1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
November 18, 1999 - Introduced by Representatives Morris-Tatum, Young,
Turner, Coggs, Williams, Colon
and Riley, cosponsored by Senator Moore.
Referred to Committee on Small Business and Economic Development.
AB588,2,2 1An Act to repeal 157.115 (1) (b) 2., 157.115 (1) (c), 157.625, 157.63, 157.64 (2) (f),
2440.91 (6m) and (7), 440.92 (9) and 440.95 (4) (d); to renumber 157.115 (1) (b)
31.; to renumber and amend 440.03 (13); to amend 69.18 (1) (bm) (intro.),
469.22 (1) (a), 157.062 (9), 157.08 (5), 157.10, 157.11 (11), 157.115 (2) (b), 157.128
5(3) (b), 157.19 (5) (a), 157.62 (1) (a) (intro.), 157.62 (2) (a), 157.62 (6), 157.64 (3),
6440.91 (1), 440.91 (2) (intro.), 440.92 (1) (a) and 440.92 (10); and to create
720.165 (1) (q), 25.17 (1) (at), 25.85, 69.22 (1) (d) and (e), 69.22 (1r), 157.065 (1)
8(b) 8., 157.105, 157.117, 157.61, 157.62 (2) (b) 8., 157.62 (2) (e), 157.64 (2) (h),
9440.03 (13) (b) and 445.12 (1m) of the statutes; relating to: creating a cemetery
10management reserve fund, regulation of cemetery authorities, salespersons
11and preneed sellers, appointment of trustees for certain cemeteries and

1mausoleums, identification of human remains, granting rule-making
2authority, making an appropriation and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill provides for the appointment of trustees that are responsible for the
operation of certain abandoned or neglected cemeteries and mausoleums. The bill
also establishes a cemetery management reserve fund that may be used by trustees
to carry out their responsibilities under the bill. In addition, the bill makes certain
changes to the registration of cemetery authorities, cemetery salespersons and
preneed sellers under current law and makes other changes to requirements
regarding cemeteries and the burial of human remains.
Cemetery and mausoleum trustees.
Under current law, if the operator of a cemetery fails to care for the cemetery
for one year or more, the city, village or town in which the cemetery is located may,
but is not required to, take control of the cemetery. However, if the operator has failed
to care for the cemetery for five years or more, the city, village or town is required to
take control of the cemetery. In addition, under certain circumstances, the town
board of a town in which an abandoned or neglected cemetery is located may be
required to operate the cemetery.
This bill repeals the above provisions and allows the circuit court for the county
in which a cemetery or mausoleum is located to appoint the department of regulation
and licensing (DORL) or another person as a trustee to operate the cemetery or
mausoleum. The attorney general, city, village, town, county or six or more residents
of the city, village, town or county in which the cemetery or mausoleum is located may
petition the court for such an appointment. The court is required to appoint a trustee
if the court finds, after a hearing, that the cemetery or mausoleum is neglected,
abandoned, in disuse, improperly maintained or financially unsound. The bill also
allows the owner of the cemetery or mausoleum to petition the court to transfer title
of the cemetery or mausoleum to the trustee that is appointed.
The bill requires a trustee that is appointed to operate the cemetery or
mausoleum and comply with the record-keeping, audit and reporting requirements
that apply to operators of cemeteries under current law. The bill allows a trustee to
seek a new owner or operator of the cemetery or mausoleum, to use the procedure
under current law for assessing cemetery lots for cleaning, care or improvement
purposes and to take any other action necessary or useful to the management or
trusteeship of the cemetery or mausoleum. In addition, the trustee may petition the
court for the following: 1) transfer of ownership of the cemetery or mausoleum to the
state under the trustee's management or to a new owner; 2) reversion of ownership
and operation of the cemetery or mausoleum to the previous owner; or 3) closure of
the cemetery or mausoleum after removal and reinternment of human remains.
