AB710,161,20 17(4) Before the vote is effective to establish, vacate, alter or consolidate a utility
, a hearing shall be held as provided in s. 66.60 (7) 66.0703 (7) (a). In towns
19the notice may be given by posting in 3 public places in said the town, one of which
20shall be in the proposed district, at least 2 weeks prior to such the hearing.
AB710,161,25 21(5) (a) When any If a town board establishes a utility district under this section
22the board may also, if a town sanitary district is in existence for the town, dissolve
23said the sanitary district in which case. If the sanitary district is dissolved, all assets,
24liabilities and functions of the sanitary district shall be taken over by the utility
1(b) All functions performed by a sanitary district and assumed by a utility
2district under this subsection shall remain subject to regulation by the public service
3commission as if no transfer had occurred.
AB710,162,11 4(6) Whenever If a municipality, within which a utility district is located, is
5consolidated with another municipality which provides the same or similar services
6for which the district was established, but on a municipality-wide basis rather than
7on a utility district basis as provided in this section, the fund of the utility district
8shall become becomes part of the general fund of the consolidated municipality;
9thereupon said
and the utility district shall be abolished terminates. This section
10shall also apply applies to consolidations completed prior to, on and after June 30,
AB710, s. 208 12Section 208 . 66.0721 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,162,14 1366.0721 (title) Special assessments on certain farmland for
14construction of sewerage or water system.
AB710, s. 209 15Section 209 . 66.0727 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,162,1816 66.0727 (4) This section does not preclude a city, village or town from using any
17other lawful method to compel a railroad corporation to pay its proportionate share
18of a street, alley or public highway improvement.
Note: Restates s. 66.699, which is repealed by Section 561.
AB710, s. 210 19Section 210 . 66.0729 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,162,2220 66.0729 (6) This section does not preclude a city, village or town from using any
21other lawful method to compel a railroad corporation to pay its proportionate share
22of a street, alley or public highway improvement.
Note: Restates s. 66.699, which is repealed by Section 561.
AB710, s. 211
1Section 211. 66.073 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0825, and 66.0825 (2),
2(3) (f), (g) and (h), (4) (a), (5) (b), (c), (e), (f) and (i), (6) (intro.), (a), (f), (g), (h) and (o),
3(7), (8) (a) 3. and 4., (b) and (c), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13) (intro.), (b), (d), (e), (g), (j), (k),
4(L), (m), (n) and (o), (14), (15), (16) (b), (17) and (18), as renumbered, are amended to
AB710,163,166 66.0825 (2) Finding and declaration of necessity. It is declared that the
7operation of electric utility systems by municipalities of this state and the
8improvement of the systems through joint action in the fields of the generation,
9transmission and distribution of electric power and energy is are in the public
10interest; that there is a need in order to ensure the stability and continued viability
11of the municipal systems to provide for a means by which municipalities which
12operate the systems may act jointly in all ways possible, including development of
13coordinated bulk power and fuel supply programs and efficient, community-based
14energy systems; and that, the necessity in the public interest for the provisions
15hereinafter enacted in this section is declared as a matter of legislative
AB710,163,20 17(3) (f) "Person" means a natural person, a public agency, cooperative or private
18corporation, limited liability company, association, firm, partnership, or business
19trust of any nature whatsoever, organized and existing under the laws of any state
20or of the United States.
AB710,164,621 (g) "Project" means any plant, works, system, facilities, and real and personal
22property of any nature whatsoever, together with all parts thereof, and
23appurtenances thereto, used or useful in the generation, production, transmission,
24distribution, purchase, sale, exchange, or interchange of electric power and energy,
25or any interest therein or right to capacity thereof and the acquisition of fuel of any

1kind for any such these purposes, including, but not limited to,: the acquisition of
2fuel deposits and the acquisition or construction and operation of facilities for
3extracting fuel from natural deposits, for converting it for use in another form, for
4burning it in place, for transportation, storage and reprocessing or for any energy
5conservation measure which involves public education or the actual fitting and
6application of a device.
AB710,164,127 (h) "Public agency" means any municipality or other municipal corporation,
8political subdivision, governmental unit, or public corporation created under the
9laws of this state or of another state or of the United States, and any state or the
10United States, and any person, board, or other body declared by the laws of any state
11or the United States to be a department, agency or instrumentality thereof of the
12state or the United States
AB710,164,20 13(4) (a) Any combination of municipalities of the state which operate operates
14facilities for the generation or, transmission or distribution of electric power and
15energy may, by contract with each other, establish a separate governmental entity
16to be known as a municipal electric company to be used by such the contracting
17municipalities to effect joint development of electric energy resources or production,
18distribution and transmission of electric power and energy in whole or in part for the
19benefit of the contracting municipalities. The municipalities party to the contract
20may amend the contract as provided therein in the contract.
AB710,164,25 21(5) (b) The establishment and organization of a governing body of the company
22which shall be a board of directors in which all powers of the company are vested. The
23contract may provide for the creation by the board of an executive committee of the
24board to which the powers and duties may be delegated as the board shall specify
1(c) The number of directors, the manner of their appointment, terms of office
2and compensation, if any, and the procedure for filling vacancies on the board. Each
3contracting municipality shall have the power to may appoint one member to the
4board of directors and shall be entitled to may remove that member at will.
AB710,165,85 (e) The voting requirements for action by the board; but, unless. Unless
6specifically provided otherwise, a majority of directors shall constitute constitutes a
7quorum and a majority of the quorum shall be is necessary for any action taken by
8the board.
AB710,165,129 (f) The duties of the board which shall include the obligation to comply or to
10cause compliance
with this section and the laws of the state and in addition, with
11each and every term, provision and covenant in the contract creating the company
12on its part to be kept or performed.
AB710,165,1813 (i) The term of the contract, which may be a definite period or until rescinded
14or terminated, and the method, if any, by which the contract may be rescinded or
15terminated, but that the. The contract may not be rescinded or terminated so long
while the company has bonds outstanding, unless provision for full payment of
17such the bonds, by escrow or otherwise, has been made pursuant to the terms of the
18bonds or the resolution, trust indenture or security instrument securing the bonds.
AB710,165,20 19(6) Powers. (intro.) The general powers of an electric company shall include
20the power to:
AB710,166,221 (a) Plan, develop, acquire, construct, reconstruct, operate, manage, dispose of,
22participate in, maintain, repair, extend or improve one or more projects within or
23outside the state and act as agent, or designate one or more other persons
24participating in a project to act as its agent, in connection with the planning,

1acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, extension or improvement
2of such the project.
AB710,166,73 (f) Contract with any person or public agency within or outside the state, for
4the construction of any project or for the sale or transmission of electric power and
5energy generated by any project, or for any interest therein in a project or any right
6to capacity thereof of a project, on such the terms and for such the period of time as
7that its board of directors shall determine determines.
AB710,166,158 (g) Purchase, sell, exchange, transmit or distribute electric power and energy
9within and outside the state in such the amounts as it shall determine to be necessary
10and appropriate to make the most effective use of its powers and to meet its
11responsibilities, and to enter into agreements with any person or public agency with
12respect to such the purchase, sale, exchange, or transmission, on such the terms and
13for such the period of time as that its board of directors shall determine determines.
14A company may not sell power and energy at retail unless requested to do so by a
15municipal member within the service area of that municipal member.
AB710,166,1916 (h) Acquire, own, hold, use, lease as lessor or lessee, sell or otherwise dispose
17of, mortgage, pledge, or grant a security interest in any real or personal property,
18commodity or service or interest therein in any real or personal property, commodity
19or service,
subject to s. 182.017 (7).
AB710,166,2320 (o) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, invest any funds held in
21reserve or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement,
22including the proceeds from the sale of any bonds, in such obligations, securities and
23other investments as that the company deems proper.
AB710,167,4 24(7) Public character. An electric company established by contract under this
25section shall constitute constitutes a political subdivision and body public and

1corporate of the state, exercising public powers, separate from the contracting
2municipalities. It shall have has the duties, privileges, immunities, rights, liabilities
3and disabilities of a public body politic and corporate but shall does not have taxing
AB710,167,12 5(8) (a) 3. Purchase agreements entered into under subd. 2. may, in addition to
6the provisions authorized under subd. 2., contain other terms and conditions that the
7company and the purchasers determine, including provisions whereby obligating the
8purchaser is obligated to pay for power irrespective of whether energy is produced
9or delivered to the purchaser or whether any project contemplated by any such
10agreement under subd. 2. is completed, operable or operating, and notwithstanding
11suspension, interruption, interference, reduction or curtailment of the output of such
12the project.
AB710,167,2013 4. Purchase agreements entered into under subd. 2. may be for a term covering
14the life of a project or for any other term, or for an indefinite period. The contract
15created under sub. (5) or a purchase agreement may provide that if one or more of
16the purchasers defaults in the payment of its obligations under a purchase
17agreement, the remaining purchasers which also have purchase agreements shall
18be required to accept and pay for and shall be are entitled proportionately to use or
19otherwise dispose of the power and energy to be purchased by the defaulting
AB710,168,221 (b) The obligations of a municipality under a purchase agreement with a
22company or arising out of the default by any other purchaser with respect to such an
23a purchase agreement shall not be construed to constitute are not debt of the
24municipality. To the extent provided in the purchase agreement, such the obligations
25shall constitute special obligations of the municipality, payable solely from the

1revenues and other moneys derived by the municipality from its municipal electric
2utility and shall be treated as expenses of operating a municipal electric utility.
AB710,168,53 (c) The contract also may provide for payments in the form of contributions to
4defray the cost of any purpose set forth in the contract and as advances for any such
5purpose in the contract subject to repayment by the company.
AB710,168,10 6(9) Sale of excess capacity. (a) An electric company may sell or exchange, to
7any other person or public agency,
excess power and energy produced or owned by
8it not required by any of the contracting municipalities for such the consideration
9and for such, period and upon such terms and conditions as it may determine to any
10other person or public agency
that it determines.
AB710,168,1311 (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or any other statute,
12nothing shall prohibit prohibits a company from undertaking any project in
13conjunction with or owning any project jointly with any person or public agency.
AB710,168,17 14(10) Regulation. An electric company created under this section shall be
15deemed to be
is a "public utility" for purposes of ch. 196, except that the terms and
16conditions and the rates at which a company sells power and energy for resale shall
17not be
are not subject to regulation or alteration by the public service commission.
AB710,169,2 18(11) Types of bonds. (a) An electric company may issue such types of bonds
19as it may determine it determines, subject only to any agreement with the holders
20of particular bonds, including bonds as to which the principal and interest are
21payable exclusively from all or a portion of the revenues from one or more projects,
22or from one or more revenue producing contracts made by the company with any
23person or public agency, or from its revenues generally, or which may be additionally
24secured by a pledge of any grant, subsidy, or contribution from any public agency or

1other person, or a pledge of any income or revenues, funds, or moneys of the company
2from any source whatsoever.
AB710,169,93 (b) A company may from time to time issue its bonds in such principal amounts
4as that the company deems necessary to provide sufficient funds to carry out any of
5its corporate purposes and powers, including the establishment or increase of
6reserves, interest accrued during construction of a project and for a period not
7exceeding one year after the completion of construction of a project, and the payment
8of all other costs or expenses of the company incident to and necessary or convenient
9to carry out its corporate purposes and powers.
AB710,169,1210 (c) Neither the members of the board of directors of a company nor any person
11executing the bonds shall be is liable personally on the bonds by reason of the
12issuance thereof of the bonds.
AB710,169,1713 (d) The bonds of an electric company (, and such the bonds shall so state on their
14face) shall, are not be a debt of the municipalities which are parties to the contract
15creating the company or of the state and neither the state nor any such municipality
16shall be is liable thereon on the bonds nor in any event shall such are the bonds be
17payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the company.
AB710,170,3 18(12) Form and sale of bonds. (a) Bonds of an electric company shall be
19authorized by resolution of the board of directors and may be issued under such the
20resolution or under a trust indenture or other security instrument in one or more
21series and shall bear such date or the dates, mature at such time or the times, bear
22interest at such rate or the rates, be in such denomination or the denominations, be
23in the form of coupon bonds or registered bonds under s. 67.09, have such the rank
24or priority, be executed in such the manner, be payable in such the medium of
25payment, at such place or the places, and be subject to such the terms of redemption,

1with or without premium, as such that the resolution, trust indenture or other
2security instrument may provide provides, and without limitation by the provisions
3of any other law limiting amounts, maturities or interest rates.
AB710,170,64 (b) The bonds may be sold at public or private sale as the company may provide
5provides and at such price or the prices as that the company shall determine
AB710,170,117 (c) In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons
8shall cease
If an officer whose signature appears on a bond or coupon ceases to be
9such officers an officer before the delivery of such obligations, such signatures shall,
10nevertheless, be
the obligation, the signature is valid and sufficient for all purposes,
11the same as if the officers officer had remained in office until such delivery.
AB710,170,13 12(13) Covenants. (intro.) The company shall have power may in connection
13with the issuance of its bonds to:
AB710,170,1514 (b) Redeem the bonds, to covenant for their redemption and to provide the
15terms and conditions thereof of the redemption.
AB710,170,2016 (d) Covenant and prescribe as to events of default and terms and conditions
17upon which any or all of its bonds shall become or may be declared due before
18maturity, as to the terms and conditions upon which such the declaration and its
19consequences may be waived and as to the consequences of default and the remedies
20of bondholders.
AB710,170,2521 (e) Covenant as to the mortgage or pledge of or the grant of a security interest
22in any real or personal property and all or any part of the revenues from any project
23or projects or any revenue producing contract or contracts made by the company with
24any person or public agency to secure the payment of bonds, subject to such existing
25agreements with the holders of bonds as may then exist.
1(g) Covenant as to the purposes to which the proceeds from the sale of any bonds
2then or thereafter to be issued may be applied, and the pledge of such the proceeds
3to secure the payment of the bonds.
AB710,171,74 (j) Covenant as to the procedure by which the terms of any contract with or for
5the benefit of the holders of bonds may be amended or abrogated, the amount of
6bonds, the holders of which must consent thereto to amendment or abrogation, and
7the manner in which such consent may be given.
AB710,171,108 (k) Covenant as to the custody and safekeeping of any of its properties or
9investments, the safekeeping thereof, the insurance to be carried thereon on the
10properties or investments
, and the use and disposition of insurance proceeds.
AB710,171,1311 (L) Covenant as to the vesting in a trustee or one or more trustees, within or
12outside the state, of such those properties, rights, powers and duties in trust as that
13the company may determine determines.
AB710,171,1614 (m) Covenant as to the appointing and providing for the duties and obligations
15of a paying agent or one or more paying agents or other fiduciaries within or outside
16the state.
AB710,171,2317 (n) Make all other covenants and to do any and all such acts and things as may
necessary or convenient or desirable in order to secure its bonds, or in the absolute
19discretion of the company tend to make the bonds more marketable; notwithstanding
20that such the covenants, acts or things may not be enumerated herein; it being the
21intention hereof to give the
in this subsection. A company power to may do all things
22in the issuance of bonds and in the provisions for security thereof of the bonds which
23are not inconsistent with the constitution of the state.
AB710,172,224 (o) Execute all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the
25powers herein granted in this subsection or in the performance of covenants or

1duties, which may contain such covenants and provisions, as that any purchaser of
2the bonds of the company may reasonably require requires.
AB710,172,18 3(14) Refunding bonds. A company may issue refunding bonds for the purpose
4of paying any of its bonds at or prior to maturity or upon acceleration or redemption.
5Refunding bonds may be issued at such the time prior to the maturity or redemption
6of the refunded bonds as that the company deems to be in the public interest. The
7refunding bonds may be issued in sufficient amounts to pay or provide the principal
8of the bonds being refunded, together with any redemption premium thereon on the
, any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of payment of such the bonds, the
10expenses of issue of the refunding bonds, the expenses of redeeming the bonds being
11refunded, and such the reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses
12from the proceeds of such the refunding bonds as may be required by the resolution,
13trust indenture or other security instruments. The issue of refunding bonds, the
14maturities and other details thereof of, the security therefor for, the rights of the
15holders thereof of, and the rights, duties and obligations of the company in respect
16of the same shall be refunding bonds are governed by the provisions of this section
17relating to the issue of bonds other than refunding bonds insofar as the same may
to the extent that the provisions are applicable.
AB710,173,4 19(15) Bonds eligible for investment. Bonds issued by a company under this
20section are hereby made securities in which all
All public officers and agencies of the
and all political subdivisions, of the state and all insurance companies, trust
22companies, banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, investment
23companies, executors, administrators, trustees and other fiduciaries may properly
24and legally
invest funds, including capital in their control or belonging to them.
, in bonds issued by a company under this section. The bonds are hereby made

1securities which
may properly and legally be deposited with and received by any
2officer or agency of the state or any political subdivision for any purpose for which
3the deposit of bonds or obligation of the state or any political subdivision is now or
4may hereafter be
authorized by law.
AB710,173,15 5(16) (b) The property of a company, including any proportional share of any
6property owned by a company in conjunction with any other person or public agency,
7is declared to be public property used for essential public and governmental purposes
8and such the property or proportional share, a company and its income shall be are
9exempt from all taxes of the state or any state public body except that for each project
10owned or partly owned by it, a company shall make payments-in-lieu-of-taxes to
11the state equal to the amount which would be paid to the state under ss. 76.01 to
1276.26 for such the project or share thereof of the project if it were deemed to be owned
13by a company under s. 76.02 (2). The payment shall be determined, administered
14and distributed by the state in the same manner as the taxes paid by companies
15under ss. 76.01 to 76.26.
AB710,173,21 16(17) Successor. A company shall, if the contract so provides, be the successor
17to any nonprofit corporation, agency or any other entity theretofore previously
18organized by such the contracting municipalities to provide the same or a related
19function, and the company shall be is entitled to all rights and privileges and shall
20assume all obligations and liabilities of the other entity under existing contracts to
21which the other entity is a party.
AB710,174,2 22(18) Other statutes. The powers granted under this section do not limit the
23powers of municipalities to enter into intergovernmental cooperation or contracts or
24to establish separate legal entities under s. 66.30 ss. 66.0301 to 66.0311 or any other
25applicable law, or otherwise to carry out their powers under applicable statutory

1provisions, nor shall such do the powers granted under this section limit the powers
2reserved to municipalities by state law.
AB710, s. 212 3Section 212. 66.0735 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0823, and 66.0823 (5)
4(q), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB710,174,85 66.0823 (5) (q) Invest any funds held in reserve or sinking funds, or any funds
6not required for immediate disbursement, including the proceeds from the sale of any
7bonds, in such obligations, securities and other investments as the authority deems
8proper in accordance with s. 66.04 (2) 66.0603 (1).
