1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
June 17, 1999 - Introduced by Senators George, Huelsman, Roessler, Farrow and
Rude, cosponsored by Representatives Riley, Musser, Colon, Carpenter and
Gronemus. Referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and
Government Operations.
SB198,1,9 1An Act to amend 59.52 (29) (a), 60.47 (2) (a), 60.47 (2) (b), 60.47 (5), 61.55, 62.03
2(1), 62.15 (1), 66.24 (5) (d), 66.904 (2) (a), 66.904 (2) (e) and 281.41 (1); and to
59.52 (29) (c) to (e), 60.47 (2m), 62.15 (1m), 66.24 (5) (e), 66.904 (2) (am)
4and 281.01 (3e) of the statutes; relating to: authorizing cities, villages, towns,
5counties, metropolitan sewerage districts, technical colleges and federated
6public libraries to let public works contracts under the design-build
7construction process, changing the threshold amounts that require competitive
8bidding under public works contracts and providing an exemption from
9competitive bidding requirements.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
In general, under current law, before a contract for public construction with a
value that exceeds $5,000 but does not exceed $20,000 may be let by a county, a class
1 notice of the proposed construction must be given by the county board. Also under
current law, before a contract for public construction with a value that exceeds $5,000
but does not exceed $10,000 may be let by a municipality (2nd, 3rd or 4th class city,
or a village or town), a class 1 notice of the proposed construction must be given by
the municipality's governing body. Before a contract for public construction with a

value that exceeds $20,000 may be let by a county, or exceeds $10,000 in the case of
a municipality, certain other requirements, such as a lowest responsible bidder
requirement, must be met. A county board, by a three-fourths vote of its
membership, may also authorize the county itself to perform any class of public work
if the estimated cost of the work exceeds $20,000.
This bill authorizes municipalities, 1st class cities (presently only Milwaukee),
counties, metropolitan sewerage districts, technical colleges and federated public
library systems (local governmental units) to let a contract for public construction,
the estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, using the design-build construction
process, which is defined as a procurement process under which the engineering,
design and construction services are provided by a single entity.
If a local governmental unit wishes to construct a public work using the
design-build construction process, the local governmental unit must use a two stage
selection process. Under the first stage, the local governmental unit must publish
a notice that includes a project statement that describes the space needs and design
goals for the project, detailed submission requirements, selection procedures, the
composition of the selection panel and whether the local governmental unit will offer
a stipend to unsuccessful design-build teams and, if so, the amount of the stipend.
Following receipt of the bids, the local governmental unit must select five or less
design-build teams to participate in the second stage of the selection process. The
selection of the finalist teams in the first stage of the process must be based on factors
that include the background, experience and qualifications of the members of the
teams and the quality of the initial proposal.
In the second stage of the selection process, the local governmental unit must
choose from among the five or less finalist teams if the unit determines that at least
one of the finalists will be able to construct the public work in a way that is
satisfactory to the unit. The local governmental unit must conduct interviews of each
team, and each team must make a presentation. The criteria to be used in making
a final selection may include the quality of the proposed design, the extent to which
a proposal demonstrates compliance with the project statement, the estimated cost
of the project and a guaranteed maximum price for the project. If the local
governmental unit enters into a contract with one of the teams, that design-build
team must obtain bonding to guarantee completion of the project.
The bill also increases the threshold amount that requires competitive bidding
on public works contracts to $20,000 for municipalities and metropolitan sewerage
districts that contain a 1st class city and, for municipalities, exempts from
competitive bidding public works contracts in which the building materials or labor
is donated.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB198, s. 1
1Section 1. 59.52 (29) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,3,152 59.52 (29) (a) All Except as provided in par. (c) 2., all public work, including any
3contract for the construction, repair, remodeling or improvement of any public work,
4building, or furnishing of supplies or material of any kind where the estimated cost
5of such work will exceed $20,000 shall be let by contract to the lowest responsible
6bidder. Any public work, the estimated cost of which does not exceed $20,000, shall
7be let as the board may direct. If the estimated cost of any public work is between
8$5,000 and $20,000, the board shall give a class 1 notice under ch. 985 before it
9contracts for the work or shall contract with a person qualified as a bidder under s.
1066.29 (2). A contract, the estimated cost of which exceeds $20,000, shall be let and
11entered into under s. 66.29, except that the board may by a three-fourths vote of all
12the members entitled to a seat provide that any class of public work or any part
13thereof may be done directly by the county without submitting the same for bids.
14This subsection does not apply to highway contracts which the county highway
15committee or the county highway commissioner is authorized by law to let or make.
SB198, s. 2 16Section 2. 59.52 (29) (c) to (e) of the statutes are created to read:
SB198,3,1917 59.52 (29) (c) 1. In this subsection, "design-build construction process" means
18a procurement process under which the engineering, design and construction
19services are provided by a single entity under a process described under par. (d).
SB198,3,2120 2. Any public works contract described in par. (a), the estimated cost of which
21exceeds $1,000,000, may be let using the design-build construction process.
SB198,3,2422 (d) If a county wishes to construct a public work using the design-build
23construction process, the county shall use a selection process that contains the
24following procedures:
11. The county shall issue a request for proposals from design-build teams by
2publishing a class 1 notice under ch. 985. The notice shall include a project statement
3that describes the space needs and design goals for the project, detailed submission
4requirements, selection procedures, site information, an outline of specifications for
5the project, a budget for the project, a project schedule, the composition of the
6selection panel, the approximate amount of the bond that the county will require
7under par. (e) and whether the county will offer a stipend to unsuccessful
8design-build teams and, if so, the amount of the stipend.
SB198,4,199 2. Following receipt of the proposals, the county shall select 5 or less
10design-build teams to participate in the final stage of the selection process. The
11selection of teams under this subdivision shall be based on factors that include the
12background, experience and qualifications of the members of the teams; the financial
13strength and surety capacity of the teams; the quality of the initial proposal; and the
14past performance and current workload of the teams. The county selection panel
15that selects the teams under this subdivision for the final selection process under
16subd. 3. may include design and construction professionals who work for the county
17or are hired by the county to assist in the selection, members of the county board and
18representatives from the county entity that will use the facility that is to be
19constructed under the selection process described in this paragraph.
SB198,5,520 3. The county shall make a final selection from among the teams selected under
21subd. 2. if the county determines that at least one of the teams selected as a finalist
22under subd. 2. will be able to construct the public work in a way that is satisfactory
23to the county. The final selection shall be made following interviews and
24presentations from the finalists, based on criteria that are published as a class 1
25notice under ch. 985. The notice shall state the weight that is given to each criterion.