The court that appointed a trustee under the bill is required to terminate the
trusteeship if the owner or operator of the cemetery or mausoleum demonstrates that
the conditions that necessitated the trusteeship have been remedied. The court may

also terminate the trusteeship if the court finds that a new owner or operator is
competent and capable of managing the cemetery or mausoleum or if the court
approves the closure of the cemetery or mausoleum.
The bill also creates a cemetery management reserve fund that may be used by
a trustee to exercise its powers and carry out its duties under the bill. The fund
consists of moneys collected from the following: 1) a $10 filing fee for death
certificates; 2) a $1 surcharge on copies of death certificates; and 3) a $10 surcharge
on the sale of cemetery lots and mausoleums. DORL is required to promulgate rules
that establish procedures and requirements for disbursements from the fund to
Cemetery authorities, cemetery salespersons and preneed sellers.
With certain exceptions, current law requires cemetery authorities, cemetery
salespersons and preneed sellers to register with DORL. A "cemetery authority" is
any person that owns or operates a cemetery, a "cemetery salesperson" is person that
sells ten or more cemetery lots or mausoleum spaces in a calendar year and a
"preneed seller" is a person that sells certain cemetery merchandise or undeveloped
mausoleum spaces under preneed contracts. There is an exemption from the
registration requirements for each of the following:
1) A cemetery authority that sells less than ten cemetery lots or mausoleum
spaces per year.
2) A cemetery authority of a cemetery organized or operated by a town, village,
city, church, synagogue, mosque, religious, fraternal or benevolent society or
incorporated college of a religious order.
3) A cemetery salesperson that sells cemetery lots or mausoleum spaces in a
cemetery described in item 2.
4) A preneed seller for a cemetery that is affiliated with an organized religious
society or a religious society that files an annual certification statement with DORL.
This bill eliminates each of the above exemptions. The bill also requires DORL
to investigate to determine whether any person that applies for registration as a
cemetery authority, cemetery salesperson or preneed seller, or whether certain
business representatives that are related to such a person, have been convicted of an
offense the circumstances of which substantially relate to the sale of a cemetery lot,
mausoleum space or cemetery merchandise.
Other requirements for cemeteries and the burial of human remains.
Under current law, with certain exceptions, cemetery authorities must submit
reports to DORL that include certain financial and other information. The following
cemetery authorities are exempt from the reporting requirement: 1) certain
cemetery authorities that are exempt from other requirements regarding care and
preneed trust funds; 2) cemetery authorities with annual operating budgets of
$2,500 or less; 3) cemetery authorities that sell less than ten cemetery lots or
mausoleum spaces per year; and 4) cemetery authorities of cemeteries organized or
operated by a town, village, city, church, synagogue, mosque, religious, fraternal or
benevolent society or incorporated college of a religious order. In addition, cemetery
authorities of cemeteries that are affiliated with an organized religious society or a
religious society are required to submit an annual certification to DORL, rather than

an annual report. This bill eliminates each of these exemptions from the reporting
requirement. The bill also requires a cemetery authority affiliated with an organized
religious society or a religious society to submit the annual report, rather than the
annual certification.
The bill also requires a cemetery authority to include in the annual report
information that identifies the location of all human remains that are buried at the
cemetery. DORL is required to promulgate rules that establish requirements for
providing such information in the report. In addition, the bill requires DORL to
provide a copy of the annual report to each city, village or town in which the cemetery
is located. Also under the bill, DORL is required to conduct certain financial audits
of cemetery authorities. Under current law, DORL is allowed, but not required, to
conduct the audits.
In addition, the bill makes certain changes to current law regarding the burial
of human remains. Under the bill, a cemetery may not accept human remains for
burial unless a tag that identifies the decedent has been attached to the remains and
to the exterior of the casket or burial vault or, in the case of remains that have been
cremated, attached to the interior and exterior of the cemetery merchandise and
mausoleum space that contain the remains. Under the bill, the tags must be
attached by the funeral director who prepares the human body for burial or the
person who cremates the human remains. Also, the bill prohibits a cemetery
authority from prohibiting the burial in a cemetery lot of any of the following: 1) a
relative of person with an interest in the lot; 2) the husband or wife of such a person;
or 3) a relative of the husband or wife of such a person.
