SB317,11,13 5(7) Establishment of disciplinary procedure time guidelines. The
6department shall establish guidelines for the timely completion of each stage of the
7health care professional disciplinary process. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the
8guidelines need not be promulgated as rules under ch. 227. The guidelines may
9account for the type and complexity of the case. The guidelines shall promote the fair
10and efficient processing of cases of unprofessional conduct. The guidelines shall be
11for administrative purposes and shall permit the department to monitor the progress
12of cases and the performance of personnel handling the cases. Failure to comply with
13the guidelines is not grounds for appeal or dismissal.
Note: Reflects current practice of DORL. See also Section 10 of the bill and the
note thereto.
SB317,12,7 14(8) Panels of experts; alternative health care practitioners. If the
15department establishes a panel of health care experts to be used on a consulting basis
16by a health care credentialing authority, it shall attempt to include a health care
17professional who practices alternative forms of health care on the panel. A health
18care professional who practices alternative health care and who participates on a
19panel shall be of the same profession as the professionals regulated by the health care

1credentialing authority utilizing the panel. The health care professional who
2practices alternative health care shall be available to assist in evaluating complaints
3filed with the department or health care credentialing authority against a health
4care professional who is alleged to have practiced health care in an unprofessional
5or negligent manner through the use of alternative forms of health care, the referral
6to an alternative health care provider or the prescribing of alternative medical
SB317,12,10 8(9) Advice of credentialing authorities. In carrying out its duties under this
9section, the department shall seek the advice of health care credentialing
SB317, s. 5 11Section 5. 448.02 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB317,12,2412 448.02 (3) (c) Subject to par. (cm), after a disciplinary hearing, the board may,
13when it determines that a panel established under s. 655.02, 1983 stats., has
14unanimously found or a court has found that a person has been negligent in treating
15a patient or when it finds a person guilty of unprofessional conduct or negligence in
16treatment, do one or more of the following: warn or reprimand that person, assess
17a forfeiture against that person under par. (d),
or limit, suspend or revoke any license,
18certificate or limited permit granted by the board to that person. The board may
19condition the removal of limitations on a license, certificate or limited permit or the
20restoration of a suspended or revoked license, certificate or limited permit upon
21obtaining minimum results specified by the board on one or more physical, mental
22or professional competency examinations if the board believes that obtaining the
23minimum results is related to correcting one or more of the bases upon which the
24limitation, suspension or revocation was imposed.
SB317, s. 6 25Section 6. 448.02 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
1448.02 (3) (d) The board may, except in cases where the person is found guilty
2of negligence in treatment, assess a forfeiture of not more than $1,000 for each
3violation against a person who is found guilty of unprofessional conduct.
Note: Authorizes the board to assess a forfeiture, of not more than $1,000 for each
violation, against a credential holder who is found guilty of unprofessional conduct, not
including cases of negligence in treatment.
SB317, s. 7 4Section 7. 448.02 (4) and (9) (intro.) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB317,13,235 448.02 (4) Suspension pending hearing. The board may summarily suspend
6or limit any license, certificate or limited permit granted by the board for a period not
7to exceed 30 days pending hearing, when the board has in its possession evidence
8establishing probable cause to believe that the holder of the license, certificate or
9limited permit has violated the provisions of this subchapter and that it is necessary
10to suspend or limit the license, certificate or limited permit immediately to protect
11the public health, safety or welfare. The holder of the license, certificate or limited
12permit shall be granted an opportunity to be heard during the determination of
13probable cause. The board may designate any of its officers to exercise the authority
14granted by this subsection to suspend or limit summarily a license, certificate or
15limited permit, but such suspension or limitation shall be for a period of time not to
16exceed 72 hours. If a license, certificate or limited permit has been summarily
17suspended or limited by the board or any of its officers, the board may, while the
18hearing is in progress, extend the initial 30-day period of suspension or limitation
19for an additional 30 days. If the holder of the license, certificate or limited permit
20has caused a delay in the hearing process, the board may subsequently suspend or
the license, certificate or limited permit from the time the hearing is
22commenced until a final decision is issued or may delegate such authority to the
23hearing examiner.

Note: Authorizes the board to summarily limit the credential of a credential holder
when the board has probable cause to believe that the credential holder has violated a
provision of subch. II of ch. 448, stats., and that it is necessary to immediately limit the
credential to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
SB317,14,6 1(9) Judicial review. (intro.) No injunction, temporary injunction, stay,
2restraining order or other order may be issued by a court in any proceeding for review
3that suspends or stays an order of the board to discipline a physician under sub. (3)
4(c) or to suspend or limit a physician's license under sub. (4), except upon application
5to the court and a determination by the court that all of the following conditions are
SB317, s. 8 7Section 8 . 979.01 (1n) of the statutes is created to read:
SB317,14,118 979.01 (1n) If the coroner or medical examiner determines that a death
9reported under sub. (1) was a therapeutic-related death, as defined in s. 69.18 (2) (g)
101., the coroner or medical examiner shall indicate this determination on the death
11certificate of the person whose death was reported.
Note: Requires a coroner or medical examiner who determines that a death
reported under s. 969.01 (1), stats., was a therapeutic-related death to indicate that
determination on the death certificate. See Section 2 of the bill for the definition of
"therapeutic-related death".
Section 979.01 (1), stats., provides for reporting certain deaths to coroners and
medical examiners as follows:
"All physicians, authorities of hospitals, sanatoriums, institutions (public and
private), convalescent homes, authorities of any institution of a like nature, and other
persons having knowledge of the death of any person who has died under any of the
following circumstances, shall immediately report such death to the sheriff, police chief,
medical examiner or coroner of the county wherein such death took place, and the sheriff
or police chief shall, immediately upon notification, notify the coroner or the medical
examiner and the coroner or medical examiner of the county where death took place, if
the crime, injury or event occurred in another county, shall report such death
immediately to the coroner or medical examiner of that county:
(a) All deaths in which there are unexplained, unusual or suspicious
(b) All homicides.
(c) All suicides.
(d) All deaths following an abortion.
(e) All deaths due to poisoning, whether homicidal, suicidal or accidental.
(f) All deaths following accidents, whether the injury is or is not the primary cause
of death.

(g) When there was no physician, or accredited practitioner of a bona fide religious
denomination relying upon prayer or spiritual means for healing in attendance within
30 days preceding death.
(h) When a physician refuses to sign the death certificate.
(i) When, after reasonable efforts, a physician cannot be obtained to sign the
medical certification as required under s. 69.18 (2) (b) or (c) within 6 days after the
pronouncement of death or sooner under circumstances which the coroner or medical
examiner determines to be an emergency.".
SB317, s. 9 1Section 9. 979.01 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB317,15,42 979.01 (1p) The coroner or medical examiner making a determination under
3sub. (1n) that a death was a therapeutic-related death shall report this information
4to the department of regulation and licensing.
Note: Requires a coroner or medical examiner who determines that a death
reported under s. 979.01, stats., was a therapeutic-related death to report that
information to DORL.
SB317, s. 10 5Section 10 . Nonstatutory provisions; report to legislature.
SB317,15,136 (1) Report on time guidelines. No later than May 1, 2001, the department of
7regulation and licensing shall submit, to the appropriate standing committees of the
8legislature, as determined by the speaker of the assembly or the president of the
9senate, in the manner provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes, a report on
10the disciplinary process timelines that were implemented by the department as
11guidelines in February 1999. The report shall address compliance with and
12enforcement of the guidelines and the effect of the guidelines on the fairness and
13efficiency of the disciplinary process.
Note: Based on recommendations of its ad hoc enforcement advisory committee,
DORL in February of 1999 adopted as department policy specific time lines for processing
disciplinary cases once a complaint is received by DORL division of enforcement. The
special committee on discipline of health care professionals was supportive of the
implementation of the guidelines and concluded it will be useful for the legislature to be
apprised of the experience with the guidelines.
SB317, s. 11 14Section 11. Nonstatutory provisions; medical examining board.
SB317,16,315 (1) Initial appointment of additional public members. Notwithstanding the
16length of term specified in section 15.405 (7) (b) (intro.) of the statutes, the 2

1additional public members of the medical examining board shall be initially
2appointed for the following terms by the first day of the 4th month beginning after
3the effective date of this act:
SB317,16,44 (a) One public member, for a term expiring on July 1, 2002.
SB317,16,55 (b) One public member, for a term expiring on July 1, 2003.
Note: Provides that the 2 new public members, who are appointed to the board for
staggered 4-year terms, will have initial terms that expire on July 1, 2002 and July 1,
SB317, s. 12 6Section 12. Initial applicability.
SB317,16,97 (1) The treatment of section 440.037 (4) of the statutes first applies to cases of
8possible unprofessional conduct that are screened on the effective date of this
SB317,16,1110 (2) The treatment of section 440.037 (5) of the statutes first applies to formal
11complaints that are filed on the effective date of this subsection.
SB317,16,1412 (3) The treatment of sections 440.037 (6) and 448.02 (3) (c) and (d) of the
13statutes first applies to cases of unprofessional conduct for which a formal complaint
14is filed on the effective date of this subsection.
SB317, s. 13 15Section 13. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
16except as follows:
SB317,16,1817 (1) The treatment of sections 69.18 (2) (g) and 979.01 (1n) and (1p) of the
18statutes takes effect on the first day of the 6th month beginning after publication.
SB317,16,1919 (End)