1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
September 9, 1999 - Introduced by Senators Breske, A. Lasee, Shibilski and
Schultz, cosponsored by Representatives F. Lasee, Musser, Handrick,
Seratti, Ainsworth, Hasenohrl, Goetsch, Ladwig, Spillner, Hutchison,
Olsen, Gronemus, Gunderson, Sykora, Johnsrud, Kreibich, Kestell, Nass,
Skindrud, Freese, Klusman, Albers, Porter
and Hahn. Referred to
Committee on Economic Development, Housing and Government Operations.
SB228,1,7 1An Act to renumber and amend 61.34 (3), 62.22 (1) and 66.025; to amend
227.08 (2) (b), 27.08 (2) (c), 28.20, 30.21 (1), 62.22 (1e), 66.021 (2) (intro.), 66.021
3(15), 66.024 (7), 66.065 (1), 66.076 (1) (a), 66.077 (1), 114.11 (1), 114.12 and
4196.58 (7); and to create 60.625, 61.34 (3) (b), 62.22 (1) (b), 66.021 (1) (ae),
566.021 (2e) and 66.025 (2) of the statutes; relating to: requiring town board
6approval for, and setting conditions on, certain annexation actions and
7prohibiting the creation of town islands.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, town territory that is contiguous to any city or village may be
annexed to that city or village under several methods. Three of the methods are: 1)
direct annexation, under which a petition for annexation that was signed by the
required number of electors and landowners is filed with the city or village clerk; 2)
annexation by referendum, under which a petition for referendum that was signed
by the required number of electors and landowners is filed with the city or village
clerk and a referendum is held and passes in the town; and 3) annexation by
referendum and court order, under which the governing body of a city or village
adopts a resolution declaring its intention to apply to the circuit court for an order
for an annexation referendum. If the city or village submits the resolution and the
proper supporting documents and if no petition of protest is filed with the court or

if the petition is found by the court to be insufficient, the court shall order the
referendum to be held. If the referendum passes in the town, the annexation occurs.
This bill places a number of limits and conditions on the authority of a city or
village to annex town land. Under the bill, if a city or village annexes land that is
adjacent to a town highway, the annexation must extend to the center of the highway.
Also under the bill, no annexation of certain land in the town may occur without the
approval of the town board if any of the following conditions exist:
1. The land has been owned by the town for at least five years before the
proposed annexation.
2. The land has been zoned for agricultural use for at least five years before the
proposed annexation.
3. The land has been assessed as agricultural use value land for at least five
years before the proposed annexation.
Generally, under current law, a city may acquire real or personal property
within or outside the city, by gift, purchase or condemnation, and a village may also
acquire real or personal property within or outside the village. The property may be
acquired for any public purpose, such as parks, recreation, water systems, sewage
or waste disposal, airports, cemeteries or vehicle parking areas. This bill grants
similar property acquisition rights to a town, for real and personal property within
or outside the town. Under this bill, a city, village or town (municipality) may not
acquire real property that is located in another municipality, and that is not
contiguous to that municipality, by gift, purchase or condemnation unless the
governing body of the municipality in which the real property is located approves the
proposed acquisition. The bill also limits the right of a municipality to extend sewer
or water lines through property in another municipality unless the extension is
approved by the governing body of the municipality on whose property the proposed
extension is to be located. Under the bill, before a municipality's governing body may
disapprove a proposed acquisition of property or deny a request for a sewer or water
line extension, the municipality is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed
acquisition or extension and to provide written reasons to the requesting
municipality for the governing body's disapproval or denial.
Also under current law, if a municipality operating a water system seeks to
serve consumers in another part of that municipality and in the same county, but to
serve such consumers it is necessary or economically prudent to install the pipes
through another municipality, such installation may not occur unless the
municipality through which the installation is to run approves. If that municipality
does not approve, the municipality that seeks to install the pipes may ask the public
service commission (PSC) to approve the installation, which the PSC may do. This
bill removes PSC authority to approve such installations. Such a proposed
installation is subject to the same approval and hearing requirements that the bill
applies to any other proposal of a municipality to acquire property or extend sewer
or water lines in another municipality.
Also under current law, a city or village may annex land that it owns in a town
if the land is lying near but not necessarily contiguous to the city or village and if the
use of the territory by the city or village is not contrary to any town or county zoning

regulation. Under the bill, no city or village may annex territory that it owns in a
town if the territory lies near but is not contiguous to the city or village unless the
proposed annexation is approved by the town board of the town in which the owned
territory is located.
Under current annexation law no city or village may, by annexation, create a
town area which is completely surrounded by the city or village. This bill prohibits
the creation of town islands by specifying that no city or village may, by annexation,
create a town area where no part of the land remaining after annexation is
contiguous with the town from which the annexation occurred.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB228, s. 1 1Section 1. 27.08 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,3,122 27.08 (2) (b) To Subject to s. 62.22 (1) (b), to acquire in the name of the city for
3park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes by gift, devise, bequest or
4condemnation, either absolutely or in trust, money, real or personal property, or any
5incorporeal right or privilege. Gifts to any city of money or other property, real or
6personal, either absolutely or in trust, for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive
7purposes shall be accepted only after they shall have been recommended by the board
8to the common council and approved by said council by resolution. Subject to the
9approval of the common council the board may execute every trust imposed upon the
10use of property or property rights by the deed, testament or other conveyance
11transferring the title of such property to the city for park, parkway, boulevard or
12pleasure drive purposes.
SB228, s. 2 13Section 2. 27.08 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,4,614 27.08 (2) (c) Subject to s. 62.22 (1) (b) and to the approval of the common council
15to buy or lease lands in the name of the city for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure
16drive purposes within or without the city and, with the approval of the common

1council, to sell or exchange property no longer required for its purposes. Every city
2is authorized, subject to s. 62.22 (1) (b), upon recommendation of its officers, board
3or body having the control and management of its public parks, to acquire by
4condemnation in the name of the city such lands within or without its corporate
5boundaries as it may need for public parks, parkways, boulevards and pleasure
SB228, s. 3 7Section 3. 28.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,4,11 828.20 Community forests. Any city, subject to s. 62.22 (1) (b), any village,
9subject to s. 61.34 (3) (b), any town, subject to s. 60.625 (2), or school district may
10acquire land, engage in forestry and appropriate funds for such purpose. The forest
11property may be located outside the city, village, town or school district limits.
SB228, s. 4 12Section 4. 30.21 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,5,1113 30.21 (1) Water intake facilities. Upon compliance with such applicable
14regulations as may be imposed by the government of the United States and subject
15to chs. 196 and 197 and rules and orders of the public service commission issued
16pursuant thereto, any public utility may, pursuant to permit granted by resolution
17of the governing body of any city, village or town situated on any waters of Lake
18Michigan or Lake Superior or in the Great Lakes basin, construct, maintain and
19operate, upon and under the bed thereof adjoining such city, village or town, all cribs,
20intakes, basins, pipes and tunnels necessary or convenient for securing an adequate
21supply of water suitable for the purposes of such utility, provided only, that
22concurrently with the construction of facilities for the withdrawal of water from the
23lakes, the city, town or village must construct sewage treatment and disposal works
24adequate to treat completely all sewage of the municipality. Any city, village or town,
25the limits of which are within 50 miles of any such waters and any public utility