Finally, the bill increases the penalty under current law that is applicable to a
cemetery authority that violates certain requirements regarding the reburial of
human remains. Under current law, the penalty is a forfeiture of no more than $200.
Under the bill, the penalty is a forfeiture of no more than $1,000 or imprisonment
for no more than 90 days or both.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB588, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.165 (1) (q) of the statutes is created to read:
AB588,4,42 20.165 (1) (q) Cemetery and mausoleum trustee disbursements. From the
3cemetery management reserve fund, a sum sufficient to make disbursements to
4trustees under the rules promulgated under s. 157.117 (4) (a).
AB588, s. 2 5Section 2. 25.17 (1) (at) of the statutes is created to read:
AB588,4,66 25.17 (1) (at) Cemetery management reserve fund (s. 25.85);
AB588, s. 3
1Section 3. 25.85 of the statutes is created to read:
AB588,5,4 225.85 Cemetery management reserve fund. There is established a
3separate nonlapsible trust fund designated as the cemetery management reserve
4fund, to consist of each of the following:
AB588,5,5 5(1) The moneys received from death certificate filing fees under s. 69.22 (1) (d).
AB588,5,7 6(2) The moneys received from the issuance of copies of death certificates under
7s. 69.22 (1) (e).
AB588,5,9 8(3) The moneys received from surcharges on the sale of cemetery lots and
9mausoleum spaces under s. 157.105.
AB588, s. 4 10Section 4. 69.18 (1) (bm) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,5,2011 69.18 (1) (bm) (intro.) A person required to file a certificate of death under par.
12(b) shall obtain the information required for the certificate of death from the next of
13kin or the best qualified person or source available. The person filing the certificate
14of death shall enter his or her signature on the certificate and include his or her
15address and the date of signing and shall present or mail the certificate, within 24
16hours after being notified of the death, to the physician, coroner or medical examiner
17responsible for completing and signing the medical certification under sub. (2).
18Within 2 days after receipt of the medical certification under sub. (2), the person
19filing the certificate of death shall mail or present the certificate of death, together
20with the fee required under s. 69.22 (1) (d),
AB588, s. 5 21Section 5. 69.22 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,5,2422 69.22 (1) (a) Except as provided under par. (c) pars. (c) and (e), $7 for issuing
23one certified copy of a vital record and $2 for any additional certified copy of the same
24vital record issued at the same time.
AB588, s. 6 25Section 6. 69.22 (1) (d) and (e) of the statutes are created to read:
169.22 (1) (d) Ten dollars for receiving a death certificate filed by a person
2required to file a certificate of death under s. 69.18 (1) (b), which shall be forwarded
3to the state treasurer under sub. (1r).
AB588,6,54 (e) Eight dollars for issuing a copy of a death certificate, $1 of which shall be
5forwarded to the state treasurer under sub. (1r).
AB588, s. 7 6Section 7. 69.22 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB588,6,117 69.22 (1r) By the 15th day of the first month following the end of a calendar
8quarter, the state registrar and any person acting under this subchapter shall
9forward to the state treasurer the amounts specified in sub. (1) (d) and (e) that are
10received during the calendar quarter. The state treasurer shall credit all amounts
11received under this subsection to the cemetery management reserve fund.
AB588, s. 8 12Section 8. 157.062 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,6,1813 157.062 (9) Exemptions for certain nonprofit cemeteries. In lieu of
14delivering a certification, resolution or copy of proceedings to the department of
15financial institutions under sub. (1), (2) or (6) (b), a cemetery association that is not
16required to be registered under s. 440.91 (1) and
that is not organized or conducted
17for pecuniary profit shall deliver the certification, resolution or copy of proceedings
18to the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the cemetery is located.
AB588, s. 9 19Section 9. 157.065 (1) (b) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
AB588,6,2020 157.065 (1) (b) 8. A trustee appointed under s. 157.117 (2) (b).
AB588, s. 10 21Section 10. 157.08 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: