1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
February 3, 2000 - Introduced by Representatives Sykora, Underheim, Stone,
Kestell, Hahn, Ladwig, Musser, Reynolds, Olsen, Kreibich, Ainsworth,
Vrakas, Owens, Kelso, Wasserman, Gunderson
and Nass, cosponsored by
Senators Welch, Fitzgerald, Roessler, Darling and Farrow. Referred to
Committee on Housing.
AB711,1,4 1An Act to create 704.17 (1) (d), 704.17 (2) (d), 704.17 (3) (c), 704.17 (6) and 704.19
2(3m) of the statutes; relating to: termination of tenancy for posing direct
3threat of physical harm or injury to persons or substantial risk of physical
4damage to property.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a tenant's tenancy may be terminated by the landlord for
nonpayment of rent, for committing waste, for breaching a covenant or condition of
the tenant's rental agreement or if the property owner receives notice from a law
enforcement agency that a nuisance exists in the rental unit because the property
is being used for drug-related purposes or criminal gang-related purposes. Under
this bill, a landlord may terminate the tenancy of a tenant if the tenant's behavior
poses a direct threat to the safety of his or her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's
agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants, or if the tenant's behavior poses a
substantial risk of physical damage to the property of his or her guests or of the
landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants. The landlord
must provide notice to the tenant to vacate the property on or before at least five days
after the giving of the notice. The notice must advise the tenant of the reason for
termination of the tenancy, of the basis on which the landlord believes that the
tenant's behavior poses a direct threat or substantial risk and of the tenant's right
to contest the termination of tenancy in an eviction action. The bill provides that a
claim of a direct threat to the safety of a tenant's own guests, the landlord, the
landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants must be evidenced by

behavior that caused harm or injury, that directly threatened harm or injury or that
caused a reasonable fear of harm or injury to a guest of the tenant or to the landlord,
the landlord's agent, another tenant or a guest of another tenant. A claim of
substantial risk of physical damage to the property of a tenant's own guests, the
landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants must be
evidenced by behavior that caused physical damage, that directly threatened
physical damage or that caused a reasonable fear of physical damage to the property
of a guest of the tenant or the property of the landlord, the landlord's agent, another
tenant or a guest of another tenant.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB711, s. 1 1Section 1. 704.17 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB711,2,122 704.17 (1) (d) If the behavior of a week-to-week or month-to-month tenant
3poses a direct threat to the safety of his or her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's
4agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants, or poses a substantial risk of physical
5damage to the property of his or her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent,
6other tenants or guests of other tenants, the landlord may terminate the tenancy of
7the tenant whose behavior poses a direct threat or substantial risk by giving the
8tenant written notice requiring the tenant to vacate on or before a date at least 5 days
9after the giving of the notice. The notice shall state the reason for the termination
10of the tenancy, the basis on which the landlord believes that the tenant's behavior
11poses a direct threat or substantial risk and the right of the tenant to contest the
12termination of tenancy in an eviction action under ch. 799.
AB711, s. 2 13Section 2. 704.17 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB711,3,814 704.17 (2) (d) If the behavior of a tenant under a lease for a term of one year
15or less or of a year-to-year tenant poses a direct threat to the safety of his or her
16guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other
17tenants, or poses a substantial risk of physical damage to the property of his or her

1guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other
2tenants, the landlord may terminate the tenancy of the tenant whose behavior poses
3a direct threat or substantial risk by giving the tenant written notice requiring the
4tenant to vacate on or before a date at least 5 days after the giving of the notice. The
5notice shall state the reason for the termination of the tenancy, the basis on which
6the landlord believes that the tenant's behavior poses a direct threat or substantial
7risk and the right of the tenant to contest the termination of tenancy in an eviction
8action under ch. 799.
AB711, s. 3 9Section 3. 704.17 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB711,3,2010 704.17 (3) (c) If the behavior of a tenant under a lease for a term of more than
11one year poses a direct threat to the safety of his or her guests or of the landlord, the
12landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants, or poses a substantial risk
13of physical damage to the property of his or her guests or of the landlord, the
14landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other tenants, the landlord may
15terminate the tenancy of the tenant whose behavior poses a direct threat or
16substantial risk by giving the tenant written notice requiring the tenant to vacate
17on or before a date at least 5 days after the giving of the notice. The notice shall state
18the reason for the termination of the tenancy, the basis on which the landlord believes
19that the tenant's behavior poses a direct threat or substantial risk and the right of
20the tenant to contest the termination of tenancy in an eviction action under ch. 799.
AB711, s. 4 21Section 4. 704.17 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB711,3,2222 704.17 (6) Evidence of direct threat or substantial risk. Under this section:
AB711,4,323 (a) A claim that a tenant's behavior poses a direct threat to the safety of his or
24her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other
25tenants must be evidenced by behavior of that tenant that caused harm or injury,

1that directly threatened harm or injury or that caused a reasonable fear of harm or
2injury to a guest of that tenant or to the landlord, the landlord's agent, another tenant
3or a guest of another tenant.
AB711,4,104 (b) A claim that a tenant's behavior poses a substantial risk of physical damage
5to the property of his or her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other
6tenants or guests of other tenants must be evidenced by behavior of that tenant that
7caused physical damage, that directly threatened physical damage or that caused a
8reasonable fear of physical damage to the property of a guest of that tenant or the
9property of the landlord, the landlord's agent, another tenant or a guest of another
AB711, s. 5 11Section 5. 704.19 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB711,4,2412 704.19 (3m) Termination of tenancy for posing direct threat to safety or
13substantial risk of damage.
(a) Notwithstanding subs. (2) and (3), if the behavior
14of a periodic tenant or a tenant at will poses a direct threat to the safety of his or her
15guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, another tenant or a guest of another
16tenant, or poses a substantial risk of physical damage to the property of his or her
17guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other
18tenants, the landlord may terminate the tenancy of the tenant whose behavior poses
19a direct threat or substantial risk by giving the tenant written notice requiring the
20tenant to vacate on or before a date at least 5 days after the giving of the notice. The
21notice shall state the reason for the termination of the tenancy, the basis on which
22the landlord believes that the tenant's behavior poses a direct threat or substantial
23risk and the right of the tenant to contest the termination of tenancy in an eviction
24action under ch. 799.
AB711,4,2525 (b) Under par. (a):
11. A claim that a tenant's behavior poses a direct threat to the safety of his or
2her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other tenants or guests of other
3tenants must be evidenced by behavior of that tenant that caused harm or injury,
4that directly threatened harm or injury or that caused a reasonable fear of harm or
5injury to a guest of that tenant or to the landlord, the landlord's agent, another tenant
6or a guest of another tenant.
AB711,5,137 2. A claim that a tenant's behavior poses a substantial risk of physical damage
8to the property of his or her guests or of the landlord, the landlord's agent, other
9tenants or guests of other tenants must be evidenced by behavior of that tenant that
10caused physical damage, that directly threatened physical damage or that caused a
11reasonable fear of physical damage to the property of a guest of that tenant or the
12property of the landlord, the landlord's agent, another tenant or a guest of another
AB711,5,1414 (End)