AB799,23,22 17(2) The administrator, at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, may
18examine the records of any person to determine whether the person has complied
19with this chapter. The administrator may conduct the examination even if the
20person believes it is not in possession of any property that must be reported, paid or
21delivered under this chapter. The administrator may contract with any other person
22to conduct the examination on behalf of the administrator.
AB799,24,2 23(3) The administrator, at reasonable times, may examine the records of an
24agent, including a dividend disbursing agent or transfer agent, of a business
25association or financial association that is the holder of property presumed

1abandoned if the administrator has given the notice required by sub. (2) to both the
2association or organization and the agent at least 90 days before the examination.
AB799,24,6 3(4) Documents and working papers obtained or compiled by the administrator,
4or the administrator's agents, employes or designated representatives, in the course
5of conducting an examination are confidential and are not public records, but the
6documents and papers may be used, produced and disclosed as follows:
AB799,24,87 (a) Used by the administrator in the course of an action to collect unclaimed
8property or to otherwise enforce this chapter.
AB799,24,119 (b) Used in joint examinations conducted with or pursuant to an agreement
10with another state, the federal government, or any other governmental subdivision,
11agency or instrumentality.
AB799,24,1212 (c) Produced pursuant to subpoena or court order.
AB799,24,1513 (d) Disclosed to the abandoned property office of another state for that state's
14use in circumstances equivalent to those described in this subsection, if the other
15state is bound to keep the documents and papers confidential.
AB799,24,22 16(5) If an examination of the records of a person results in the disclosure of
17property reportable under this chapter, the administrator may assess the cost of the
18examination against the holder at the rate of $200 a day for each examiner, or a
19greater amount that is reasonable and was incurred, but the assessment may not
20exceed the value of the property found to be reportable. The cost of an examination
21made pursuant to sub. (3) may be assessed only against the business association or
22financial organization.
AB799,25,4 23(6) If, after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], a
24holder does not maintain the records required by s. 177.31 and the records of the
25holder available for the periods subject to this chapter are insufficient to permit the

1preparation of a report, the administrator may require the holder to report and pay
2to the administrator the amount the administrator reasonably estimates, on the
3basis of any available records of the holder or by any other reasonable method of
4estimation, should have been but was not reported.
AB799,25,9 5177.31 Retention of records. (1) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (2),
6a holder required to file a report under s. 177.17 shall maintain the records
7containing the information required to be included in the report for 10 years after the
8holder files the report, unless a shorter period is provided by rule of the
AB799,25,15 10(2) A business association or financial organization that sells, issues or
11provides to others for sale or issue in this state, traveler's checks, money orders or
12similar instruments other than third-party bank checks, on which the business
13association or financial organization is directly liable, shall maintain a record of the
14instruments while they remain outstanding, indicating the state and date of issue,
15for 3 years.
AB799,25,18 16177.32 Enforcement. The administrator may maintain an action in this or
17another state to enforce this chapter. The court may award reasonable attorney fees
18to the prevailing party.
AB799,26,2 19177.33 Interstate agreements and cooperation; joint and reciprocal
20actions with other states. (1)
The administrator may enter into an agreement
21with another state to exchange information relating to abandoned property or its
22possible existence. The agreement may permit the other state, or another person
23acting on behalf of a state, to examine records as authorized in s. 177.30. The

1administrator by rule may require the reporting of information needed to enable
2compliance with an agreement made under this section and prescribe the form.
AB799,26,5 3(2) The administrator may join with another state to seek enforcement of this
4chapter against any person who is or may be holding property reportable under this
AB799,26,10 6(3) At the request of another state, the attorney general of this state may
7maintain an action on behalf of the other state to enforce, in this state, the unclaimed
8property laws of the other state against a holder of property subject to escheat or a
9claim of abandonment by the other state, if the other state has agreed to pay expenses
10incurred by the attorney general in maintaining the action.
AB799,26,22 11(4) The administrator may request that the attorney general of another state
12or another attorney commence an action in the other state on behalf of the
13administrator. With the approval of the attorney general of this state, the
14administrator may retain any other attorney to commence an action in this state on
15behalf of the administrator. This state shall pay all expenses, including attorney
16fees, in maintaining an action under this subsection. With the administrator's
17approval, the expenses and attorney fees may be paid from money received under
18this chapter. The administrator may agree to pay expenses and attorney fees based
19in whole or in part on a percentage of the value of any property recovered in the
20action. Any expenses or attorney fees paid under this subsection may not be
21deducted from the amount that is subject to the claim by the owner under this
AB799,27,2 23177.34 Interest and penalties. (1) A holder who fails to report, pay or deliver
24property within the time prescribed by this chapter shall pay to the administrator

1interest at the annual rate of 18% on the property or value thereof from the date the
2property should have been reported, paid or delivered.
AB799,27,8 3(2) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (3), a holder who fails to report, pay
4or deliver property within the time prescribed by this chapter, or fails to perform
5other duties imposed by this chapter, shall pay to the administrator, in addition to
6interest as provided in sub. (1), a civil penalty of $200 for each day the report,
7payment or delivery is withheld, or the duty is not performed, up to a maximum of
AB799,27,14 9(3) A holder who wilfully fails to report, pay or deliver property within the time
10prescribed by this chapter, or wilfully fails to perform other duties imposed by this
11chapter, shall pay to the administrator, in addition to interest as provided in sub. (1),
12a civil penalty of $1,000 for each day the report, payment or delivery is withheld, or
13the duty is not performed, up to a maximum of $25,000, plus 25% of the value of any
14property that should have been but was not reported.
AB799,27,18 15(4) A holder who makes a fraudulent report shall pay to the administrator, in
16addition to interest as provided in sub. (1), a civil penalty of $1,000 for each day from
17the date a report under this chapter was due, up to a maximum of $25,000, plus 25%
18of the value of any property that should have been but was not reported.
AB799,27,21 19(5) The administrator for good cause may waive, in whole or in part, interest
20under sub. (1) and penalties under subs. (2) and (3), and shall waive penalties if the
21holder acted in good faith and without negligence.
AB799,28,4 22177.35 Agreement to locate property. (1) An agreement by an owner, the
23primary purpose of which is to locate, deliver, recover or assist in the recovery of
24property that is presumed abandoned, is void and unenforceable if it was entered into
25during the period commencing on the date the property was presumed abandoned

1and extending to a time that is 24 months after the date the property is paid or
2delivered to the administrator. This subsection does not apply to an owner's
3agreement with an attorney to file a claim as to identified property or contest the
4administrator's denial of a claim.
AB799,28,9 5(2) An agreement by an owner, the primary purpose of which is to locate,
6deliver, recover or assist in the recovery of property, is enforceable only if the
7agreement is in writing, clearly sets forth the nature of the property and the services
8to be rendered, is signed by the apparent owner and states the value of the property
9before and after the fee or other compensation has been deducted.
AB799,28,13 10(3) If an agreement covered by this section applies to mineral proceeds and the
11agreement contains a provision to pay compensation that includes a portion of the
12underlying minerals or any mineral proceeds not then presumed abandoned, the
13provision is void and unenforceable.
AB799,28,19 14(4) An agreement covered by this section that provides for compensation that
15is unconscionable is unenforceable except by the owner. An owner who has agreed
16to pay compensation that is unconscionable, or the administrator on behalf of the
17owner, may maintain an action to reduce the compensation to a conscionable
18amount. The court may award reasonable attorney fees to an owner who prevails in
19the action.
AB799,28,22 20(5) This section does not preclude an owner from asserting that an agreement
21covered by this section is invalid on grounds other than unconscionable
AB799,28,24 23177.36 Foreign transactions. This chapter does not apply to property held,
24due and owing in a foreign country and arising out of a foreign transaction.
1177.37 Transitional provisions. (1) An initial report filed under this
2chapter for property that was not required to be reported before the effective date of
3this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], but which is subject to this chapter must
4include all items of property that would have been presumed abandoned during the
510-year period next preceding the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
6date], as if this chapter had been in effect during that period.
AB799,29,12 7(2) This chapter does not relieve a holder of a duty that arose before the
8effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], to report, pay or deliver
9property. Except as otherwise provided in s. 177.29 (2), a holder who did not comply
10with ch. 177, 1997 stats., before the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
11inserts date], is subject to the applicable provisions for enforcement and penalties
12that then existed, which are continued in effect for the purpose of this section.
AB799,29,14 13177.38 Rules. The administrator may adopt rules pursuant to ch. 227
14necessary to carry out this chapter.
AB799,29,17 15177.40 Uniformity of application and construction. This chapter shall
16be applied and construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law
17with respect to the subject of this chapter among states enacting it.
AB799,29,20 18177.41 Escheat of property to municipalities. If a statute of this state
19provides for the escheat of abandoned or unclaimed property to a county, city, village
20or town, this chapter does not apply to the property.
AB799, s. 2 21Section 2. 610.61 of the statutes is amended to read:
1610.61 Duty of life insurers to report abandoned property. An insurer
2doing a life insurance business shall report under s. 177.17 any property presumed
3abandoned under s. 177.07 177.02 (1) (h).
AB799,30,44 (End)