1The criteria to be used in making a final selection under this subdivision may include
2the quality of the proposed design, the construction approach to be used to complete
3the project, the extent to which a proposal demonstrates compliance with the project
4statement described under subd. 1., the proposed management plan for the project,
5the estimated cost of the project and a guaranteed maximum price for the project.
SB198,5,96 (e) If the county selects a design-build team under par. (d) 3. and enters into
7a contract for the construction of the project, the design-build team shall obtain
8bonding, in an amount specified by the county, to guarantee completion of the project
9according to the terms of the contract.
SB198, s. 3 10Section 3. 60.47 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,5,1411 60.47 (2) (a) No town may enter into a public contract with an estimated cost
12of more than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $20,000 unless the town board, or a
13town official or employe designated by the town board, gives a class 1 notice under
14ch. 985 before execution of that public contract.
SB198, s. 4 15Section 4. 60.47 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,5,2016 60.47 (2) (b) No town may enter into a public contract with a value of more than
17$10,000 $20,000 unless the town board, or a town official or employe designated by
18the town board, advertises for proposals to perform the terms of the public contract
19by publishing a class 2 notice under ch. 985. The town board may provide for
20additional means of advertising for bids.
SB198, s. 5 21Section 5. 60.47 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB198,5,2522 60.47 (2m) Design-build contracts. Any public contract under sub. (2), the
23estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, may be let using the design-build
24construction process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1. Section 59.52 (29) (d) and (e),
25as it applies to counties, applies to towns.
SB198, s. 6
1Section 6. 60.47 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,6,92 60.47 (5) Exception for emergencies and donated materials and labor. This
3section is optional with respect to public contracts for the repair and construction of
4public facilities when damage or threatened damage to the facility creates an
5emergency, as declared by resolution of the town board, that endangers the public
6health or welfare of the town. This subsection no longer applies when the town board
7declares that the emergency no longer exists. This section is optional with respect
8to a public contract if the materials related to the contract are donated or if the labor
9that is necessary to execute the public contract is provided by volunteers.
SB198, s. 7 10Section 7. 61.55 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,7,2 1161.55 Contracts involving over $10,000; how let; exception. All contracts
12for public construction, in any such village, exceeding $10,000 $20,000, shall be let
13by the village board to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with s. 66.29
14insofar as said section may be applicable. If the estimated cost of any public
15construction exceeds $5,000, but is not greater than $10,000 $20,000, the village
16board shall give a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, of the proposed construction before
17the contract for the construction is executed. This provision does not apply to public
18construction if the materials for such a project are donated or if the labor for such a
19project is provided by volunteers, and this provision
and s. 281.41 are not mandatory
20for the repair and reconstruction of public facilities when damage or threatened
21damage thereto creates an emergency, as determined by resolution of the village
22board, in which the public health or welfare of the village is endangered. Whenever
23the village board by majority vote at a regular or special meeting declares that an
24emergency no longer exists, this exemption no longer applies. Any contract for public
25construction under this section, the estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, may

1be let using the design-build construction process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1.
2Section 59.52 (29) (d) and (e), as it applies to counties, applies to villages.
SB198, s. 8 3Section 8. 62.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,7,64 62.03 (1) This subchapter, except ss. 62.071, 62.08 (1), 62.09 (1) (e) and (11) (j)
5and (k), 62.15 (1m) (b), 62.175 and 62.23 (7) (em) and (he), does not apply to 1st class
6cities under special charter.
SB198, s. 9 7Section 9. 62.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,7,188 62.15 (1) Contracts; how let; exception for donated materials and labor. All
9public construction, the estimated cost of which exceeds $10,000 $20,000, shall be let
10by contract to the lowest responsible bidder; all other public construction shall be let
11as the council may direct. If the estimated cost of any public construction exceeds
12$5,000 but is not greater than $10,000 $20,000, the board of public works shall give
13a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, of the proposed construction before the contract for
14the construction is executed. This provision does not apply to public construction if
15the materials for such a project are donated or if the labor for such a project is
16provided by volunteers.
The council may also by a vote of three-fourths of all the
17members-elect provide by ordinance that any class of public construction or any part
18thereof may be done directly by the city without submitting the same for bids.
SB198, s. 10 19Section 10. 62.15 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB198,7,2320 62.15 (1m) Design-build contracts. (a) Any contract for public construction
21under sub. (1), the estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, may be let using the
22design-build construction process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1. Section 59.52 (29)
23(d) and (e), as it applies to counties, applies to cities.
SB198,8,224 (b) Any contract for public construction, the estimated cost of which exceeds
25$1,000,000, let by a 1st class city may be let using the design-build construction

1process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1. Section 59.52 (29) (d) and (e), as it applies
2to counties, applies to 1st class cities.
SB198, s. 11 3Section 11. 66.24 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,8,144 66.24 (5) (d) Bids. Whenever plans and specifications for any facilities have
5been completed and approved by the commission and by any other agency which
6must approve the plans and specifications, and the commission has determined to
7proceed with the work of the construction thereof, it shall advertise by a class 2 notice
8under ch. 985, for bids for the construction of the facilities. Contracts for the work
9shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, except for contracts awarded under par.
or the agency may reject any and all bids and if in its discretion the prices quoted
11are unreasonable, the bidders irresponsible or the bids informal, it may readvertise
12the work or any part of it. All contracts shall be protected by such bonds, penalties
13and conditions as the district shall require. The commission may itself do any part
14of any of the works.
SB198, s. 12 15Section 12. 66.24 (5) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB198,8,1916 66.24 (5) (e) Design-build contracts. Any contract for public construction
17under this subsection, the estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, may be let
18using the design-build construction process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1. Section
1959.52 (29) (d) and (e), as it applies to counties, applies to districts.
SB198, s. 13 20Section 13. 66.904 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB198,9,521 66.904 (2) (a) Except for a contract awarded under par. (am) and except as
22provided in par. (b), all work done and all purchases of supplies and materials by the
23commission shall be by contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder complying
24with the invitation to bid, if the work or purchase involves an expenditure of $7,500
25$20,000 or more. If the commission decides to proceed with construction of any sewer

1after plans and specifications for the sewer are completed and approved by the
2commission and by the department of natural resources under ch. 281, the
3commission shall advertise by a class 2 notice under ch. 985 for construction bids.
4All contracts and the awarding of contracts are subject to s. 66.29 , except for a
5contract awarded under par. (am)
SB198, s. 14 6Section 14. 66.904 (2) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB198,9,107 66.904 (2) (am) Any contract for public construction under sub. (1), the
8estimated cost of which exceeds $1,000,000, may be let using the design-build
9construction process, as defined in s. 59.52 (29) (c) 1. Section 59.52 (29) (d) and (e),
10as it applies to counties, applies to the district.
SB198, s. 15 11Section 15. 66.904 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: