1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
February 8, 2000 - Introduced by Representatives La Fave and Sykora,
cosponsored by Senator Grobschmidt. Referred to Committee on Housing.
AB723,1,3 1An Act to amend 703.10 (2) (e), 703.16 (2) and 703.33 (1) (d); and to create
2703.165 of the statutes; relating to: condominium budgets and reserve
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law contains various provisions related to condominiums, such as the
procedure that must be followed to create a condominium, the ownership interest of
a person purchasing a condominium unit, requirements for bylaws governing the
administration of a condominium, rights and responsibilities of a condominium
association, how expenses of the condominium are to be paid and disclosures that
must be made by a condominium unit seller to a prospective purchaser. This bill adds
requirements for a reserve account and an annual budget.
Under current law, the expenses of a condominium as a whole, as opposed to the
expenses of the individually owned units in a condominium, are called "common
expenses". Common expenses are paid through assessments against the individual
unit owners. Assessments that are collected for certain future common expenses,
such as capital repairs and replacements, are called "reserves". The bill requires the
board of directors (board) of a condominium association to establish a reserve
account, for the purpose of holding reserves, as an interest-bearing, federally
insured account at a bank, savings bank, savings and loan association or credit
union. The board must develop, and annually evaluate, a long-range reserve
account plan to determine the amount that must be contributed to reserves each year
by the unit owners. In developing and evaluating this plan, the board must consider

such things as the estimated remaining useful life of the major common elements,
the estimated cost of repairing or replacing the major common elements that have
a remaining useful life of less than 20 years, the interest or other earnings that will
accrue to the reserve account and the total annual contribution that will be required
to meet the obligations of the association to repair and replace common elements.
The bill specifies that funds in the reserve account may be used only for repair and
replacement of common elements and may not be used for routine expenditures, such
as normal or routine repair or maintenance of common elements, or for customary
services, such as snow or trash removal. The board may, however, make withdrawals
or transfers from the reserve account for purposes other than repair or replacement
of common elements if at least 51% of the unit owners having 66% or more of the votes
approve of the withdrawal or transfer at a special meeting of the association. The
board must repay such an approved withdrawal or transfer over a period of not more
than seven years, and, when approved, the amount of the withdrawal or transfer
may not exceed 40% of the total amount in the reserve account and there may be no
other outstanding withdrawals or transfers.
The bill requires the board annually to record a reserve account report in its
minutes and with the county register of deeds. The report must include the
beginning and ending balances in the reserve account for the reporting period, the
amounts and sources of all funds added to the account during the period and the
amounts and purposes of all expenditures from the reserve account during the
period. The bill provides that, if a unit owner requests an audit of the reserve
account, the board must contract with an independent certified accountant for an
audit and provide the results to the requesting party. The board may, however,
require the requesting party to pay the cost of the audit. The bill requires a person
selling a unit in a condominium to disclose to prospective purchasers information
about reserves and the reserve account, such as the amount in the reserve account,
anticipated expenditures from the reserve account for repairing or replacing
common elements and anticipated contributions to reserves by the purchaser.
The bill also requires the board to prepare and distribute to all unit owners a
detailed annual budget. The budget must include all anticipated common expenses
and surpluses, the amount in the reserve account, the anticipated expenditures from
and contributions to the reserve account, the total amount of the assessments to be
levied against the unit owners, any other sources of income to the association and any
other anticipated expenditure by the association.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB723, s. 1 1Section 1. 703.10 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
1703.10 (2) (e) The manner of assessing against and collecting from unit owners
2their respective shares of the common expenses, including amounts for deposit in the
3reserve account under s. 703.165 (2)
AB723, s. 2 4Section 2. 703.16 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB723,3,95 703.16 (2) Funds for payment of common expenses obtained by assessments.
6Funds for the payment of common expenses and for, including the creation of
7reserves for the payment of future common expenses, shall be obtained by
8assessments against the unit owners in proportion to their percentage interests in
9the common elements or as otherwise provided in the declaration.
AB723, s. 3 10Section 3. 703.165 of the statutes is created to read:
AB723,3,15 11703.165 Budget and reserve requirements. (1) Annual budget. (a) No
12later than the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
13paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], and annually thereafter, each board of directors
14shall prepare and distribute to all unit owners a detailed annual budget setting forth
15all of the following:
AB723,3,1616 1. All anticipated common expenses and common surpluses.
AB723,3,1717 2. The amount and purpose of each anticipated expenditure from reserves.
AB723,3,1818 3. The amount and source of all anticipated contributions to reserves.
AB723,3,1919 4. The amount in the reserve account.
AB723,3,2020 5. The total amount of assessments to be levied against unit owners.
AB723,3,2121 6. The amount and source of any other income of the association.
AB723,3,2322 7. The amount and purpose of any other anticipated expenditure by the
1(b) An annual budget adopted by a board of directors under par. (a) shall
2provide for reasonable reserves in the reserve account in accordance with the
3long-range reserve account plan under sub. (2) (b).
AB723,4,9 4(2) Reserve account; budgeting and reserve plan. (a) No later than the first
5day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor
6inserts date], the board of directors shall establish a reserve account for the
7association, to hold all reserves. The reserve account shall be an interest-bearing,
8federally insured account at a bank, savings bank, savings and loan association or
9credit union.
AB723,4,1710 (b) The board of directors shall develop and annually evaluate and revise, as
11necessary, a long-range reserve account plan. In accordance with this plan, the
12board of directors shall annually determine the amount that is necessary to be
13contributed to the reserve account for the needs of the condominium, assess unit
14owners a sufficient amount for contributions to reserves and deposit the assessments
15collected into the reserve account. In developing and evaluating the long-range
16reserve plan and in providing for reasonable reserves under sub. (1) (b), the board
17of directors shall take into consideration all of the following:
AB723,4,1918 1. The results of any independent professional reserve study conducted on
19behalf of the association.
AB723,4,2220 2. The estimated cost of the repair or replacement of all major common
21elements that have a remaining useful life of less than 20 years and that the
22association has the duty to repair or replace.
AB723,4,2323 3. The estimated remaining useful life of all major common elements.
AB723,4,2424 4. The amount of interest or other earnings attributable to the reserve account.
15. An estimate of the total annual contribution to the reserve account that is
2necessary to meet the obligations of the association to repair and replace common
AB723,5,54 6. A comparison between the amounts held in the reserve account and the
5anticipated costs to repair and replace, as necessary, the common elements.
AB723,5,10 6(3) Use of reserve account. Except as provided in sub. (4), the funds in the
7reserve account, including accrued interest, may be used only for major repairs and
8replacement of common elements. Funds in the reserve account may not be used for
9routine expenditures such as normal or routine repair or maintenance of common
10elements or customary services such as snow or trash removal.
AB723,5,13 11(4) Special withdrawals or transfers from reserve account. The board of
12directors may withdraw or transfer funds from the reserve account for a purpose
13other than those specified in sub. (3) if all of the following conditions are met:
AB723,5,1614 (a) The amount and specific purpose of the withdrawal or transfer from the
15reserve account is approved at a special meeting of the association by the affirmative
16vote of at least 51% of unit owners having 66% or more of the votes.
AB723,5,1917 (b) The board of directors creates a repayment schedule that specifies the time
18period for repayment of the withdrawal or transfer and that contains a schedule of
19periodic amounts for the repayment of the withdrawal or transfer.
AB723,5,2020 (c) The term of the repayment schedule is not longer than 7 years.
AB723,5,2321 (d) The amount of the withdrawal or transfer is not greater than 40% of the
22total value of the reserve account at the time the withdrawal or transfer is approved
23under par. (a).
AB723,5,2424 (e) No other withdrawal or transfer from the reserve account is outstanding.
1(5) Reporting requirements. Beginning in 2001, the board of directors, on
2behalf of the association, shall annually, no later than March 31, record in its minutes
3and with the register of deeds of the county where the condominium is located a
4report on the reserve account of the association setting forth all of the following:
AB723,6,65 (a) A statement of the amounts held in the reserve account at the beginning and
6at the close of the previous one-year period.
AB723,6,87 (b) The amounts and sources of funds added to the reserve account during the
8previous one-year period.
AB723,6,119 (c) The amounts expended from the reserve account during the previous
10one-year period and a description of the purposes for which the amounts were
AB723,6,15 12(6) Audit. Upon the written request of any unit owner, the board of directors
13shall contract with an independent certified accountant to audit the reserve account
14and provide the results of the audit to the requesting party. The board of directors
15may require the requesting party to pay the reasonable costs of the audit.
AB723, s. 4 16Section 4. 703.33 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB723,6,2317 703.33 (1) (d) A copy of the projected annual operating budget for the
18condominium including reasonable details concerning setting forth all anticipated
19common operating expenses, anticipated expenditures from the reserve account for
20repair or replacement of common elements, the amount in the reserve account,
21estimated monthly payments by the purchaser for assessments, including
22anticipated contributions by the purchaser to reserves,
and the estimated monthly
23charges for the use, rental or lease of any facilities not part of the condominium.
AB723, s. 5 24Section 5. Initial applicability.
1(1) The treatment of section 703.33 (1) (d) of the statutes first applies to copies
2of the projected annual operating budget furnished on the first day of the 6th month
3beginning after the effective date of this subsection.