Note: Amends current law to require a person who screens a child under age 18,
instead of age 6, for lead poisoning to report the results to the DHFS.
SB232, s. 7 9Section 7. 254.156 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB232,7,6 10254.156 (title) Definition Definitions of elevated blood lead level,
11lead-bearing paint and lead poisoning or lead exposure.
Notwithstanding s.
12254.11 (intro.), (5m), (8) and (9), whenever the centers for disease control and
13prevention of the federal department of health and human services specifies
14recommends a standard for the determination of an elevated blood lead level for
15which an environmental investigation is required that differs from the definition in
16s. 254.11 (5m) or recommends a standard for the determination of
lead-bearing paint

1or lead poisoning or lead exposure that differs from that specified in s. 254.11 (8) or
2(9), the department shall promulgate a rule defining "elevated blood lead level",
3"lead-bearing paint" or "lead poisoning or lead exposure" to correspond to the
4specification recommendation of the centers for disease control and prevention.
5Rules promulgated under this section supersede s. 254.11 (5m), (8) and (9) with
6respect to the requirements of this subchapter.
Note: Amends current law to require the DHFS to promulgate a rule to change the
definition of "elevated blood lead level" whenever the CDC changes its recommended
definition for the level at which an environmental investigation must be conducted.
SB232, s. 8 7Section 8. 254.162 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB232,7,148 254.162 (1) Institutions and programs providing services to children under
96 years of age.
(intro.) The department may shall promulgate rules requiring the
10following institutions and programs to obtain written evidence that each child under
116 years of age participating in the institution or program has obtained a lead
12screening, or is exempt from obtaining one, under the recommended lead screening
13levels and intervals contained in the rules promulgated by the department under s.
14254.158, if any, within the time periods specified by the department:
Note: Amends current law to require, instead of permit, the DHFS to promulgate
rules requiring specified institutions and programs which serve children (e.g., day care
centers) to obtain written evidence that each child under age 6 participating in the
institution or program has obtained a lead screening.
SB232, s. 9 15Section 9. 254.165 of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,7,18 16254.165 Lead poisoning prevention program. (1) Except as provided in
17sub. (2), from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (ee), the department shall
18distribute moneys for all of the following:
SB232,7,2119 (a) Lead-bearing paint hazard reduction, with a priority for grants and
20interest-free, deferred-payment loans for the reduction of lead-bearing paint
21hazards in housing.
1(b) Lead poisoning education.
SB232,8,22 (c) Lead inspections.
SB232,8,43 (d) The expansion of lead poisoning prevention programs to counties that do
4not have those programs.
SB232,8,15 5(2) Before distributing funds under sub. (1), the department shall, each fiscal
6year, submit to the joint committee on finance a detailed plan for the distribution of
7the funds. In developing the plan, the department shall consult with the technical
8advisory committee under s. 254.174, the subunit of the department of
9administration that deals with housing and the Wisconsin housing and economic
10development authority. The department may proceed with distribution of the funds
11if, within 14 days after the submission, the joint committee on finance does not
12schedule a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the department's plan. If, within 14
13days after the submission, the joint committee schedules a meeting for the purpose
14of reviewing the plan, the department may not distribute funds under sub. (1) until
15the joint committee approves the plan.
Note: Requires DHFS to develop and submit a detailed plan to the legislature's
joint committee on finance prior to distributing funds from the newly created GPR
appropriation in the bill. In developing the plan, DHFS must consult with the technical
advisory committee created to advise the department on lead poisoning rules as well as
the department of administration's division of housing and WHEDA.
SB232, s. 10 16Section 10. 254.166 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB232,9,1517 254.166 (1) The department may, after being notified that an occupant of a
18dwelling who is under 6 years of age a child has blood lead poisoning or lead exposure,
19present official credentials to the owner or occupant of the dwelling or premises, or
20to a representative of the owner, and request admission to conduct a lead inspection
21of the dwelling or premises. If the department is notified that an occupant of a
22dwelling who is a child under 6 years of age has an elevated blood lead level, the

1department shall conduct a lead inspection of the dwelling or premises.
The lead
2inspection shall be conducted during business hours, unless the owner or occupant
3of the dwelling or premises consents to an inspection during nonbusiness hours or
4unless the department determines that the dwelling or premises presents an
5imminent lead hazard. The department shall use reasonable efforts to provide prior
6notice of the lead inspection to the owner of the dwelling or premises. The
7department may remove samples or objects necessary for laboratory analysis to
8determine the presence of a lead hazard in the dwelling or premises. The department
9shall prepare and file written reports of all inspections conducted under this section
10and shall make the contents of these reports available for inspection by the public,
11except for medical information, which may be disclosed only to the extent that
12patient health care records may be disclosed under ss. 146.82 to 146.835. If the owner
13or occupant refuses admission, the department may seek a warrant to inspect the
14dwelling or premises. The warrant shall advise the owner or occupant of the scope
15of the inspection.
Note: Under current law, the DHFS, after being notified that an occupant of a
dwelling who is under age 6 has blood lead poisoning or lead exposure, may inspect the
dwelling or premises. "Lead poisoning or lead exposure" means a blood lead level of w
10 ug/dL (micrograms per deciLiter). This Section amends current law to permit the
DHFS to inspect a dwelling or premises after being notified that a child who is under age
has lead poisoning or lead exposure. This Section also amends current law to require
the DHFS to conduct a lead inspection of a dwelling which the DHFS has been notified
has an occupant who is under age 6 and who has an elevated blood lead level (one venous
blood lead level test w 20 ug/dL or 2 consecutive venous tests w 15 ug/dL).
SB232, s. 11 16Section 11 . 254.166 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB232,9,1817 254.166 (2) (intro.)  If the department determines that a lead hazard is present
18in any dwelling or premises, the department may do any shall do all of the following:
SB232, s. 12 19Section 12 . 254.166 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 254.166 (2) (c) (intro.)
20and amended to read:
1254.166 (2) (c) (intro.) Notify all of the occupant occupants of the dwelling or
2premises or that person's representative that those persons' representatives of all of
3the following:
SB232,10,5 41. That a lead hazard is present on or in the dwelling or premises and may
5constitute a health hazard
SB232, s. 13 6Section 13 . 254.166 (2) (c) 2. and 3. of the statutes are created to read:
SB232,10,87 254.166 (2) (c) 2. The results of any lead inspections conducted on or in the
8dwelling or premises.
SB232,10,99 3. Any actions taken to reduce or eliminate the lead hazard.
SB232, s. 14 10Section 14 . 254.166 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,10,1411 254.166 (2) (e) If an order is issued under par. (d), conduct or require a certified
12independent lead inspector or certified independent risk assessor to conduct a visual
13inspection, a check of work completed and dust tests for the presence of lead to ensure
Note: Section 11 amends current law to require, instead of permit, the DHFS to
do all of the following if it determines a lead hazard is present in any dwelling or premises:
1. Cause to be posted in a conspicuous place upon the dwelling or premises a notice
of the presence of a lead hazard.
2. Inform the local health officer of the results of the lead inspection and provide
recommendations to reduce or eliminate the lead hazard.
3. Notify the occupant of the dwelling or premises that a lead hazard is present in
the dwelling or premises.
4. Notify the owner of the dwelling or premises of the presence of a lead hazard.
Sections 12 and 13 amend the provision described in item 3., above, to require the
DHFS to notify all of the occupants of a dwelling that a lead hazard is present. In
addition, under the bill, the DHFS must notify the occupants of the results of any lead
inspections conducted on or in the dwelling or premises and any actions taken to reduce
or eliminate the lead hazard.
Section 14 also requires the DHFS to conduct or require a lead inspector or risk
assessor to conduct a visual inspection, a check of work completed and dust tests for the
presence of lead to ensure compliance with any order issued by the DHFS requiring
reduction or elimination of a lead hazard.
SB232, s. 15 15Section 15. 254.168 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 254.168 (1) (intro.)
16and amended to read:
1254.168 (1) (intro.) Subject to the limitation under s. 254.174, the department
2may promulgate rules that, after June 30, 1998, require any of the following facilities
3to have periodic lead inspections at intervals determined by the department or to
4otherwise demonstrate that the facility does not contain a lead hazard, if any part
5of the facility was constructed after January 1, 1950, but before January 1, 1978:
Note: Amends current law to permit the DHFS to promulgate rules that require
specified facilities that serve children to have periodic lead inspections if any part of the
facility was constructed after January 1, 1950, but before January 1, 1978.
SB232, s. 16 6Section 16. 254.168 (1) to (7) of the statutes are renumbered 254.168 (1) (a)
7to (g).
SB232, s. 17 8Section 17. 254.168 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,11,139 254.168 (2m) Subject to the limitation under s. 254.174, the department shall
10promulgate rules that require any of the facilities specified in sub. (1) (a) to (g) to have
11periodic lead inspections at intervals determined by the department or to otherwise
12demonstrate that the facility does not contain a lead hazard, if any part of the facility
13was constructed before January 1, 1950.
Note: Amends current law to require, instead of permit, the DHFS to promulgate
rules that require specified facilities serving children to have periodic lead inspections if
any part of the facility was constructed before January 1, 1950.
SB232, s. 18 14Section 18. 254.17 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB232,11,17 15254.17 Prevention and control of lead-bearing paint hazards in
16pre-1950 dwellings.
(1) Applicability. An owner of an occupied dwelling
17constructed in this state prior to January 1, 1950, shall do one of the following:
SB232,11,2118 (a) Obtain a lead hazard screen or lead risk assessment in accordance with sub.
19(2), obtain a certificate of lead-free status or 2 consecutive certificates of abatement
20under sub. (2) (b), meet the requirements of subs. (3) and (5) and agree to comply with
21sub. (4).
1(b) Meet the requirements of subs. (3), (5) and (6) and agree to comply with sub.
2(4). If a certified independent risk assessor determines that an owner is in
3conformity with this paragraph, the assessor shall issue a certificate of lead hazard
SB232,12,16 5(2) Lead hazard screen or lead risk assessment. (a) An owner of a dwelling
6may have a lead hazard screen or a lead risk assessment conducted to determine
7whether the dwelling contains any lead hazards. If the owner elects this option, a
8lead hazard screen or lead risk assessment shall be conducted at least once every 12
9to 18 months or, if a certificate of lead hazard reduction, lead hazard abatement or
10lead-free status has been issued for the dwelling, when the certificate expires. The
11certified independent risk assessor who conducts the lead hazard screen or lead risk
12assessment shall provide the owner with a report prepared in accordance with rules
13promulgated under s. 254.167. If the report indicates that the dwelling meets the
14criteria established by the department by rule for issuing a certificate of lead-free
15status, a certificate of abatement or a certificate of lead hazard reduction, the
16assessor shall issue the appropriate certificate.
SB232,12,1917 (b) If the owner receives a certificate of lead-free status or 2 consecutive
18certificates of abatement as the result of one or more lead hazard screens or lead risk
19assessments, the owner shall be exempt from the requirements in sub. (6).
SB232,12,2120 (c) If the owner receives a report for a lead hazard screen that indicates that
21the dwelling contains a lead hazard, the owner shall obtain a lead risk assessment.
SB232,12,2322 (d) If the owner receives a report for a lead risk assessment that indicates that
23the dwelling contains a lead hazard, the owner shall do one of the following:
SB232,12,2424 1. Control identified lead hazards pursuant to sub. (5).
12. If the owner owns a multifamily dwelling or multiple dwellings, have a
2certified independent risk assessor develop a lead hazard control plan that does all
3of the following:
SB232,13,84 a. Provides for the implementation of essential maintenance practices under
5sub. (3), for response to any report of a child with lead poisoning or lead exposure
6under sub. (4) and for control of identified lead-bearing paint hazards under sub. (5)
7based on the schedule set forth in the plan using effective lead hazard control
8techniques and sufficient dust testing for the presence of lead.
SB232,13,119 b. Prioritizes lead hazard controls in any unit occupied or frequented by a child
10under age 6 by making lead-bearing paint hazard control of those units subject to
11an accelerated schedule.
SB232,13,1712 c. Specifies the percentage of all units in which lead-bearing paint hazards
13must be controlled within a determined period, with first priority to every unit
14housing a child under age 6, and requires the owner to phase in implementation of
15lead hazard control activities in a specified percentage of units within a specified
16period of time until lead-bearing paint hazards have been controlled in a specified
17number of the units.
SB232,13,2118 d. Requires the owner to inform each tenant with whom a child under age 6
19resides of the availability of unoccupied units in which all lead-bearing paint
20hazards have been controlled and to seek to match each tenant with whom a child
21under age 6 resides with a unit that contains no lead-bearing paint hazards.
SB232,13,2322 e. Establishes a protocol for maintenance and specialized cleaning of units at
23the time of occupant turnover.
SB232,13,2524 f. Establishes a strategy and protocol for lead-bearing paint hazard control in
25common areas, based on the results of the lead risk assessment.
1g. Establishes a schedule for ongoing monitoring by a certified independent
2risk assessor, including periodic visual inspection of the dwelling and sampling of
3dust levels for the presence of lead.
SB232,14,5 4(3) Essential maintenance practices. An owner shall perform the following
5essential maintenance practices:
SB232,14,86 (a) Visual inspection and repair. 1. Visually inspect for deteriorating paint
7every 12 months. An owner of a rental or leased dwelling shall also conduct such an
8inspection at the time of unit tenant or lessee turnover.
SB232,14,129 2. Promptly repair deteriorating paint and the cause of deterioration. The
10department may specify by rule a minimum square footage per room of deteriorating
11paint to which this subdivision would not apply and shall define the term "promptly"
12by rule.
SB232,14,1313 (b) Tenant notification. For a rental or leased dwelling, do all of the following:
SB232,14,1514 1. Comply with environmental protection agency real estate lead disclosure
15and notification requirements.
SB232,14,1616 2. Inform tenants of how to report deteriorating paint to the owner.
SB232,14,1917 3. Provide tenants with a form developed by the department by rule on which
18tenants may list the ages of any children under age 6 residing in the rental or leased
SB232,14,2120 4. Inform tenants of how they may report any changes to the information
21provided on the form.
SB232,15,522 (c) Training maintenance staff. For a rental or leased dwelling, at a minimum,
23require the person responsible for maintenance to complete an 8-hour training
24course that provides basic information on lead-bearing paint hazards and good
25practices for operations and maintenance and interim controls. The person

1responsible for maintenance shall ensure that maintenance workers either complete
2the 8-hour training course or have a clear understanding of lead-bearing paint
3hazards, unsafe work practices, occupant protection and methods for cleaning areas
4where dust with lead may be present. The person responsible for maintenance shall
5provide adequate oversight of workers who have not taken the training course.
SB232,15,86 (d) Safe work practices. In performing any repair or remodeling, including
7repairs required under par. (a) 2., follow the safe work practices and avoid the unsafe
8work practices established by the department by rule under s. 254.177 (1) (c) and (d).
SB232,15,11 9(4) Response to notification of child with lead poisoning or lead exposure.
10(a) The owner of a dwelling who receives notification that a child who resides in the
11dwelling has lead poisoning or lead exposure shall do all of the following:
SB232,15,1312 1. Cooperate with department or local health department officials
13investigating the child's case under s. 254.166.
SB232,15,1614 2. Take precautions to protect occupants and their belongings from exposure
15to lead in the course of lead hazard reduction in occupied dwellings, including
16temporary relocation of occupants and their belongings as necessary.
