations of certain federal agencies or
federally chartered corporations and associations; 2) deposit accounts or insured
obligations of insured financial institutions; 3) securities of certain business
development corporations and urban renewal investment corporations; 4) certain
securities of bank insurance companies; 5) securities of certain corporations
operating automated teller machines; 6) securities of service corporation
subsidiaries of a universal bank; 7) advances of federal funds; 8) risk management
instruments, including financial futures transactions, financial operations
transactions and forward commitments, solely for the purpose of reducing, hedging
or otherwise managing its interest rate risk exposure; 9) securities of subsidiaries
exercising certain fiduciary powers; and 10) securities of agricultural credit
corporations. Universal banks may invest in other financial institutions. The
investment powers of universal banks may be exercised directly or indirectly
through a subsidiary, unless the division of banking requires the investment to be
made through a subsidiary in order to limit the risk exposure of the universal bank.
The bill contains specific provisions governing the purchase by a universal bank of
its own stock and of stock in banks and bank holding companies.
Deposit and trust powers: The bill grants universal banks the authority to establish
the types and terms of deposits that the universal banks solicit and accept. A
universal bank may pledge its assets as security for deposits. With the approval of
the division of banking, a universal bank may securitize its assets for sale to the
public, subject to any procedures established by the division. Universal banks may
exercise safe deposit powers, and universal banks have a lien on the contents of
property accepted for safekeeping for their safekeeping charges. If these charges
remain unpaid for two years or property accepted for safekeeping is not called for
within two years, the bank may sell the property at public auction. The bill
authorizes universal banks to exercise trust powers that are permitted to trust
company banks.
Incidental and related powers: Under the bill, a universal bank may exercise all
powers necessary or convenient to effect the purposes for which the universal bank
is organized or to further the businesses in which the universal bank is lawfully
engaged. Current law does not have a similar provision for savings banks, savings
and loan associations or state banks.
In addition to these necessary or convenient powers, the bill allows universal
banks to engage, directly or indirectly through a subsidiary, in activities that are
reasonably related or incident to the purposes of the universal bank. The bill
contains a list of activities that meet the reasonably related or incidental powers
criteria. The listed activities include: 1) business and professional services; 2) data
processing; 3) courier and messenger services; 4) credit-related activities; 5)
consumer services; 6) real estate-related services; 7) insurance services, other than
insurance underwriting; 8) securities brokerage; 9) investment advice; 10) securities
and bond underwriting; 11) mutual fund activities; 12) financial consulting; 13) tax

planning and preparation; 14) community development and charitable activities;
and 15) debt cancellation contracts.
In addition, any activity permitted to be engaged in by bank holding companies
under the federal Bank Holding Company Act may be engaged in by a universal
bank. The division of banking is permitted to expand the list of reasonably related
or incidental powers by rule. A universal bank is required to give 60 days' prior
written notice, to the division of banking, of the bank's intention to engage in a
necessary or convenient, reasonably related or incidental power. The division of
banking may deny the authority of a universal bank to engage in a reasonably
related or incidental power, other than those activities that are specifically
enumerated, if the division of banking determines that the power is not a reasonably
related or incidental power, that the financial institution is not well-capitalized or
adequately capitalized, that the financial institution is the subject of an enforcement
action or that the financial institution does not have sufficient management
expertise for the activity. The division of banking may require that any of these
activities be conducted through a subsidiary with appropriate safeguards to limit the
risk exposure of the universal bank. Amounts invested in a single subsidiary may
not exceed 20% of the universal bank's capital, unless a higher percentage is
approved by the division of banking.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB563, s. 1 1Section 1. 220.04 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB563,5,42 220.04 (9) (a) 2. "Regulated entity" means a bank, universal bank, trust
3company bank and any other entity which is described in s. 220.02 (2) or 221.0526
4as under the supervision and control of the division.
AB563, s. 2 5Section 2. Chapter 222 of the statutes is created to read:
AB563,5,76 CHAPTER 222
AB563,5,98 Subchapter I
9 General Provisions
AB563,5,11 10222.0101 Title. This chapter may be cited as the "Wisconsin universal bank
1222.0102 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB563,6,2 2(1) "Adequately capitalized" has the meaning given in 12 USC 1831o (b) (1) (B).
AB563,6,5 3(2) "Capital" of a universal bank means the sum of the following, less the
4amount of intangible assets that is not considered to be qualifying capital by a deposit
5insurance corporation or the division:
AB563,6,106 (a) For a universal bank organized as a stock organization, the universal bank's
7capital stock, preferred stock, undivided profits, surplus, outstanding notes and
8debentures approved by the division, other forms of capital designated as capital by
9the division and other forms of capital considered to be qualifying capital of the
10universal bank by a deposit insurance corporation.
AB563,6,1511 (b) For a universal bank organized as a mutual organization, the universal
12bank's net worth, undivided profits, surplus, outstanding notes and debentures
13approved by the division, other forms of capital designated as capital by the division
14and other forms of capital considered to be qualifying capital by a deposit insurance
AB563,6,19 16(3) "Deposit insurance corporation" means the Federal Deposit Insurance
17Corporation or other instrumentality of, or corporation chartered by, the United
18States that insures deposits of financial institutions and that is supported by the full
19faith and credit of the U.S. government as stated in a congressional resolution.
AB563,6,20 20(4) "Division" means the division of banking.
AB563,6,23 21(5) "Financial institution" means a state savings bank organized under ch. 214,
22state savings and loan association organized under ch. 215 or a state bank chartered
23under ch. 221.
AB563,6,25 24(6) "Universal bank" means a financial institution that has been issued a
25certificate of authority under s. 222.0205.
1(7) "Well-capitalized" has the meaning given in 12 USC 1831o (b) (1) (A).
AB563,7,6 2222.0103 Applicability. (1) Savings banks. A universal bank that is a savings
3bank organized under ch. 214 remains subject to all of the requirements, duties and
4liabilities, and may exercise all of the powers, of a savings bank, except that in the
5event of a conflict between this chapter and those requirements, duties, liabilities or
6powers, this chapter shall control.
AB563,7,11 7(2) Savings and loan associations. A universal bank that is a savings and loan
8association organized under ch. 215 remains subject to all of the requirements,
9duties and liabilities, and may exercise all of the powers, of a savings and loan
10association, except that, in the event of a conflict between this chapter and those
11requirements, duties, liabilities or powers, this chapter shall control.
AB563,7,15 12(3) Banks. A universal bank that is a bank chartered under ch. 221 remains
13subject to all of the requirements, duties and liabilities, and may exercise all of the
14powers, of a bank, except that, in the event of a conflict between this chapter and
15these requirements, duties, liabilities or powers, this chapter shall control.
AB563,7,18 16222.0105 Fees. The division may establish such fees as it determines are
17appropriate for documents filed with the division under this chapter and for services
18provided by the division under this chapter.
AB563,7,20 19222.0107 Administration. (1) Powers of division. The division shall
20administer this chapter for all universal banks.
AB563,7,25 21(2) Rule-making authority. The division may promulgate rules to administer
22and carry out this chapter. The division may establish additional limits or
23requirements on universal banks, if the division determines that the limits or
24requirements are necessary for the protection of depositors, members, investors or
25the public.
2 Certification
AB563,8,7 3222.0201 Procedure. (1) Application. A financial institution may apply to
4become certified as a universal bank by filing a written application with the division.
5The application shall include such information as the division may require. The
6application shall be on such forms and in accordance with such procedures as the
7division may prescribe.
AB563,8,11 8(2) Review by division. An application submitted to the division shall either
9be approved or disapproved by the division in writing within 60 days after its
10submission to the division. The division and the financial institution may mutually
11agree to extend the application period for an additional period of 60 days.
AB563,8,14 12222.0203 Eligibility. (1) Requirements. The division shall approve an
13application for certification as a universal bank, if the applying financial institution
14meets all of the following requirements:
AB563,8,1715 (a) The financial institution is chartered or organized, and regulated, under ch.
16214, 215 or 221 and has been in existence and continuous operation for a minimum
17of 3 years prior to the date of the application.
AB563,8,1818 (b) The financial institution is well-capitalized or adequately capitalized.