AB710, s. 213 9Section 213. 66.074 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repealed as obsolete. Section 66.074 grants authority to cities, villages
and towns in connection with ice plants, fuel depots and landing fields. Current
municipal authority regarding airports is contained in ch. 114.
AB710, s. 214 10Section 214. 66.075 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repealed as obsolete. Section 66.075 authorizes counties, cities, villages
and towns of over 5,000 population to construct and maintain public
AB710, s. 215 11Section 215. 66.076 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (title) and
12amended to read:
AB710,174,14 1366.0821 (title) Sewerage system, service charge and storm water
AB710, s. 216 15Section 216 . 66.076 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (2) (a) and
16amended to read:
AB710,175,717 66.0821 (2) (a) 1. In addition to all other methods provided by law, any a
18municipality may construct, acquire or lease, extend or improve any plant and
19equipment within or without its corporate limits for the collection, transportation,
20storage, treatment and disposal of sewage or storm water and surface water,
21including the necessary lateral, main and interceptor sewers necessary in connection

, and any a town, village or city may arrange for such the service to be
2furnished by a metropolitan sewerage district or joint sewerage system. Except as
3provided in s. 66.60 (6m), payment for a sewerage project described in this
4paragraph, or any part of such project, may be provided from the general fund, from
5taxation, special assessments, sewerage service charges, or from the proceeds of
6either municipal obligations, revenue bonds or from any combination of these
7enumerated methods of financing.
Note: The deleted sentence is restated as s. 66.0813 (3) (a) by Section 245 .
AB710,175,218 2. If the extension of a sewer line or water main that is described under par.
subd. 1. is required because of a new subdivision, as defined in s. 236.02 (12), or
10commercial development, the municipality may recoup some or all of the costs that
11it has incurred for the extension by a method described under par. (a) subd. 1. or by
12any other method of financing agreed to by the municipality and the developer. If
13a person, whose property is outside of the subdivision for which a developer is paying,
14or has paid, the costs of a sewerage project under this paragraph subdivision,
15connects an extension into the sewerage project after the amount is established that
16the developer is required to pay under this paragraph subdivision, that person shall
17pay to the developer an amount determined by the public service commission. The
18public service commission shall promulgate rules to determine the amount that such
19a person shall pay to a developer. The rules promulgated under this paragraph
20subdivision, shall be based on the benefits accruing to the property that connects an
21extension into the sewerage project.
AB710, s. 217 22Section 217. 66.076 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (1) (intro.) and
23amended to read:
AB710,175,2424 66.0821 (1) (intro.) In this section, "municipality":
1(a) "Municipality" means any a town, village, city or metropolitan sewerage
2district created under ss. 66.20 200.01 to 66.26 200.15 or under ss. 66.88 200.21 to
366.918 200.65.
AB710, s. 218 4Section 218. 66.076 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (3) (b) and
5amended to read:
AB710,176,146 66.0821 (3) (b) Where payment If funding under par. (a) in whole or in part is
7made by the issue and sale of revenue bonds, the payments shall be made as provided
8in s. 66.066. The provisions of s. 66.066 which are 66.0621 to the extent not
9inconsistent with this section are made a part of this section. The term. In this
"public utility" as used in s. 66.066 shall for this purpose include 66.0621
the sewerage system, accessories, equipment and other property, including
12land. The mortgage or revenue bonds or mortgage certificates shall do not constitute
13an indebtedness of the municipality but shall and may be secured only by the
14sewerage system and its revenue, and the franchise provided for in this section.
AB710, s. 219 15Section 219. 66.076 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (6) and amended
16to read:
AB710,177,1417 66.0821 (6) In the event of If there is a sale of the mortgaged sewerage system
18premises on a judgment of foreclosure and sale, the price paid for the same shall
19premises may not exceed the amount of the judgment and the costs of sale to and
20including the recording of the sheriff's deed. The purchaser on the foreclosure sale
21may operate and maintain said the sewerage system and collect sewerage service
22charges, and for that purpose shall be is deemed to have a franchise from the
23municipality. The term "purchaser" shall include includes the purchaser's
24successors or assigns. The rates to be charged, in addition to the contributions, if any,
25which the municipality has obligated itself to make toward the capital or operating

1costs of the plant, shall be sufficient to meet the requirements of operation,
2maintenance, repairs, depreciation, interest and an amount sufficient to amortize
3the judgment debts and all additional capital costs which the purchaser contributes
4to the plan over a period not exceeding 20 years, and in. In addition to the foregoing,
5the purchaser of the premises shall be entitled to may earn a reasonable amount, as
6determined by the public service commission, on the actual amount of the
7purchaser's investment in the premises represented by the purchase price of the
8premises, plus any additions made to the same investment by the purchaser or minus
9any payments made by the municipality on account of such the investments. The
10municipality may at any time by payment reduce such the investment of the
11purchaser and after full payment of the purchase price plus the cost of subsequent
12improvements the premises shall revert to the municipality. So long as While the
13premises are owned by the private purchaser, the same premises shall be considered
14a public utility and be are subject to ch. 196 so far as to the extent applicable.
AB710, s. 220 15Section 220. 66.076 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (4) (a) and
16amended to read:
AB710,178,417 66.0821 (4) (a) The governing body of the municipality may establish sewerage
18service charges in such an amount as to meet all or part of the requirements for the
19construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, operation, maintenance,
20repair and depreciation of the sewerage system, and for the payment of all or part
21of the principal and interest of any indebtedness incurred thereof for those purposes,
22including the replacement of funds advanced by or paid from the general fund of the
23municipality. Service charges made by a metropolitan sewerage district to any town,
24village or city shall in turn be levied by such the town, village or city against the
25individual sewer system users within the corporate limits of such the municipality,

1and the responsibility for collecting such municipality shall collect the charges and
2promptly remitting same remit them to the metropolitan sewerage district shall lie
3with such municipality
. Delinquent charges shall be collected in accordance with
4sub. (7) (4) (c).
AB710, s. 221 5Section 221. 66.076 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (4) (b) and
6amended to read:
AB710,178,147 66.0821 (4) (b) For the purpose of making equitable charges for all services
8rendered by the sanitary sewerage system to the municipality or to citizens,
9corporations and other users, the property benefited thereby by the system may be
10classified, taking into consideration the volume of water, including surface or drain
11waters, the character of the sewage or waste and the nature of the use made of the
12sewerage system, including the sewage disposal plant. The charges may also include
13standby charges to property not connected but for which such sewerage system
14facilities have been made available.
AB710, s. 222 15Section 222. 66.076 (5) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (4) (c).
AB710, s. 223 16Section 223. 66.076 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (3) (c) and
17amended to read:
AB710,178,2318 66.0821 (3) (c) Any municipality may pledge, assign or otherwise hypothecate
19the net earnings or profits derived or to be derived from a sewerage system to secure
20the payment of the costs of purchasing, constructing or otherwise acquiring a
21sewerage system or any part thereof of a sewerage system, or for extending or
22improving such the sewerage system, in the manner provided in s. 66.066 (4) as the
23same has been and from time to time may be amended or recreated
66.0621 (5).
AB710, s. 224 24Section 224. 66.076 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (4) (c) and
25amended to read:
166.0821 (4) (c) Sewerage service charges shall be collected and taxed and shall
2be a lien upon the property served in the same manner as water rates are taxed and
3collected under s. 66.069 (1) or 66.071 (1) (e), so far as 62.69 (2) (f) or 66.0809 to the
applicable, except that charges of a metropolitan sewerage district created
5under ss. 66.88 200.21 to 66.918 200.65 shall be assessed and collected as provided
6in s. 66.91 200.55 (5).
AB710, s. 225 7Section 225. 66.076 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0821 (2) (b) and
8amended to read: