AB777,24,1312 (e) Any physical evidence that the person intends to offer in evidence at the trial
13or other proceeding under this chapter.
AB777,24,17 14(4) Comment or instruction on failure to call witness. No comment or
15instruction regarding the failure to call a witness at the trial shall be made or given
16if the sole basis for such comment or instruction is the fact the name of the witness
17appears upon a list furnished pursuant to this section.
AB777,24,21 18(5) Testing or analysis of evidence. On motion of a party, the court may order
19the production of any item of evidence or data that is intended to be introduced at
20the trial for testing or analysis under such terms and conditions as the court
AB777,25,5 22(6) Protective order. Upon motion of a party, the court may at any time order
23that discovery, inspection or the listing of witnesses required under this section be
24denied, restricted or deferred, or make other appropriate orders. If the prosecuting
25attorney or the attorney for a person subject to this chapter certifies that to list a

1witness may subject the witness or others to physical or economic harm or coercion,
2the court may order that the deposition of the witness be taken pursuant to s. 967.04
3(2) to (6). The name of the witness need not be divulged prior to the taking of such
4deposition. If the witness becomes unavailable or changes his or her testimony, the
5deposition shall be admissible at trial as substantive evidence.
AB777,25,9 6(7) In camera proceedings. Either party may move for an in camera inspection
7by the court of any document required to be disclosed under sub. (2) or (3) for the
8purpose of masking or deleting any material that is not relevant to the case being
9tried. The court shall mask or delete any irrelevant material.
AB777,25,15 10(8) Continuing duty to disclose. If, subsequent to compliance with a
11requirement of this section, and prior to or during trial or other proceeding under this
12chapter, a party discovers additional material or the names of additional witnesses
13requested that are subject to discovery, inspection or production under this section,
14the party shall promptly notify the other party of the existence of the additional
15material or names.
AB777,25,19 16(9) Sanctions for failure to comply. (a) The court shall exclude any witness
17not listed or evidence not presented for inspection or copying required by this section,
18unless good cause is shown for failure to comply. The court may in appropriate cases
19grant the opposing party a recess or a continuance.
AB777,25,2320 (b) In addition to or in lieu of any sanction specified in par. (a), a court may,
21subject to sub. (4), advise the jury of any failure or refusal to disclose material or
22information required to be disclosed under sub. (2) or (3), or of any untimely
23disclosure of material or information required to be disclosed under sub. (2) or (3).
AB777,26,5 24(10) Payment of photocopy costs in cases involving indigent respondents.
25When the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08

1requests photocopies of any item that is discoverable under this section, the state
2public defender shall pay any fee charged for the photocopies from the appropriation
3under s. 20.550 (1) (a). If the person providing photocopies under this section charges
4the state public defender a fee for the photocopies, the fee may not exceed the actual,
5necessary and direct cost of photocopying.
AB777,26,8 6(11) Exclusive method of discovery. Chapter 804 does not apply to
7proceedings under this chapter. This section provides the only methods of obtaining
8discovery and inspection in proceedings under this chapter.
AB777, s. 49 9Section 49. 980.038 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,26,10 10980.038 (title) Miscellaneous procedural provisions.
AB777, s. 50 11Section 50. 980.038 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,26,1612 980.038 (2) Protective orders. In addition to any protective order that may
13be issued under s. 980.036 (6), the court in which a proceeding under this chapter is
14pending may deny, defer or restrict, or issue any other appropriate protective order
15concerning, the disclosure or redisclosure of information obtained under s. 980.015
16(3) (b), (3m), (3r) or (3x), 980.031 (3) or 980.08 (3).
AB777, s. 51 17Section 51. 980.038 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,26,2218 980.038 (3) Proceedings relating to the commitment of juveniles. (a) If a
19person is subject to a petition that, with respect to the criteria under s. 980.02 (2) (a),
20alleges only that the person has been found delinquent for a sexually violent offense,
21the general public shall be excluded from any trial or or other hearing under this
22chapter unless any of the following applies:
AB777,26,2423 1. There was one or more public hearings under s. 938.299 (1) in the proceeding
24in which the person was found delinquent.
12. The person, through his or her counsel, requests a public trial or hearing,
2except that the court shall refuse to grant the request for a public hearing if the
3victim of any of the person's sexually violent offenses objects or, in the case of a person
4who has not attained the age of 17, if a parent or guardian objects.
AB777,27,65 (b) If a public hearing is not held in a trial or other hearing under this chapter,
6only the following persons may be present:
AB777,27,77 1. The person and his or her attorney.
AB777,27,98 2. In the case of a person who has not attained the age of 17, a parent or
AB777,27,1010 3. The attorney representing the state in the proceeding.
AB777,27,1311 4. A victim of any of the person's sexually violent offenses, a member of the
12victim's family and, at the request of the victim, a representative of an organization
13providing support services to the victim.
AB777,27,1514 5. Witnesses who are testifying or expected to testify at the trial or other
AB777,27,1816 6. A representative of the news media who wishes to attend the trial or other
17hearing for the purpose of reporting news without revealing the identity of the
18person involved.
AB777,27,1919 7. Other persons requested by a party and approved by the court.
AB777,27,2120 8. Any other person the court finds to have a proper interest in the case or in
21the work of the court, including a member of the bar.
AB777,28,422 (c) Notwithstanding par. (b), if a public hearing is not held the court may
23exclude any person specified in par. (b) 5. to 8. from any portion of the hearing if that
24portion of the hearing deals with sensitive personal information of the person or the
25person's family or if the court determines that excluding the person would be in the