1serving the same shall be deemed to be situated on such waters within the meaning
2of this section and such municipality or public utility serving the same shall, subject
3to this section, have authority to acquire and own or lease sufficient real estate,
4subject to s. 60.625 (2), 61.34 (3) (b) or 62.22 (1) (b), not to exceed 50 miles beyond the
5corporate limits of such municipality, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining
6and operating thereon or thereunder, transmission facilities and structures,
7including cribs, intakes, basins, pipes and tunnels, necessary or convenient for
8securing an adequate supply of water suitable for the purposes of such municipality
9or utility. Such facilities shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to avoid
10material obstruction to existing navigation or the use of private property not owned
11by such utility.
SB228, s. 5 12Section 5. 60.625 of the statutes is created to read:
SB228,5,22 1360.625 Acquisition and disposal of property. (1) Subject to sub. (2), the
14governing body of any town may by gift, purchase or condemnation acquire property,
15real or personal, within or outside the town, for parks, recreation, water systems,
16sewage or waste disposal, airports or approaches thereto, cemeteries, vehicle
17parking areas, and for any other public purpose; may acquire real property within
18or contiguous to the town, by means other than condemnation, for industrial sites;
19may improve and beautify the same; may construct, own, lease and maintain
20buildings on such property for public purposes; and may sell and convey such
21property. The power of condemnation for any such purpose shall be as provided by
22ch. 32.
SB228,6,2 23(2) (a) The governing body of a town may not acquire real property that is
24located in a city, village or town, and that is not contiguous to the town, by gift,
25purchase or condemnation, as described in sub. (1), unless the governing body of the

1city, village or town in which the real property is located approves the proposed
SB228,6,103 (b) Before a town board may disapprove a proposed acquisition of property
4under par. (a) or s. 27.08 (2) (b) or (c), 28.20, 30.21 (1), 61.34 (3) (a), 62.22 (1) (a), 66.065
5(1) or 66.077 (1) or deny a request for a sewer or water line extension under s. 30.21
6(1), 60.52 (1) or 196.58 (7) (a), the town board shall hold a public hearing on the
7proposed acquisition or extension and shall provide the city, village or town that has
8requested the acquisition of property or extension of service with written reasons for
9the town board's disapproval or denial. The town board shall publish a class 1 notice
10under ch. 985 at least 10 days before holding the hearing described in this paragraph.
SB228, s. 6 11Section 6. 61.34 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 61.34 (3) (a) and amended
12to read:
SB228,6,2113 61.34 (3) (a) The Subject to par. (b), the village board may acquire property, real
14or personal, within or outside the village, for parks, libraries, recreation,
15beautification, streets, water systems, sewage or waste disposal, harbors,
16improvement of watercourses, public grounds, vehicle parking areas, and for any
17other public purpose; may acquire real property within or contiguous to the village,
18by means other than condemnation, for industrial sites; may improve and beautify
19the same; may construct, own, lease and maintain buildings on such property for
20instruction, recreation, amusement and other public purposes; and may sell and
21convey such property. Condemnation shall be as provided by ch. 32.
SB228, s. 7 22Section 7. 61.34 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB228,7,223 61.34 (3) (b) 1. The village board may not acquire real property that is located
24in a city, village or town, and that is not contiguous to the village, as described in par.

1(a), unless the governing body of the city, village or town in which the real property
2is located approves the proposed acquisition.
SB228,7,103 2. Before the village board may disapprove a proposed acquisition of property
4under par. (a) or s. 27.08 (2) (b) or (c), 28.20, 30.21 (1), 60.625 (1), 62.22 (1) (a), 66.065
5(1) or 66.077 (1) or deny a request for a sewer or water line extension under s. 30.21
6(1) or 196.58 (7) (a), the village board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed
7acquisition or extension and shall provide the city, village or town that has requested
8the acquisition of property or extension of service with written reasons for the village
9board's disapproval or denial. The village board shall publish a class 1 notice under
10ch. 985 at least 10 days before holding the hearing described in this subdivision.
SB228, s. 8 11Section 8. 62.22 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 62.22 (1) (a) and amended
12to read:
SB228,7,2113 62.22 (1) (a) The Subject to par. (b), the governing body of any city may by gift,
14purchase or condemnation acquire property, real or personal, within or outside the
15city, for parks, recreation, water systems, sewage or waste disposal, airports or
16approaches thereto, cemeteries, vehicle parking areas, and for any other public
17purpose; may acquire real property within or contiguous to the city, by means other
18than condemnation, for industrial sites; may improve and beautify the same; may
19construct, own, lease and maintain buildings on such property for public purposes;
20and may sell and convey such property. The power of condemnation for any such
21purpose shall be as provided by ch. 32.
SB228, s. 9 22Section 9. 62.22 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB228,8,223 62.22 (1) (b) 1. The governing body of a city may not acquire real property that
24is located in a city, village or town, and that is not contiguous to the city, by gift,
25purchase or condemnation, as described in par. (a), unless common council of the city,

1village board of the village or the town board of the town in which the real property
2is located approves the proposed acquisition.
SB228,8,103 2. Before the governing body of a city may disapprove a proposed acquisition
4of property under s. 60.625 (1) or 61.34 (3) (b) or deny a request for a sewer or water
5line extension under s. 30.21 (1) or 196.58 (7) (a), the common council shall hold a
6public hearing on the proposed acquisition or extension and shall provide the city,
7village or town that has requested the acquisition of property or extension of service
8with written reasons for the common council's disapproval or denial. The common
9council shall publish a class 1 notice under ch. 985 at least 10 days before holding the
10hearing described in this subdivision.
SB228, s. 10 11Section 10. 62.22 (1e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,8,1812 62.22 (1e) Certain industrial sites. The governing body of a 2nd class city
13which is adjacent to Lake Michigan and which is located in a county with a
14population of less than 110,000, according to the most recent estimate by the
15department of administration, may, subject to sub. (1) (b), acquire real property by
16gift outside the city boundaries for industrial sites; may improve and beautify the
17same; may construct, own, lease and maintain buildings on such property for public
18purposes; and may sell and convey such property.
SB228, s. 11 19Section 11. 66.021 (1) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
SB228,8,2020 66.021 (1) (ae) "Contiguous" means touching or bordering.
SB228, s. 12 21Section 12. 66.021 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,8,2422 66.021 (2) Methods of annexation. (intro.) Subject to sub. (2e) and to s. 66.023
23(7), territory contiguous to any city or village may be annexed thereto in the following
SB228, s. 13 25Section 13. 66.021 (2e) of the statutes is created to read:
166.021 (2e) Limits and conditions on annexation. (a) No city or village may,
2under this section, annex territory, without town approval, that is contiguous to a
3town highway unless the annexation includes territory that extends to the center of
4the highway.
SB228,9,75 (b) No city or village may annex town territory under this section without
6approval of the town board whose jurisdiction includes the territory proposed to be
7annexed if any of the following apply:
SB228,9,108 1. The territory that is proposed to be annexed has been owned by the town for
9at least 5 years before the petition under sub. (2) (a) or (b) is filed with the city or
10village clerk.
SB228,9,1311 2. The territory that is proposed to be annexed has been zoned for agricultural
12use or conservancy use for at least 5 years before the petition under sub. (2) (a) or (b)
13is filed with the city or village clerk.
SB228,9,1714 3. The territory that is proposed to be annexed is agricultural land that has
15been assessed under the use-value assessment of agricultural land method for at
16least 5 years before the petition under sub. (2) (a) or (b) is filed with the city or village
SB228, s. 14 18Section 14. 66.021 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,9,2519 66.021 (15) Annexation of town islands. Upon its own motion, a city or village
20by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of its governing body may enact an
21ordinance annexing territory which comprises a portion of a town or towns and which
22was completely surrounded by territory of the city or village on December 2, 1973.
23The ordinance shall include all surrounded town areas except those exempt by
24mutual agreement of all of the governing bodies involved. The annexation ordinance
25shall contain a legal description of the territory and the name of the town or towns

1from which the territory is detached. Upon enactment of the ordinance, the city or
2village clerk immediately shall file 6 certified copies of the ordinance in the office of
3the secretary of state, together with 6 copies of a scale map. The secretary of state
4shall forward 2 copies of the ordinance and scale map to the department of
5transportation, one copy to the department of natural resources, one copy to the
6department of revenue and one copy to the department of administration. This
7subsection does not apply if the town island was created only by the annexation of
8a railroad right-of-way or drainage ditch. This subsection does not apply to land
9owned by a town government which has existing town government buildings located
10thereon. No town island may be annexed under this subsection if the island consists
11of over 65 acres or contains over 100 residents. After December 2, 1973, no city or
12village may, by annexation, create a town area which is completely surrounded by
13the city or village. On or after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
14date], no city or village may, by annexation, create a town area where no part of the
15land remaining after annexation is contiguous with the town from which the
16annexation occurred.
SB228, s. 15 17Section 15. 66.024 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,10,2118 66.024 (7) Law applicable, limits and conditions on annexation. Section
1966.021 (2e) and (10) shall apply to annexations under this section except that, for the
20purposes of this section, the petitions described under s. 66.021 (2e) (b) shall mean
21the petition submitted to the circuit court under sub. (1) (b)
SB228, s. 16 22Section 16. 66.025 of the statutes is renumbered 66.025 (1) and amended to
SB228,11,1224 66.025 (1) In addition to other methods provided by law and subject to sub. (2)
ss. 59.692 (7) and 66.023 (7), territory owned by and lying near but not

1necessarily contiguous to a village or city may be annexed to a village or city by
2ordinance enacted by the board of trustees of the village or the common council of the
3city, provided that in the case of noncontiguous territory the use of the territory by
4the city or village is not contrary to any town or county zoning regulation. The
5ordinance shall contain the exact description of the territory annexed and the names
6of the towns from which detached, and shall operate to attach the territory to the
7village or city upon the filing of 6 certified copies thereof in the office of the secretary
8of state, together with 6 copies of a plat showing the boundaries of the territory
9attached. Two copies of the ordinance and plat shall be forwarded by the secretary
10of state to the department of transportation, one copy to the department of natural
11resources, one copy to the department of revenue and one copy to the department of
12public instruction.
SB228, s. 17 13Section 17. 66.025 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB228,11,1614 66.025 (2) No city or village may annex owned territory under sub. (1) that lies
15near but is not contiguous to the city or village unless the proposed annexation is
16approved by the town board of the town in which the owned territory is located.
SB228, s. 18 17Section 18. 66.065 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,12,918 66.065 (1) Any town, subject to s. 60.625 (2), any village, subject to s. 61.34 (3)
or any city, subject to s. 62.22 (1) (b), may construct, acquire or lease any plant
20and equipment located within or without the municipality, and including interest in
21or lease of land, for furnishing water, light, heat, or power, to the municipality, or to
22its inhabitants; may acquire a controlling portion of the stock of any corporation
23owning private waterworks or lighting plant and equipment; and may purchase the
24equity of redemption in a mortgaged or bonded waterworks or lighting system,
25including the cases where the municipality shall in the franchise have reserved right

1to purchase. The character or duration of the franchise, permit or grant under which
2any public utility is operated, shall not affect the power to acquire the same
3hereunder. Two or more public utilities owned by the same person or corporation,
4or 2 or more public utilities subject to the same lien or charge, may be acquired as
5a single enterprise under any proceeding heretofore begun or hereafter commenced,
6and the board or council may at any time agree with the owner or owners of any public
7utility or utilities as to the agreed value thereof, and to contract to purchase or
8acquire the same hereunder at such value, upon such terms and conditions as may
9be mutually agreed upon between said board or council and said owner or owners.
SB228, s. 19 10Section 19. 66.076 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB228,12,2211 66.076 (1) (a) In addition to all other methods provided by law and subject to
12s. 60.625 (2), 61.34 (3) (b) or 62.22 (1) (b)
, any municipality may construct, acquire
13or lease, extend or improve any plant and equipment within or without its corporate
14limits for the collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of sewage
15or storm water and surface water, including the lateral, main and interceptor sewers
16necessary in connection therewith, and any town, village or city may arrange for the
17service to be furnished by a metropolitan sewerage district or joint sewerage system.
18Except as provided in s. 66.60 (6m), payment for a sewerage project or service
19described in this paragraph, or any part of the such project or service, may be
20provided from the general fund, from taxation, special assessments, sewerage
21service charges, or from the proceeds of either municipal obligations, revenue bonds
22or from any combination of these enumerated methods of financing.