1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
January 28, 1999 - Introduced by Representatives Jensen and Freese,
cosponsored by Senators Chvala and Risser.
1To amend joint rules 14 (title), 31 (3), 44 (2) (b), 49 (3), 59, 75 (4) and 96 (2);
2to: the joint rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Joint rule 14 (title): The title of this rule is amended to reflect its content fully.
Joint rules 31 (3), 49 (3) and 96 (2): Deletes from the joint rules provisions
requiring the use of paper copies on the floor of the legislative chambers.
Joint rule 44 (2) (b): The position of director of legislative attorneys no longer
exists. The position of deputy chief is substituted as one of the persons permitted to
initial the deletion of a "FE" symbol.
Joint rule 59: The authority for explanative notes to be included in executive
budget bills is deleted and the authority is transferred from the revisor of statutes
to the chief of the legislative reference bureau to permit explanative notes to appear
in the Wisconsin Acts and session law volumes. The legislative reference bureau
prepares the Wisconsin Acts and session law volumes and the revisor prepares the
statutes. The revisor retains the discretion over notes to be included in the statutes.
Joint rule 75 (4): The joint committee on information policy and technology and
the transportation projects commission are added to the list of bodies for which the
schedule of committee activities may announce hearings.
3Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR18, s. 1
1. Joint rule 14 (title) is amended to read:
1Joint Rule 14 (title) Joint Rule 14.
Reproduction; Stationery;
2reproduction of legislative documents.
AJR18, s. 2
2. Joint rule 31 (3) is amended to read:
Joint Rule 31 (3) Any member of a joint committee who is opposed to the
5committee's majority report may, at the time of the committee's final vote on the
6matter, notify the chair of his or her intent to file
a minority report and may then file
7such report with the chairperson no later than the 2nd business day after the vote.
8For any joint committee or committee of conference the committee report, including
9any minority report, may be
reproduced for distribution provided to the members as
10decided by the presiding officer for each house.
AJR18, s. 3
3. Joint rule 44 (2) (b) is amended to read:
Joint Rule 44 (2) (b) No jacket on which the "FE" symbol has been defaced may
13be accepted for introduction unless the deletion of the "FE" symbol has been initialed
14by the chief or the
director of legislative attorneys
deputy chief of the legislative
15reference bureau.
AJR18, s. 4
4. Joint rule 49 (3) is amended to read:
Joint Rule 49 (3) If
copies of the fiscal estimate for the bill
have has not been
18distributed provided to the members when the vote on passage is taken, then the
19chief clerk shall read the fiscal estimate at length before the vote.
AJR18, s. 5
5. Joint rule 59 is amended to read:
Joint Rule 59. Explanative notes. In addition to such notes as are required by
22law or joint rule, explanative notes may be included in
executive budget bills, in
23revision and correction bills prepared by the revisor of statutes, in reconciliation bills
24introduced by the committee on organization of either house and in bills, joint
1resolutions or resolutions introduced and in substitute amendments or amendments
2offered by the joint legislative council or its law revision committee, at the request
3of the judicial council and by or at the request of any other official interim study or
4investigative group. Such notes shall be prepared by the requester, shall be factual
5in nature, shall be as brief as may be and, where feasible, shall follow the section of
6the measure to which they relate. Notes shall appear in the original reproduced
7version of the measure only, and shall not appear in the Wisconsin Acts
, or session
8law volumes
unless the chief of the legislative reference bureau determines that
9including them is essential or
in the statutes unless the revisor determines that
10including them is essential. Such notes constitute no part of the proposed act.
AJR18, s. 6
6. Joint rule 75 (4) is amended to read:
Joint Rule 75 (4) The schedule of committee activities may announce all
13hearings to be held by the joint committee for review of administrative rules, the joint
14legislative audit committee, the building commission, the joint committee on
15employment relations,
the joint committee on information policy and technology, the
16transportation projects commission, the retirement research committee, the state
17supported programs study and advisory committee, or by any legislative joint survey
AJR18, s. 7
7. Joint rule 96 (2) is amended to read:
Joint Rule 96 (2) Any proposal to rescind or change a joint rule shall be
21introduced as a joint resolution stating the proposed change. Except as authorized
22by unanimous consent or by vote of two thirds of the members present, the joint
23resolution shall not be acted upon in either house until
copies of the joint resolution
24have has been
made available
to the members for 24 hours.