1best interests of the person. In addition, a judge may exclude any person specified
2in par. (b) 4. from any portion of a hearing that deals with sensitive personal matters
3of the person or the person's family and that does not directly relate to the act or
4alleged act committed against the victim.
AB777,28,115 (d) If a public hearing is held, the court may, in its discretion, exclude the
6general public from any portion of a trial or hearing that deals with sensitive
7personal matters of the person or the person's family and that does not relate to the
8acts of sexual violence committed by the person. If the court excludes the general
9public from a trial or hearing under this subsection, only those persons who are
10permitted under par. (b) to attend a hearing from which the general public is
11excluded may attend.
AB777,28,1412 (e) If a public hearing is not held under par. (a) or (d), any person who divulges
13any information that would identify the person or the family involved in any
14proceeding under this chapter is subject to ch. 785.
AB777, s. 52 15Section 52. 980.07 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
16amended to read:
AB777,28,2317 980.07 (1) If Except as provided in sub. (1g), if a person has been committed
18under s. 980.06 and has not been discharged under s. 980.09, the department shall
19conduct an examination of his or her mental condition the person within 6 months
20after an initial commitment under s. 980.06 and again thereafter at least once each
2112 months for the purpose of determining whether the person has made sufficient
22progress for the court to consider whether the person should be placed on supervised
23release or discharged.
AB777,29,2 24(1m) At the time of a reexamination under this section, the person who has
25been committed may retain or seek to have the court appoint an examiner expert or

1professional person to conduct an examination
as provided under s. 980.03 (4)
2980.031 (1).
AB777, s. 53 3Section 53. 980.07 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,29,144 980.07 (1g) If a person who has been committed under s. 980.06 has not been
5discharged under s. 980.09 and the person is incarcerated in a county jail or a state
6correctional institution or is placed in a treatment facility or a secured correctional
7facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), a secured child caring institution, as defined
8in s. 938.01 (15g), or a secured group home, as defined in s. 938.02 (15p), for an offense
9that the person committed or is alleged to have committed since being committed
10under s. 980.06, the department need not conduct an examination of the person as
11provided under sub. (1) but shall conduct an examination of the person upon the
12person's release from the county jail, state correctional institution, treatment
13facility, secured correctional facility, secured child caring institution or secured
14group home.
AB777, s. 54 15Section 54. 980.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB777,29,2116 980.07 (2) Any examiner expert or professional person conducting an
17examination under this section shall prepare a written report of the examination no
18later than 30 days after the date of the examination. The examiner expert or
19professional person
shall place a copy of the report in the person's medical records
20and shall provide a copy of the report to the court that committed the person under
21s. 980.06.
AB777, s. 55 22Section 55. 980.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB777,29,2523 980.07 (3) Notwithstanding sub. subs. (1) and (1g), the court that committed
24a person under s. 980.06 may order a reexamination of the person at any time during
25the period in which the person is subject to the commitment order.
AB777, s. 56
1Section 56. 980.08 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
2amended to read:
AB777,30,203 980.08 (3) Within 20 days after receipt of the petition, the court shall appoint
4one or more examiners qualified experts or professional persons having the
5specialized knowledge determined by the court to be appropriate, who shall examine
6the person and furnish a written report of the examination to the court within 30
7days after appointment. The examiners experts or professional persons shall have
8reasonable access to the person for purposes of examination and. The experts or
9professional persons shall also have access
to the person's past and present
10treatment records, as defined in s. 51.30 (1) (b), and patient health care records, as
11provided under s. 146.82 (2) (c), and correctional records, as provided under ss.
12301.355 and 938.78 (2) (e), and to the records of a court assigned to exercise
13jurisdiction under ch. 938, as provided under s. 938.396 (2) (e), and presentence
14investigation reports, as provided under s. 972.15 (6)
. If any such examiner expert
15or professional person
believes that the person is appropriate for supervised release
16under the criterion specified in sub. (4), the examiner expert or professional person
17shall report on the type of treatment and services that the person may need while in
18the community on supervised release. The county shall pay the costs of an examiner
19expert or professional person appointed under this subsection as provided under s.
2051.20 (18) (a).
AB777, s. 57 21Section 57. 980.08 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
22amended to read:
AB777,31,1823 980.08 (4) The court, without a jury, shall hear the petition within 30 days after
24the report of the court-appointed examiner expert or professional person is filed with
25the court, unless the petitioner waives this time limit. Expenses of proceedings

1under this subsection shall be paid as provided under s. 51.20 (18) (b), (c) and (d).
2The court shall grant the petition unless the state proves by clear and convincing
3evidence that the person is still a sexually violent person and that it is still
4substantially probable that the person will engage in acts of sexual violence if the
5person is not continued in institutional care. In making a decision under this
6subsection, the court may consider, without limitation because of enumeration, the
7nature and circumstances of the behavior that was the basis of the allegation in the
8petition under s. 980.02 (2) (a), the person's mental history and present mental
9condition, where the person will live, how the person will support himself or herself
10and what arrangements are available to ensure that the person has access to and will
11participate in necessary treatment, including pharmacological treatment using an
12antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen if the person is a serious
13child sex offender. A decision under this subsection on a petition filed by a person
14who is a serious child sex offender may not be made based on the fact that the person
15is a proper subject for pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the
16chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen or on the fact that the person is willing to
17participate in pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical
18equivalent of an antiandrogen.
AB777, s. 58 19Section 58. 980.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB777,32,320 980.09 (1) (b) At a hearing under this subsection, the district attorney or the
21department of justice, whichever filed the original petition, shall represent the state
22and shall have the right to may have the petitioner examined by an expert or
23professional person of his, her or its choice. The hearing shall be before the court
24without a jury.
The district attorney or the department of justice, whichever filed the
25original petition, or the petitioner or his or her attorney may request that the hearing

1under this subsection be to a jury of 6 persons. At a hearing under this subsection,
state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the
3petitioner is still a sexually violent person.
AB777, s. 59 4Section 59. 980.09 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB777,32,125 980.09 (2) (a) A person may petition the committing court for discharge from
6custody or supervision without the secretary's approval, as provided under par. (am).
7At the time of an examination under s. 980.07 (1) or (1g), the secretary shall provide
8the committed person with a written notice of the person's right to petition the court
9for discharge over the secretary's objection. The notice shall contain a waiver of
under par. (am). The secretary shall forward a copy of the notice and waiver
to the court with the report of the department's examination under s. 980.07.
12If the
AB777,33,2 13(am) A person does not affirmatively waive the right to petition may petition
14for discharge from custody or supervision without the secretary's approval if at least
1518 months have elapsed since the initial commitment order was entered or at least
166 months have elapsed since the most recent petition for discharge under this
17paragraph or under sub. (1) (a) was denied. If a person petitions for discharge under
18this paragraph
, the court shall set a probable cause hearing review the petition, the
19most recent examination report filed under s. 980.07 (2) and any relevant written
20arguments or supporting documentation provided by the person, the person's
21attorney or the state
to determine whether facts exist that warrant a hearing on
there is probable cause to believe that the person is still no longer a sexually
23violent person. The committed person has a right to have an attorney represent him
24or her at the probable cause hearing, but the person is not entitled to be present at

1the probable cause hearing
file a petition, written arguments and supporting
2documentation on the person's behalf
AB777, s. 60 3Section 60. 980.09 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB777,33,174 980.09 (2) (b) If the court determines at the probable cause hearing after a
5review of a petition filed
under par. (a) (am) that there is probable cause exists to
6believe that the committed person is no longer a sexually violent person, then the
7court shall set a hearing on the issue. At a hearing under this paragraph, the
8committed person is entitled to be present and to the benefit of the protections
9afforded to the person under s. 980.03. The district attorney or the department of
10justice, whichever filed the original petition, shall represent the state at a hearing
11under this paragraph. The hearing under this paragraph shall be to the court. The
12district attorney or the department of justice, whichever filed the original petition,
13or the committed person or his or her attorney may request that the hearing under
14this subsection be to a jury of 6 persons.
The state has the right to may have the
15committed person evaluated examined by experts or professional persons chosen by
16the state. At the hearing, the state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing
17evidence that the committed person is still a sexually violent person.
AB777, s. 61 18Section 61. 980.10 of the statutes is repealed.
AB777, s. 62 19Section 62. 980.11 (2) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin
20Act 9
, is amended to read:
AB777,33,2321 980.11 (2) (intro.) If the court places a person on supervised release under s.
22980.08 or discharges a person under s. 980.09 or 980.10, the department shall do all
23of the following:
AB777, s. 63 24Section 63. 980.12 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
25section 3239, is amended to read:
1980.12 (1) Except as provided in ss. 980.03 980.031 (4) and 980.08 (3), the
2department shall pay from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (2) (a) and (bm) for all
3costs relating to the evaluation, treatment and care of persons evaluated, examined
4or committed under this chapter.
AB777, s. 64 5Section 64. 980.14 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,34,6 6980.14 (title) Immunity.
AB777, s. 65 7Section 65. 980.14 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,34,108 980.14 (1) In this section, "agency" means the department of corrections, the
9department of health and family services, the department of justice or a district
AB777, s. 66 11Section 66. Initial applicability.
AB777,34,2112 (1) Generally. The treatment of sections 51.30 (3) (bm) and (4) (b) 8m., 8s. and
1310m., 146.82 (2) (c) and (cm), 165.255, 301.355, 905.04 (4) (a), 938.35 (1) (e), 938.396
14(1k) and (2) (e), 938.78 (2) (e), 972.15 (6), 980.015 (2) (intro.), (a), (b), (bm) and (c), (3)
15(intro.) and (b), (3m), (3r) and (3x), 980.02 (1) (intro.), (a) and (b) (intro.), 980.03 (2)
16(intro.), (4) and (5), 980.031 (2), 980.036, 980.038 (2) and (3), 980.07 (1), (1g), (2) and
17(3), 980.08 (3) and (4), 980.09 (1) (b) and (2) (a) and (b) and 980.10 of the statutes, the
18renumbering and amendment of section 980.015 (1) of the statutes and the creation
19of section 980.015 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes first apply to proceedings under
20chapter 980 of the statutes that are initiated by a petition filed under section 980.02
21of the statutes on the effective date of this subsection.
AB777,34,2422 (2) Immunity provisions. The treatment of sections 980.015 (4) and 980.14 (1)
23of the statutes first applies to acts or omissions occurring on the effective date of this
AB777,34,2525 (End)