AB967, s. 9 18Section 9. 16.974 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,4,219 16.974 (3) Facilitate the implementation of statewide initiatives, including
20development and maintenance of policies and programs to protect the privacy of
21individuals who are the subjects of information contained in the data bases
22databases of agencies, and of technical standards and sharing of applications among

1agencies and any participating local governmental units or entities in the private
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 10 3Section 10. 18.57 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
4amended to read:
AB967,4,175 18.57 (1) A separate and distinct fund shall be established in the state treasury
6or in an account maintained by a trustee (9) (j) appointed for that purpose by the
7authorizing resolution with respect to each revenue-producing enterprise or
8program the income from which is to be applied to the payment of any enterprise
9obligation. A separate and distinct fund shall be established in the state treasury
10or in an account maintained by a trustee appointed for that purpose by the
11authorizing resolution with respect to any special fund that is created by the
12imposition of fees, penalties or excise taxes and is applied to the payment of special
13fund obligations. All moneys resulting from the issuance of evidences of revenue
14obligation shall be credited to the appropriate fund or applied for refunding or note
15renewal purposes, except that moneys which represent premium or accrued interest
16received on the issuance of evidences shall be credited to the appropriate redemption
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 deleted "(9) (j)" without showing it as stricken. The change
was intended.
AB967, s. 11 18Section 11. 20.115 (7) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
19is amended to read:
AB967,5,220 20.115 (7) (b) Principal repayment and interest, conservation reserve
A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (a) (u) for the principal and
22interest costs incurred in financing the conservation reserve enhancement program
23under s. 20.866 (2) (wf) and to make the payments determined by the building

1commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of
2obligations incurred in financing those projects.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 20.866 (1) (a). Section 20.866 (1) (u)
provides for reimbursements of principal and interest under s. 20.115 (7) (b).
AB967, s. 12 3Section 12. 20.143 (3) (t) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
4is amended to read:
AB967,5,95 20.143 (3) (t) Petroleum inspection fund — revenue obligation repayment. From
6the petroleum inspection fund, a sum sufficient to repay the fund in the state
7treasury created under s. 18.57 (1), or the separate and distinct fund outside the state
8treasury under s. 18.562 (3) and (5) (e), the amount needed to retire revenue
9obligations issued under subch. II or IV of ch. 18, as authorized under s. 101.143 (9m).
Note: There is no s. 18.562 (5) (e). Section 18.562 (3) provides for a separate
redemption fund; s. 18.562 (5) relates to authorizing resolutions.
AB967, s. 13 10Section 13. 20.255 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
11is amended to read:
AB967,5,1612 20.255 (1) (b) General program operations; School for the Deaf and Center for
13the Blind and Visually Impaired
. The amounts in the schedule for the operation and
14maintenance of the Wisconsin School for the Deaf and the Wisconsin Center for the
15Blind and Visually Impaired, including the matching of federal funds, but not
16including expenses financed under par. (js).
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 deleted "including" without showing it as stricken. The
change was not intended.
AB967, s. 14 17Section 14. 20.255 (3) (q) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
18is amended to read:
AB967,5,2119 20.255 (3) (q) Periodical and reference information data bases databases. From
20the universal service fund, the amounts in the schedule to contract for periodical and
21reference information data bases databases under s. 115.28 (26).

Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 15 1Section 15. 20.292 (1) (ep) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,6,43 20.292 (1) (ep) Grants to students. The amounts in the schedule for grants to
4students under s. 38.30 38.305.
Note: Section 38.30, as created by 1999 Wis. Act 9, is renumbered to s. 38.305 by
this bill.
AB967, s. 16 5Section 16. 20.370 (1) (fs) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,6,187 20.370 (1) (fs) Endangered resources — voluntary payments; sales, leases and
As a continuing appropriation, from moneys received as amounts designated
9under ss. 71.10 (5) (b) and 71.30 (10) (b), the net amounts certified under ss. 71.10
10(5) (h) 4. and 71.30 (10) (h) 3., all moneys received from the sale or lease of resources
11derived from the land in the state natural areas system and all moneys received from
12fees collected under ss. 23.27 (3) (b), 29.563 (10) and 341.14 (6r) (b) 5., for the purposes
13of the endangered resources program, as defined under ss. 71.10 (5) (a) 2. and 71.30
14(10) (a) 2. Three percent of the moneys certified under ss. 71.10 (5) (h) 4. and 71.30
15(10) (h) 3. in each fiscal year to and 3% of the fees received under s. 341.14 (6r) (b)
165. in each fiscal year shall be allocated for wildlife damage control and payment of
17claims for damage associated with endangered or threatened species, except that
18this combined allocation may not exceed $100,000 per fiscal year.
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 deleted "to" without showing it as stricken. The change was
AB967, s. 17 19Section 17. 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, section 319g, is amended to read:
120.370 (5) (cq) Recreation aids — recreational boating and other projects. As
2a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for recreational boating
3aids under s. 30.92, for the grant for Black Point Estate under s. 23.0962, for the
4Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237,
5section 9136 (2),
and under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9136 (10z), for the Portage
6levee system and the Portage canal under s. 31.309, for development of a state park
7under s. 23.198, for activities relating to aquatic nuisance species under s. 30.1255
8(4) and for the engineering and environmental study under s. 31.307.
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 inserted the underscored language without showing it as
underscored. The change was intended.
AB967, s. 18 9Section 18. 20.370 (6) (br) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,7,1511 20.370 (6) (br) Environmental aids — waste reduction and recycling
12demonstration grants.
From the recycling fund, as a continuing appropriation, the
13amounts in the schedule for waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants
14under s. 287.25 and the grants required under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9136
15(9) and (9c) (9cm).
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 section 9136 (9) and (9cm) relate to the Wheelchair Recycling
Project. 1999 Wis. Act 9 section 9136 (9c) relates to an Oconto County Boat landing.
Drafting records indicate that subs. (9c) and (9cm) were both originally numbered (9c),
requiring the renumbering of one. This provision was not changed to reflect the
renumbering to (9cm).
AB967, s. 19 16Section 19. 20.395 (1) (hq) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.
Note: By its terms, this paragraph does not apply after 12-31-99.
AB967, s. 20 18Section 20. 20.435 (8) (mm) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
120.435 (8) (mm) Reimbursements from federal government. All moneys
2received from the federal government, other than moneys described under ss. 46.40
3(1) (bm),
46.45 (2), 46.46, 49.45 (6u) and 49.49, that are intended to reimburse the
4state for expenditures in previous fiscal years from general purpose revenue
5appropriations whose purpose includes a requirement to match or secure federal
6funds and that exceeded in those fiscal years the estimates reflected in the intentions
7of the legislature and governor, as expressed by them in the budget determinations,
8and the joint committee on finance, as expressed by the committee in any
9determinations, and the estimates approved for expenditure by the secretary of
10administration under s. 16.50 (2), for the purpose of paying federal disallowances,
11federal sanctions or penalties and the costs of any corrective action affecting the
12department of health and family services. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), at the
13end of each fiscal year, the amount determined by the department of administration
14under s. 16.54 (12) (d) shall lapse to the general fund.
Note: There is no s. 46.40 (1) (bm). Drafting records indicate that a draft creating
s. 46.40 (1) (bm) was not included in 1999 Wis. Act 9 as enacted.
AB967, s. 21 15Section 21. 20.505 (1) (ng) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,8,2017 20.505 (1) (ng) Sale of forest products; funds for public schools and public roads.
18All moneys received from the sale of forest products at Fort McCoy under 10 USC
for distribution to Monroe County and to the school districts located in Monroe
20County under s. 16.40 (20) (22).
Note: Section 16.40 (20), as created by 1999 Wis. Act 24, is renumbered s. 16.40 (22)
by this bill.
AB967, s. 22 21Section 22. 23.0917 (1) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
123.0917 (1) (b) "Baraboo Hills" means the area that is within the boundaries
2of the Baraboo Range National Natural Landmark.
Note: Inserts missing article.
AB967, s. 23 3Section 23. 23.0917 (1) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,9,75 23.0917 (1) (c) "Department land" means an area of land that is owned by the
6state, that is under the jurisdiction of the department and that is used for one of the
7purposes specified in s. 23.09 (2d) (2) (d).
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 23.09 (2d). Section 23.09 (2) (d)
relates to purposes for lands acquired by the department of natural resources.
AB967, s. 24 8Section 24. 23.198 (1) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
9is amended to read:
AB967,9,1410 23.198 (1) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the department
11shall provide up to $1,500,000 for the development of a state park which that will
12provide access to Lake Michigan in the city of Milwaukee. For purposes of s. 23.0917,
13moneys provided under this paragraph shall be treated as moneys obligated under
14the subprogram for property development and local assistance.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 25 15Section 25. 23.32 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,9,1716 23.32 (3) (a) 3. For each copy of a digital wetland data base database covering
17one township, $15.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 26 18Section 26. 25.187 (2) (c) 3. b. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
19Act 9
, is amended to read:
125.187 (2) (c) 3. b. Annually, no later than June 15, certify to the department
2of administration and to the joint committee on finance the total market value of the
3assets of the funds on April 30 no later than June 15.
Note: Reorders text for improved clarity and readability.
AB967, s. 27 4Section 27. 25.47 (6) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
5amended to read:
AB967,10,86 25.47 (6) The net proceeds of revenue obligations issued under s. 101.143 (9m)
7that are transferred from a separate and distinct fund outside the state treasury, in
8an account maintained by a trustee, under s. 18.562 (3) and (5) (e).
Note: There is no s. 18.562 (5) (e). Section 18.562 (3) provides for a separate
redemption fund; s. 18.562 (5) relates to authorizing resolutions.
AB967, s. 28 9Section 28. 26.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,10,2110 26.37 (2) The department of natural resources may not expend moneys from
11the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (ax) or (6) (bt), 1997 stats., unless the
12department of natural resources and the department of commerce first submit to the
13joint committee on finance the plan required under sub. (1). If the cochairpersons
14of the joint committee on finance do not notify the department of natural resources
15within 14 working days after the date of the departments' submittal of the plan that
16the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the plan, the plan may be
17implemented and moneys may be expended as proposed by the department of
18natural resources. If, within 14 days after the date of the departments' submittal of
19the plan, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department of natural
20resources that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the plan, moneys
21may be expended only after the plan has been approved by the committee.
Note: Section 20.370 (5) (ax) and (6) (bt) were repealed eff. 6-30-98 by 1995 Wis.
Act 27
AB967, s. 29
1Section 29. 29.229 (5m) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,11,173 29.229 (5m) (c) The band is requested to enact tribal laws or ordinances that
4deny an application to issue or renew, suspend if already issued or otherwise
5withhold or restrict an approval issued under this section if the applicant for or the
6holder of the approval fails to provide the information required under tribal laws or
7ordinances enacted under par. (b) or fails to comply, after appropriate notice, with a
8subpoena or warrant issued by the department of workforce development or a county
9child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child support
10proceedings or if the department of workforce development certifies that the
11applicant for or the holder of the approval has failed to pay court-ordered payments
12of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses or other
13expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse. The band is also
14requested to enact tribal laws or ordinance ordinances that invalidate an approval
15issued under this subsection if issued in reliance upon a statement made or
16subscribed under oath or affirmation under tribal laws or ordinances enacted under
17par. (b) that is false.
Note: The singular is replaced with the plural for correct sentence agreement.
AB967, s. 30 18Section 30. 30.20 (1) (d) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
19is amended to read:
AB967,12,220 30.20 (1) (d) The drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage District may,
21without a permit under sub. (2) (c), remove material from a drain that the board
22operates in the Duck Creek Drainage District if the removal is required, under rules
23promulgated by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, in
24order to conform the drain to specifications imposed by the department of

1agriculture, trade and consumer protection after consulting with the department of
2natural resources.
Note: Inserts commas to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 31 3Section 31. 30.77 (3) (dm) 2g. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,12,95 30.77 (3) (dm) 2g. If a local entity or an a boating organization objects to an
6ordinance enacted under par. (a) that applies to a river or stream, or to an ordinance
7enacted under par. (b), on the grounds that all or a portion of the ordinance is not
8necessary for public health, safety, welfare or the public's interest in preserving the
9state's natural resources, the procedure under subd 2r. shall apply.
Note: Inserts correct article.
AB967, s. 32 10Section 32. 31.385 (4) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
11is amended to read:
AB967,12,1712 31.385 (4) (a) The department shall maintain an inventory of all dams in the
13state that require a dam safety project under this section. The inventory shall list
14the dam safety projects in the chronological order in which they are required to be
15undertaken. For each dam safety project on the inventory, the department shall
16include a statement of which parts of the dam safety project are required to protect
17the rights held by the public in the navigable waters contained by the dam.
Note: Inserts missing article.
AB967, s. 33 18Section 33. 38.28 (1m) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,13,620 38.28 (1m) (a) 1. "District aidable cost" means the annual cost of operating a
21technical college district, including debt service charges for district bonds and
22promissory notes for building programs or capital equipment, but excluding all

1expenditures relating to auxiliary enterprises and community service programs, all
2expenditures funded by or reimbursed with federal revenues, all receipts under sub.
3(6) and ss. 38.12 (9), 38.14 (3) and (9), 118.15 (2) (a), 118.55 (7r) and 146.55 (5), all
4receipts from grants awarded under ss. 16.004 (14), 38.04 (8) and (20), 38.14 (11),
538.26, 38.27, 38.30 38.305, 38.31, 38.33 and 38.38, all fees collected under s. 38.24
6and driver education and chauffeur training aids.
Note: Section 38.30, as created by 1999 Wis. Act 9, is renumbered s. 38.305 by this
AB967, s. 34 7Section 34. 38.30 of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
8renumbered 38.305.
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor. A previously existing section is
numbered s. 38.30.
AB967, s. 35 9Section 35. 39.435 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
10amended to read:
AB967,13,1511 39.435 (6) The board may not make a grant under this section to a person if
12whose name appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b),
13unless the person provides to the board a payment agreement that has been
14approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent
15with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
Note: Deletes word inadvertently retained by 1999 Wis. Act 9.
AB967, s. 36 16Section 36. 39.51 (1) (title) and (intro.) of the statutes are renumbered 45.54
17(1) (title) and (intro.).
Note: The remainder of s. 39.51 (1) was renumbered to s. 45.54 by 1999 Wis. Act
, which did not create a new (intro.) at s. 45.54 and therefore requires the renumbering
by this provision.
AB967, s. 37 18Section 37. 43.03 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,14,219 43.03 (9) Develop and maintain a computer data base database containing
20bibliographic and library holding information for all types of library materials owned

1by libraries throughout the state to serve as a resource sharing tool and assist
2libraries in developing computerized bibliographic data bases databases.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 38 3Section 38. 43.05 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,14,154 43.05 (11) Maintain a reference and loan library to supplement the collections
5of all types of libraries in this state by providing specialized materials not
6appropriately held and information sources not provided by local libraries or readily
7available from other area or state-level resource providers. The library shall provide
8specialized information services to state agency libraries and state employes,
9institution libraries, public library systems, public libraries, school libraries and
10other types of libraries according to policies developed by the division. Library and
11information services may include development of collections of specialized materials,
12interlibrary loan services, reference services, provision of data base database search
13services and maintenance of a statewide data base database of library materials.
14The library may contract with state agencies and libraries to provide library material
15cataloging and processing services.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 39 16Section 39. 45.37 (3) (title) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed and recreated to read:
AB967,14,1818 45.37 (3) (title) Exceptions to the basic eligibility requirements.