SB232,15,2017 (b) No owner of a dwelling who receives notification that a child who resides
18in the dwelling has lead poisoning or lead exposure may retaliate by seeking to evict
19the occupant, coercing the occupant to vacate the dwelling, raising the rent or
20turning off the utilities.
SB232,15,24 21(5) Control of identified lead hazards. (a) Timing of hazard controls. If an
22inspection under s. 254.172 (1) or an assessment of a dwelling under sub. (2)
23indicates that the dwelling contains a lead hazard, the owner shall control the lead
24hazard as follows:
11. For an interior lead hazard in a dwelling or unit for which the owner receives
2a form under sub. (3) (b) indicating that a child under age 6 is a resident, the hazard
3shall be controlled as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from the date of the
4inspector's or assessor's report. In other dwellings or units, the owner shall make
5repairs no later than at the time of unit occupant turnover.
SB232,16,96 2. For a lead hazard in an interior common area of a multifamily dwelling
7known to be occupied or frequented by a child under age 6, the hazard shall be
8controlled as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from the date of the
9inspector's or assessor's report.
SB232,16,1310 3. For a lead hazard on an exterior porch, the hazard shall be controlled as soon
11as possible but no later than 30 days from the date of the inspector's or assessor's
12report, except that, for hazards discovered between October 1 and May 1, the hazard
13shall be controlled no later than the following June 1.
SB232,16,1714 4. For exterior lead hazards other than those under subd. 3., as soon as possible
15but no later than 60 days from the date of the inspector's or assessor's report, except
16that, for hazards discovered between October 1 and May 1, the hazard shall be
17controlled no later than the following June 1.
SB232,16,2118 (b) Hazard control options. The owner shall control a lead hazard in the
19manner that the owner determines is most appropriate using interim control
20activities or lead hazard abatement, or a combination of them, unless one of the
21following conditions exists:
SB232,16,2322 1. The inspector's or assessor's report indicates that interim controls are
SB232,16,2524 2. Interim controls on a surface or component have twice failed to reduce the
25lead hazard.
13. The department, the local health department or a court has ordered the lead
2hazard to be abated, as defined by the department by rule.
SB232,17,43 (c) Work practices. The owner shall avoid unsafe practices and follow the safe
4work practices established by the department by rule under s. 254.177 (1) (c).
SB232,17,85 (d) Occupant protection. The owner shall take precautions to protect occupants
6and their belongings from lead exposure in the course of lead hazard control
7activities in occupied units, including temporary relocation of occupants and their
8belongings as necessary.
SB232,17,139 (e) Dust testing for the presence of lead. The owner shall have dust testing for
10the presence of lead that conforms with guidelines or regulations created by the
11federal department of housing and urban development performed by a certified
12independent risk assessor or a certified independent lead inspector at the conclusion
13of lead hazard control activities.
SB232,17,15 14(6) Standard treatments. Unless exempted under sub. (2) (b), an owner shall
15ensure that standard treatments are performed as follows:
SB232,17,1716 (a) Who may perform. Standard treatments shall be performed by trained
17maintenance staff who have sufficient knowledge of lead hazards.
SB232,17,1918 (b) Elements of standard treatments. Standard treatments shall consist of
19treatment measures established by the department by rule under s. 254.177 (1) (e).
SB232,18,320 (c) Timing of standard treatments. For owner-occupied dwellings, standard
21treatments shall be performed every 12 months in a dwelling that has been occupied
22continuously for at least 12 months by a family with a child under age 6. For rental
23or leased dwellings, standard treatments shall be performed every 12 months in the
24dwelling or a unit of the dwelling for which the owner receives a form under sub. (3)
25(b) indicating that a child under age 6 resides there. In addition, owners of rental

1or leased dwellings shall perform standard treatments at the time of unit occupant
2turnover unless those treatments were performed in the unit within the last 12